18th May 2023 16:44 - 1 year ago
Description : It is a complete mystery to me why man thinks to find paradise somewhere in the cold nothingness of the cosmos.

The earth, my homeland, your homeland, our homeland is a planet of such unbelievable beauty - even painful beauty - that one becomes quite still, quite small with awe.

And we are consistently destroying this paradise with an asocial ruthlessness as if we could buy a new one....

Comments (10)

If you have time take a listen and give Seelengold some feedback.

Zootman 13th Feb 2024 16:41 - 1 year ago
Lovely minimal piece. Reminds me of an album Tosca did in a similar vein. I read with interest the comments on ecological degradation. As an ecologist by trade, I'm always amazed at nature's ability to recover and restore itself. So that gives me hope that Gaia, our mother, might heal herself given the chance. But I'd also certainly agree we're way past living sustainably. In fact I find the use of that word a bad joke. Anyway, a nice calm and melancholic melody you created.
Angelus777 8th Feb 2024 18:04 - 1 year ago
WOW! this is sublime! listening to this breath-taking piano piece, there is nothing that can contaminate my sacred and quiet peace, so, so AMAZING!!! now this is REAL! musical Art. ACE!!! luv it indeed It's nice to hear such refinement on LM It's a Fave!
Seelengold replied 10th Feb 2024 - 1 year ago
Hi Angelusyeux,

with such enthusiastic praise, I have to be careful not to get delusions of grandeur. How quickly one writes rash things into the world ;-)

Many thanks to you!

BeatJazz 8th Feb 2024 10:00 - 1 year ago
Ciao dear Seelegold. Anche questo e un pezzo di musica molto bello, come tutti gli altri tuoi ed ha l aria di un pezzo fatto apposta per la tua descrizione. Si abbiamo un pianeta, un posto bello in qualle viviamo tutti noi, e siamo obbligati di mantenerlo cosi. Il tuo piano e se fosse parlante, e dire a noi queste cose, . L esecuzione e sempre ottima e mi piace molto questo suono di sad o anche di vecchia pianola. Molto bello, come tutti i tuoi brani. Grazie.
Seelengold replied 10th Feb 2024 - 1 year ago
Hi BeatJazz,

thank you for your kind comment.

Yes, the order you mentioned is correct: The description of what we actually think we will find in space when we already have the indescribable beauty here was there first and only then did the song come; it was actually superimposed on the description and not, conversely, the description was given to the song afterwards. I am very happy if the song is perceived by you or the listener as this harmonious whole.

Kind regards

Dennel 9th Sep 2023 22:25 - 1 year ago
"A Beautifully moving piece," I see you much like myself use music to address social or environmental issues. To paraphrase your description: "It is a complete mystery to me why man thinks to find paradise. And we are consistently destroying this paradise with an asocial ruthlessness as if we could buy a new one." Personally I think the powers that be aren't telling us that we've already passed the point of no return, climate change, the spirit of mankind as a whole. Thats why they're desperately trying to seek new planets...

Seelengold replied 12th Sep 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Dennel,

I wouldn't really make a distinction between social and ecological.

I think that each of these terms already contains the other within it, would even think that they are synonymous with each other; one could well speak of twins.

"I personally believe that the powerful are not telling us that we have already passed the point of no return, climate change, the spirit of humanity as a whole. That's why they are desperately trying to find new planets..."

Well, that's where I would reverse the order:
This ominous belief in some paradise out there and the resulting obviously intrinsic urge of man to want to find it come hell or high water, was already there before (in 1957 my father stood with me as a toddler in the garden and a luminous point pulled above us its orbit through the night sky, Sputnik...) when one could still quite safely assume that the point of no return was not yet reached.

Nobody knows whether it has already been exceeded, but what EVERYONE can know for sure, without having to be a Nobel Prize Winner, is that maintaining the current economic model, an irresponsible eternal growth fetishism that is alien to reality, is as safe as that Amen will come to church.
In the past, the planet seekers could at best be justified intrinsically - thus rather weakly equipped in terms of argumentation - but with the concrete current/concrete upcoming missed reversal point, an incomparably harder argument is possible according to the motto:
"You see what awaits us, should we remain idle and everyone perish here?"

If you want to get/earn money, this "right" market economy argument becomes more convincing as the urgency for action increases...

Many thanks to you for listening and your thoughts!

Best regards

igorsamanski 14th Jul 2023 07:17 - 1 year ago
This is really relaxing. It hypnotizes me into a deep comfortable semi-sleep, more like a relaxing state. Although, it's more like a nice breeze while laying in a hammock over medium tint of green grass field. All of the problems of the mind whisk away.
Seelengold replied 19th Jul 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Igor,

thank you for your kind words.

Kind regards

2Sisters 29th May 2023 21:04 - 1 year ago
Hallo, ich denke Paul (dimestop) hat es mit seinen Worten gut formuliert. Wie gut wuerde es unserer Welt doch gehen, wenn wir Menschen sie nicht bevoelkert haetten.
Natuerlich macht deine Musik die Welt nicht schlechter. Du hast Recht, die Frage wer wann und wo mit was auch immer die Welt zum positiven veraendert, kann niemand heute und im Jetzt beantworten. Aber das Schlimmste, was doch passieren kann ist die Gleichgueltigkeit. Von daher ist jeder Song, jeder Gedanke sehr wichtig! -auch oder eben vielleicht sogar weil die Blumen verwelken und die Musik ausklingt. Nochmals liebe Gruesse Manuela
Seelengold replied 31st May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,

"Von daher ist jeder Song, jeder Gedanke sehr wichtig!"

Ganz und gar Zustimmung!

Schoene Grueße

dimestop 29th May 2023 19:34 - 1 year ago
the piece matches its description so well, but we are explorers and the nothingness of space is never a journey too far, its also beautiful in its own right. the massiveness and ferocity of it is spectacular. your so true in your description of our beautiful planet, there is none like it but the sad fact is humans are the worst thing this planet has ever had the pleasure of hosting, we destroy, we are greedy and take too much, unlike everything else that take just what's needed, earth is a colossus, it will eventually have its revenge, but we will have probably killed each other by then, that's why we aint found no intelligence, they all hiding, giving us the middle finger and saying ah,ah, no chance you war mongering f##ks, we would shoot them before we tried to talk :)) really enjoyed this listen, its a sunny day the windows are open, the birds are chirping and my eyes are closed, i could be anywhere
Seelengold replied 31st May 2023 - 1 year ago

"We are greedy" - No! So generally the sentence is not true! A PART of mankind is greedy, can't get the neck full enough, yes! And the other - not greedy - part of mankind lets itself dominate by the former. And it is good that the resistance against the planet destroyers becomes bigger and bigger.

Thank you for your comment!

T576 28th May 2023 01:29 - 1 year ago
From the description of this composition, you nailed it. As I was listening to this I was feeling the words on it. I am a big fan of classical music. It's music from the Soul. I myself have a classical song that I shared here. Check it out let me know what you think. PEACE. T576 OUT.
Seelengold replied 30th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello to you,

"...I was feeling the words on it".

My first thought: great! And then quantum mechanics - "entangled quantum particles seem to 'know' about each other, even if they are far away from each other" - came to my mind.... "spooky distant effect", because my song actually also has lyrics, which I didn't finalize, but which correspond with the musical realization and without which the song wouldn't have come about at all. Beautiful when it communicates itself in its entirety like that.

I really don't lean much towards spirituality, but "that there are more things between heaven and earth than...", I believe that too.

I already knew your CONCERTO IN THE KEY OF E, but of course I listened to it again. Yes, this is classical music, perfectly realized with musical and technical skill. Compared to this, my work in its entirety is of course rather of a simple nature. In this respect, I am definitely sailing under false sails, because it is not really classical in itself, but of all the genres offered, it is best placed there; all the others fit even less.
Music reaches me primarily through the emotional level, purely, without my head being involved in any way. I like your piece too, but there I listen with head accompaniment, it's different from pure.

Thank you so much for your comment !

theHumps 27th May 2023 04:04 - 1 year ago
Yup the stark beauty of nature, you kept the music stark as well. I used to kayak every day, go to spots in the middle of nowhere and listen to the birds chirp, the water ripple as the wind blew across a cold lake at dawn, the sun rise over the wooded hills, the beavers and deer I would pass upon... It would recharge my batteries each and every time I paddled.

Sad to think we are not respectful to nature.

Well done, this reminds me of morning on a lake or river enjoying the solitude.

Seelengold replied 29th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hello Wayne,

things are tricky, but I can't help myself: When I hear "Wayne" I immediately see John Wayne in front of me. Then you get an idea of what actually means socialization, what enormous force is at work.

A beautiful picture that you have painted to my track there, it fits very well, thank you!

After your tip on chords, I've done some research on it and I think I can at least say a sentence or two about it now, should someone ask me about it. But the more you know, the more complicated things get, and I'm not at all sure now if chords really improve my puritan piano tracks or just puff them up with no actual added value.

By the way, your "Kansas City" actually gets better and better with each repeated listen, great. And it also became very clear to me with that song that rock music needs a certain minimum volume. If it remains under this, it remains thin and pale, can not even unfold in its enormous power.
Oh, to "Its Kansas City, USA, Baby", how this hint, this clarification is said, spoken, from whom to whom, oh, I could write a whole treatise on that now. But that would go beyond the scope of this article. But simply wonderful.

Thanks for listening and commenting.

Kind regards

2Sisters 26th May 2023 15:18 - 1 year ago
Hallo, wie Recht du doch hast mit deiner Beschreibung. Ich fuerchte nur, das weder deine Worte noch die schoene Musik daran etwas aendern werden oder? Leider werden die Blumen irgendwann verwelken und die Musik verklungen sein. Liebe Gruesse in den hohen Norden Manuela
Seelengold replied 28th May 2023 - 1 year ago
Hallo Manuela,

die Frage, ob sich dadurch etwas ändert, kann ja niemand mit Sicherheit beantworten: kann sein, kann auch nicht sein, man weiß es nicht. Also immer Nichtwissen, Spekulation.

Aber wenn man die Frage anders stellt, im Grunde genommen einfach umdreht zu:

Kann sich durch meine Worte und meine Musik etwa verschlechtern? dann verwandelt sich die vorherige Unsicherheit doch plötzlich in eine überraschende Sicherheit hinsichtlich: Nein, es kann sich absolut nichts verschlechtern, und folglich sind ja nur noch zwei Zustände möglich, nämlich entweder Gleichgültigkeit (man hat nichts bewirkt, aber auch nichts schlechter gemacht) oder eben bei jemandem einen gedanklichen Anstoß ins Bessere ausgelöst zu haben...

Danke fürs Reinhören und Kommentieren.


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5th Aug 2014 00:39 - 10 years ago
Description : too sad to explain,
also on
20th Oct 2014 13:54 - 10 years ago
Description : Short piano piece composed by me. I made this in about 30 mins using Nexus2. I hope you'll enjoy it and tell me what you think :) You can use it in your Youtube videos, but please paste link here so I can see it too. :)
25th May 2017 10:36 - 7 years ago
Description : Hi, I just had to try and do my own type of music tribute to the sad and unfortunate events in Manchester the other night

I start the song off with a type of music box to represent like a young child and then i go into a violin strings to try and set the sadness and then after a while i used some soft drum and clicks to represent time ticking and then with just the piano and then in the middle of the track it picks up pace a bit and i decided on this because to represent the strength of the people that will stand strong and i once again also put the music box in with this and my reason was to be strong for the rest of the children and then i finsh up with the piano again and the ending on the drum to remember the lives sadly lost and a type of silence if it were

i really feel so sadened by this event and it trully has me in bits

may we all come together and forever be strong and stand up to these horrible people who think they can destroy us and our children and families and loved ones

God Bless you all and stay safe and be strong
23rd Jul 2020 20:29 - 4 years ago
Description : my brother gave me a new piano on kontact...i was blown away by the sound...could hear the pedals the wood etc....this was first thing i played last brother dave said its good n my dad came up with title...i still like it
18th Sep 2024 12:04 - 5 months ago
Description : This is my first try at doing a waltz after hearing Andre Rieu
My tunes are not mixed mastered becuase they always stayed on my hard drive.
Free to use for whatever purpose so have fun.
3rd Dec 2014 08:53 - 10 years ago
Description : Spring rain is falling. (you may find the tanslation of the song - in the same acapella)
13th Feb 2021 16:07 - 4 years ago
Description : A selfmade Piano & Guitar Track. Let me know what you think :)

!!"If you want to use this melody please tag my Instagram account or my name "Ashina_Beats" and let me hear or see what you make with it :)"!!
19th Jun 2016 12:49 - 8 years ago
Description : Recorded this a while ago.. Raw, lovely.. I'm an electric guitarist so this is unfamiliar territory for me... I always wanted to master classical acoustic and I will one day. Video here *Edit* Despite this being painfully obvious, this is not my composition, it's an effort to learn classical guitar and note the progression for future nostalgia.. This site is making me think I should give the anti-vaxxers some credence. Ffs.
15th Jun 2020 15:41 - 4 years ago
Description : Piano/Violin Soundtrack / Like it?
23rd Sep 2019 15:53 - 5 years ago
Description : Piano melody
1st Aug 2023 19:33 - 1 year ago
Description : The wonderful piano of the younger sister 2Sisters and my poems)
29th Nov 2020 05:09 - 4 years ago
Description : A short sonata like form composed with a 1967 Steinway Grand and the BBC Symphonic Orchestra plugins. More originals can be found on my soundcloud - listed on my profile.
4th Sep 2016 21:30 - 8 years ago
Description : I'm an English teacher for Spanish speakers and I actually used this in the classroom while the students were doing a 5 or 6 minute writing preparing for a conversation activity.
28th Jan 2021 22:56 - 4 years ago
Description : Pardon Field Music Ambience Background Music for Work Relax Study Work
30th Oct 2019 13:24 - 5 years ago
Description : One of my sad melody for the story of my imagine kingdom :) Enjoyed!