Description : This is a Scandinavian flavored tune in 5/4 (we danes have children songs in this meter, so it is quite natural to us). It is partly inspired by a chaos session by the modular synth artist Vurt from KVR Audio, which we use for all effects in the tune. To learn a little about Jotuns, go to the song lyrics.
This ethnic track was uploaded by TribeOfHofund. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (11)
If you have time take a listen and give TribeOfHofund some feedback.
Thanks again, Michael. Yeah, it is a bit on the industrial side, not at least due to Vurt’s modular magic. Sometimes inspiration comes from where you least expected it. We just listened to the noise for a while and then figures emerged.
This is so cool!!
Nice effects and i like that ritme .
Really nice to listen to and very unique
Good sound production also.
You didd make a top track here.
I dig it. It has kind of a Dead Can Dance vibe to it. Not quite as ethereal. Which is good. This is more industrial with that delicious Scandinavian flavoring. Good work. Hopefully you'll bring more Scandi-trad to the table.
OK. If you do not need me to remove leads, I can make them downloadable at once. I will do this right away. They will be downloadable for 24 hours. I would love to hear the results. If you want, you can just post them on Looperman with references to the original tracks if you want, so people can hear what you make out of them. I will go make them ready for download now.
Greetings Shaman77. You just want to sing on top of this or do you want a version where I remove the leads, so you can make some melodies yourself? Or maybe you do not mean this track in particular, but something you can sing too? I can check out some of our tracks without leads and see if any of them is suitable for singing instead.
nice work guys the ethnic sounds you bring certainly portray your territory as Scandinavian, its a pleasure to listen to, talented musicians. its cinematic and could be used in many ways, it building impactful and it sheds a sparkle too offering hope, the tribal drum is portraying a driven attitude, nice work boys
Thanks for dropping by and showing interest for our tools. This is mainly an ITB production, so we make use of some plugins all right :-)
The Hurdy Gurdy in the A-part is from the Scandinavian Roots Vol. 1 ReFill loaded into the NNXT Sampler in Reason.
During its second round, the Hurdy Gurdy is harmonized with a Cello (to the left) made with Reason´s Friktion physical modeling synth.
The main instrument in the B-part is a Sweedish bagpipe from the same ReFill loaded into NNXT. However, it is droned and layered with octaved bagpipes sampled from the Korg Prophecy physical modeling synth.
The flute is an Offerdale Flute from Scandinavian Roots as well.
The choir is a patch I made with Reason´s Combinator module, where I morphed the Humana Choir ensemble with other choir samples to create more dynamic and realistic vocals.
The bass wave sequence is made with sampled bass shots from my beloved HW Polivoks synth and just as admired Repro-1 softie.
Peter´s guitar is recorded raw in several takes, noise treated, and layered subtly with itself to get a fuller sound that does not drown in the mix.
Kind Regards
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Description : Inspired by traditional turkic and mongolic old music. The choice of instruments, such as oud and Daf, are an inspiration from the turkish culture and some rythm styles are inspired by mongolian music. I Hope you enjoy it and have use for it.
!!"If you want to use this melody please tag my Instagram account or my name "Ashina_Beats" and let me hear or see what you make with it :)"!!
Description : This track is an experimental version of the popular Hindu mantra Om Namah Shivaye, wonderfully sung by Ankit Sharda. The female background vocalist doesn't want her name mentioned in the credits.
The song was created on Caustic Beta Version 3.8, and mastered on Mastering Beta Version 5; both Android apps from Single Cell Software. The new Sawsynth synthesizer in Caustic was used in the background & synth bass (paired with another bass).
Description : i love trance . i love house. i love dubstep.
but i also loooooove world music.
i first listened to this track and i thought it could use some oomph. i like to use that word a lot.
shows ya how old i am. it does sound better,though.
Description : A track that I don't really know the genre but I think it is chill out. Give out your opinions on this track. Credits for the loop to haidarjasem.
Description : It is a music created with logic pro x, with African flavors, the beat was created with maschine studio and all instruments in midi.
If you download this music to use thank you to put feat damusika and go on my soundcloud to put a like
thank you
Description : Not sure about the sideboards on the Ethnic genre. Trying out new sounds here. I'm using sitar and marimba with Indian and Indonesian drums. Does the listener need a solo or spoken word after the melody or does the open part work by itself?
I think it's a good piece. Almost.
Description : Hi there! Well, this track is a kind of test of my newest acquisition: The Epic World library. I don't know how to use it well yet; but I'm trying. This track was made on Magix Music Maker 2014 Premium. I hope you like it. Thanks! SUN & MOON... FIRE & ICE HEART... LIGHT & DARK FUSION...
Description : This is a Latin -Spanish flavored tune. In fact, I don't see a catagory for it so I put it under 'Ethnic'.
I eat now and then at a 'Mighty Taco' resturant near me and decided to call this one "El Nino". :-)
This tune is kinda off beat for me, but I am sure someone on here will like it. Made from loop a CD I have full of Nylon guitar loops only, I purchased early last year, and put together with other loops and synth for weird effects.
Ha.....maybe I am getting weird since my last tune was heavy metal!
Hope you like it.
Thanks for the roses. I have made it downloadable. Will be for the next 48 hours. Be our guest.
Gothi and Peter
Kind Regards
Nice effects and i like that ritme .
Really nice to listen to and very unique
Good sound production also.
You didd make a top track here.
Take care.
Kind Regards
I can send the result to you
Kind Regards
Gothi and Peter
Thanks for dropping by and showing interest for our tools. This is mainly an ITB production, so we make use of some plugins all right :-)
The Hurdy Gurdy in the A-part is from the Scandinavian Roots Vol. 1 ReFill loaded into the NNXT Sampler in Reason.
During its second round, the Hurdy Gurdy is harmonized with a Cello (to the left) made with Reason´s Friktion physical modeling synth.
The main instrument in the B-part is a Sweedish bagpipe from the same ReFill loaded into NNXT. However, it is droned and layered with octaved bagpipes sampled from the Korg Prophecy physical modeling synth.
The flute is an Offerdale Flute from Scandinavian Roots as well.
The choir is a patch I made with Reason´s Combinator module, where I morphed the Humana Choir ensemble with other choir samples to create more dynamic and realistic vocals.
The bass wave sequence is made with sampled bass shots from my beloved HW Polivoks synth and just as admired Repro-1 softie.
Peter´s guitar is recorded raw in several takes, noise treated, and layered subtly with itself to get a fuller sound that does not drown in the mix.
Kind Regards