17th May 2023 04:29 - 1 year ago
Description : Pretty sure this would be considered Psychdelic.

Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give Jynxz some feedback.

kingmt77 29th Aug 2023 08:19 - 1 year ago
Rob this is killer! Loving it all but at 1:50 you buried Willie! Really you did all the way to the very last note. Faved? No doubt.

bringerofDOOM 11th Aug 2023 13:24 - 1 year ago
That solo at 50 sec is badass. I'm liking the chops also. I can see you have been trying some new stuff.
BeatMaker4real 29th May 2023 04:23 - 1 year ago
Nice work on the track Jynxz.
Jynxz replied 29th May 2023 - 1 year ago
What's up BM4r,

The word on the street is; You're
moving on from LM. I hope it's not true
but if it is, you have been very inspirational to me for these few years
I've been here on LM. I've enjoyed your music the whole time I've been here. Your clean super polished style still gives me something to shoot for.
Thank you for all your listens and encouraging comments over the years.

theHumps 23rd May 2023 09:18 - 1 year ago
Loved the story you told Manuela in Amsterdam, great idea to try to recapture that feeling again. After listening to this I'm thinking you must have had more than a Heineken in Amsterdam, maybe, perhaps, lol!

Great track, trippy, great groove with some neat sounding synths and effects. Listening on my Sennheisers, drinking coffee and hot chocolate mixed together on a trip back in time, my clothes are all paisley now and the incense is burning!

Always fun!

Jynxz replied 29th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Wayne,

1000 apologies for the late reply.
I feel like life is moving in "Dog years"
I look around and look back and it's been 5 days!

You know the saying; What happens in A'dam stays in A'dam lol.

I'm glad you stopped by to give my track a listen I really appreciate your Fave and I always get a smile and warm feeling (no drugs honest) from your comments.

PEACE from the Past, Present and Future.
ValveDriver 20th May 2023 15:09 - 1 year ago
This is almost a sonic collage. The bass synths sound like some Supersexy Swingin' bass lines. Which is good.

I like the overall feel. It starts out kind of unsure and dark, and then takes a real 1994 danceclub, backdoor, dream-state, transdimentional, what-the-fuck-is-going-on-but-I-like-it, acid trip direction.

Pretty cool, man. I like it.
Take care.
Jynxz replied 21st May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello V.
It's good to hear from you.
I've been a big fan of your work
here on LM from day one.
Your description is almost exactly
what I had in my head as this track was coming together in my DAW piece by piece
a little over a year ago. I was actually thinking a 1990's "Rave Club like on "Blade or The Matrix".
I really appreciate you stopping by giving this track a listen and for your very encoraging comments.

PEACE from the far East...
dimestop 20th May 2023 08:37 - 1 year ago
really great work here Rob, everything has already been said, standout lead and bass guitars, great bassline drums are solid and the synth work is cool as ice and the Arabic feeling stamped right through this mix is refreshing its like a funky soft rock show, well done mate this was a good listen the male and female vox are great and sit tight with that zany music
Jynxz replied 21st May 2023 - 1 year ago
What's up Paul,
I wasn't sure about the Arabic scaled
solos but according to the feedback I've gotten I guess no-one found it offensive.
I enjoy playing the instruments on a track
sometimes to make sure I still can lol.
Thanks for your listen and encouraging comments.
PEACE from across the Big pond.
2Sisters 19th May 2023 12:00 - 1 year ago
It's really nice when you can draw on your memories!
Jynxz replied 20th May 2023 - 1 year ago
2Sisters 18th May 2023 09:29 - 1 year ago
Hello, a lot has already been said about your song and I can only agree with the positive comments. Very well made funky partly rock song with oriental impressions. This solo is perfect! The rhythm line is addictive. Well done, good mix and mastering! Worth a fav for me! Greetings Manuela
Jynxz replied 19th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Manuela,

It was December 31,1979, I was in a kabashi restaurant
in Amsterdam, Holland (New Years eve party)
I was sitting at a table with several other people.
I was eating a Lamb Kabab and drinking a Heineken beer.
There was a man in Arab/Turkish garb playing a Congo like
instrument and another man playing a Sitar. There were also
two Women belly dancers dressed like "I Dream of Jeannie"
dancing around the table and the whole room. I tried to re-create
the sound of the music I heard that night, to the best of my memory.
I've been carrying that memory around for a long time,smile.

Thank you for stopping by and giving this track a listen and Fave.
djphildrummin 18th May 2023 09:19 - 1 year ago
#DOPE A very funky track done very well, I don't know what else to say I love it, thanks for sharing, please keep going.
Jynxz replied 19th May 2023 - 1 year ago
What's up djphildrummin,

I really enjoy making Funked up tracks,
I've been trying to incorporate as many
other styles as I can,to show that Genres
are for the most part interchangeable.
I like to think its all music sooo. IJS.
I'm glad you found this track enjoyable.
Thank you for stopping by and giving the
track a listen and for your encouraging

PEACE from the SouthEast...
pseudoble 17th May 2023 12:22 - 1 year ago
What a fantastic adventure - funky, vividly dreamy, and yes very very psychedelic - go ask alice like - better dig out my Jefferson Airplane records. And I like the female vox in particular. Great depth and sense of movement in the mix, very cool synth and wild lead - is that a phrygian scale giving it that dark exotic feel - it's a treat.
Jynxz replied 18th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Wow Ian,

You got two out of three. I was also thinking about the Mahavishnu Orchestra.
I was playing around with the Phygian/Dorian scales when I did the Guitar/Synth part. The Drums gave me the idea for the Bass and the Jefferson Airplane, Vocals and psychedelia. This track has been sitting in my library for close to a year. I'v been trying to purge that library and get those tracks out of my system so I can move on with my life lol.

Thank you for stopping by and giving the track a listen and Fave.
It's good to hear from you. It's been a while.

PEACE from the topside...
xstokes 17th May 2023 10:15 - 1 year ago
crazy, man. fantastic intro left me set up perfectly for the lead what next led to dervish heaven, a breath, then blissy reprise. 3 mins of psychic expanse. much more better than one of elon’s orbital offerings! another super-tight and lifted track. peace, space-Jynx!
Jynxz replied 18th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Mr. X,

I wanted to call this track a name you gave me to use as a genre a couple of years ago but I wasn't sure I remembered it correctly and I didn't want to mis-quote you. I think you called it

Thank you for your listen and Fave.
Your discriptions make me wonder if you're talking about another track.
You have always given me great encouragement from day one here on LM.

PEACE from the EAST?.?.?.
BeatMaker4real 17th May 2023 09:56 - 1 year ago
Nice work on the track Jynxz.
I really like this mix and the balance.
That lead is awesome.
Jynxz replied 18th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello BM4R,

Thanks for stopping by.

I've been out for a while.
I'm still struggling with finding
a favorite toy, They keep putting out
more stuff before I can figure how the old stuff works.
I'm going to keep hacking away until I
feel like I can transpose my thoughts to a reasonable version on the DAW.

Thank you for your listen and Fave.

PEACE from the East...
phantomproduction 17th May 2023 08:56 - 1 year ago
Hey my friend, your track is very original with its little Arabic side! great job!
Jynxz replied 18th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Michael,

I really wanted to use a Sitar but it didn't jibe well with the oscillating Bass sound, and I just gave it up and kept the Bass the way it is.

Thank you for your listen and encouraging comments.


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19th Jun 2016 15:12 - 8 years ago
Description : OK, I finally managed to find a song name, so here it is. But the genre is still open. WTF is it? World? Trip? Trance? Rock? psychedelic? .

I started this song with the wahwah background track, I think I wanted to go in the triphop direction but when I played with it and tried out things I added some Tabla sounds from the available sound library of the cubase software to it, just to get a feel for it. It sounded right somehow, and so it developed from there. As before, we did the work on wikiloops band section: bhunt1 (Brian) on Bass added his track, and rp3drums (Raymond) on drums (one straight drum track, and one para-diddle track). I then added several more guitar tracks.

So I would be happy to listen to your comments and advice, and if I get a good suggestion for name and genre I will change it. Cheers, TG :D
28th Dec 2016 18:22 - 8 years ago
Description : My actual track for X-mas. Too late again, as usual... But now just with a few days only instead months. :D It's enough stodgy, need some mood for enjoy, that's sure. Dunno where to put it. Fusion? Cinematic? Weird? Trash? :)
Like evrytime, the track contains only free loops from several Looperman artists. Merry Xmas, and Happy new year for everybody!

Applied loops (fully or partially):

LEOSMG: 0826182-0084977 (Pizzicato part1 - month of june),
0826182-0084976 (Pizzicato part2 - month of june),
DJ4REAL: 0102056-0018219 (oboelation),
0102056-0018220 (oboelation 2),
MIDISPARKS: 0479957-0053239 (underwater abstract harp 1),
LOOPFREAK: 0531700-0051978 (minor strings and harp),
FLONUT7: 1133675-0079482 (Happy Harpy 777),
DEEPKODE: 0862877-0067790 (Trance Pluck),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0053514 (Dark Hero Apocalyptic Drums 2),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006976 (Clarinet Ensemble 124),
BLUEESKIES: 0907685-0067264 (Dreams),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0050009 (alividlife nonsufficient timpani orchestra C 133),
PLANETJAZZBASS: 0111346-0047909 (Epic 4),
DANKE: 0671112-0088234 (Drums of Mordor),
STERIXX: 0243518-0019002 (Rage Simple Bassdrum Loop),
BANANNAZ: 0298699-0041844 (Luv Choir 1),
WILOBOWSKI: 0321170-0027201 (piano phrase 4 bars),
DIGITALSKYY: 0562523-0046490 (Never Fall For a Romantic Heart Pt 6),
RASPUTIN1963 : 1564425-0088883 (deleted loop: Harp Arpeggios 1)
10th Jun 2022 23:19 - 2 years ago
Description : Break up song of sorts lol. Vox, guitars and keys by Zootman. Beats and bass free Loopmasters demo. Words are (mostly) what I thought Damo Suzuki was singing on One More Night by Can. Instrumental or stems avail if anyone wants to play with it.
6th Mar 2021 08:31 - 4 years ago
Description : You know, this collab stuff is kind of fun and emotionally rewarding. Anyway, Micky took my audio and remixed it to this awesome thing.

Remastered 2024
27th Aug 2024 12:47 - 6 months ago
Description : Full Moon energy blasted through me big time. This track encompasses all those emotions about feeling lunarly de-railed. The lyric 'can't do it, won't do it' reflects the desire to step away from the norm, due to overwhelm.
The scream speaks for itself!
Please feel free to download from if you want to support our work. Many thanks, Oli&Kay
24th May 2021 22:13 - 3 years ago
Description : UPDATE 10/16/2022 Peeped yall still listening. cleaner version & extended

Hyper Pop Vibes , Hard 808s

tags: playboi carti, ken carson, kankan, whole lotta red, trip at knight, outtatown, sofaygo, tyfontaine, destroy lonely, trippie redd, atmosphere, yeat, uzi, rich amiri, kashdami, cochise
19th Apr 2020 11:39 - 4 years ago
Description : Descent into the archaic and cursed meanders of Nameless City. Inspired by the homonymous story by HPL. Comment freely, friends.
26th Jul 2024 01:53 - 7 months ago
Description : style arabia music suspense movie
31st May 2021 02:09 - 3 years ago
Description : My latest song on my album Acerbus 3
2nd Jun 2019 18:33 - 5 years ago
Description : Sung by me - bbrossas track for background
Saw this track on looperman and I had to make something.Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Open to suggestions. Thanks all :) I hope you enjoy!
17th Jul 2016 21:03 - 8 years ago
Description : Psychedelic, Eastern, dark dance/jazz/fusion based around my cello playing plus minimal other instrumentation. Two sections of electric guitar, one of Fender Rhodes, one synth pad, some swirling female vocal samples and one sub synth bass. Apart from multiple drum loops and programmed acoustic drumkits, everything else is cello, including most of the weird sounds.
18th Oct 2020 14:47 - 4 years ago
Description : Another mission in the vastness of the universe. "We don't know where, but we were there".
Jynxz: synths, fxs
Micky: production, guitar, fxs
28th Jul 2020 03:19 - 4 years ago
Description : reminding everyone to stay safe .,,make a getaway plan ,wash your hands and wear a mask....thx to rita n danke for new ideas
28th Feb 2019 20:42 - 6 years ago
Description : free movie boi
11th Jul 2022 13:20 - 2 years ago
Description : William Shakespeare's sonnet to a dark-skinned girlfriend and music from Pnnywze