Description : hi guys so thought I'd try a little afrobeat/swing, with a bit of rap spreading some dimestop love, dont be afraid, show yourself, believe in you. this was a free beat off YouTube pumped it up a bit added soundgoodizers and overdrive some transient processing and a frequency splitter. this is all about brand dimestop :)) nowt new there. lyrics are available
This afrobeat track was uploaded by dimestop. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (21)
If you have time take a listen and give dimestop some feedback.
Paul, dimestop is always a revelation and here’s some salvation too. i’ve been adrift so thanks for the uplift, my man. this is coming from a really good space, i hope you can maintain it. it is all too easy to lose sight of one’s better self, gotta get back to the garden. this is it, brother.
Yo Paul here i am agin after 2 weeks not on LM and than who's there with a great track.
Realy love that beat and how you put your vocal on it.
You grow and grow everytime i hear you.
Im glad there was a lyrics to understand the text.
You are such a great writer!!
thanks Rita, been working with melodies trying to be a little different and sing more, thanks for stopping off as usual, encouraging comments as ever, ive got more to come :))
Paul! This work is positive proof. With your determination and drive, you can't do anything but get better and better, as displayed here. We're all growing musically, and just listening to your growth is inspirational alone. Loving the lo-fi swing and sway. The greatest area of improvement is your timing......HAT'S OFF! Keep this trajectory rolling. Peace.
Mark thanks for your encouraging words, as I've mentioned to others I've put a lot a work in to music theory, its making a difference. my engineering skills are improving too. timing as you say is huge being a couple of milliseconds out kills your vocal, im never comfortable with a metronome while singing, its off-putting, but i used it whilst mastering this track and it makes a huge difference, im glad you spotted that improvement. its a happy positive vibe song quite a quick one, i was really happy with it.
thanks atw, i put a lot more work in on the processing side with this, stereo sharping, limiting and volume levels, its still a learning process but hope to get my mixes sounding much better, cheers for your time bro
thanks bro, ive been doing alot of research on chords and progressions, trying to improve my music theory and bring a different feel to my vocal, its been an eye opener for me and given me a much clearer understanding of how key scales work and how four notes can make a whole song just changing the octave, so hoping to improve further, thanks for the stop off mate always appreciate you
dime it was time to check in, and you didn't let me down. Classic dimestop here. From the bounce to the pounce on the ears. All about you works for me on this track. I aint mad at you. PEACE. T576 OUT.
thanks for the stop of bro always appreciated, this was a really quick one, everything just popped in to place, excuse the pun, no more than 4 hrs, i was really happy with the mix
wow thanks so much Patricia, i feel honoured to have such a luminaire like yourself check my track, im just a trier, compared to you, you are phenomenal and an artist ive listened to alot of times, thankyou so much for your time
Every time I listen to you man you keep on improving you are really mastering your vocals now the quality everything about it you getting really good I don't know what else to say as far as how developed you you came so far so quickly too. Your System is definitely working for you.
appreciate the comment bro, i have listened to the guys here, you included, done lots of research and work on getting the best results from my limited ability. i here my improvement but still want better, its encouraging to read people think ive improved which in turn proves a point about the community, the help is there if you ask, thanks again homie
I realy could enjoy your work.
I could now do tons of lines about what i found realy great and uplifting and what was where right on spot in the track. How great the vocals are and and and. But i think a lot have done that already before me, so i don't wanna repeat it all again :)
But just because it's such a good song, i take the liberty to say what I feel could be improved (and that really doesn't mean anything)
As a singer, I know the problems with singing all too well.
You know all the words and therefore always recognize them. No matter whether they sound loud, quiet, clean, overdriven or otherwise. This is probably the same for most singers who produce. This is usually a bit counterproductive because you don't hear or perceive "reality" at all.
The singing is too loud and mixed a bit too "differently" and forces you to turn the volume down quite a bit so that you can understand the lyrics well. This is feasible, but prevents you from being able to hear the music well. But since we all always want to have everything :) we are always missing one of the two. Give yourself a jerk and try a new mix. (I know that is totally corrosive and extremely nerft). But it would take this song to a much higher level.
Turn the vocals down, some parts a little less bright, others a little less effekts and everything is perfect. Not much but just a bit of ..... tweaking :) ( i am also really bad in it when it comes to my own singing)
Don't take all of this as criticism. I just think that this song is so good that you should invest some more time to make good perfect.
hey Joe thanks for the comment, i have been messing with the volume levels over the last 24 hrs and i was doing a little more tweaking altered the limiting this time though. it was one of them quickies 4hrs start to finish, that included writing the track too, done a little tightening since its been up, but im happy now.
and please don't ever stop being constructive, your like the rest of us and only want the best for each other. constructive critique is a tool to be used wisely it should be built into your daw, a pop up window thats says STOP FUCKING ABOUT MATE :)) thanks for your props about the track too, really appreciate that
Very cool. I like this genre for your voice.
vocals could be weightier in the mix imo. I hear your voice when but have trouble hearing what you are saying. You put work into your lyrics so i think it's important to hear what you are saying. :)
thanks for the stop off and feedback Slimm, i think your right on the vocal, the backing was a little low in places, i have brought it up slightly. its my north-east UK twang (accent) even the English struggle understanding it :)) we talk fast, thanks for checking me out again bro, really appreciate it
It's our resident wordsmith dealing the goods again. Great work man, seriously I love your lyrics. And the music and vox, well, it's been said already. Prob my fav track of yours too date. Chris.
thanks so much Chris, i remember, some months ago you mentioned to me about changing the tone in areas, i always wanted that but trying to get there was the problem, ive been working on that side since, and to steal a phrase from you 'it takes absolute skill and a hours of practise to sing this bad' and get away with it, thank god for EQ and FX :)))
I must say I think this is your best mix so far Paul! So congrats on that. Just looking at the waveform I knew it was not going to be too loud or too soft a mix, just right!
i think its probably my best mix too Wayne, its got symmetry more your typical layout tried to be a little more playful, thought the verses hook and the bridge all worked well, sometimes the quick ones that you dont put loads into work better, this was literally a few hrs work from nothing to master, thanks for the stop and i'll be on your new track later
Hello ,
you can tell that you've also made a lot of progress in theory. You can hear that! But I can tell you from experience that you never stop learning. Every song will be different. There is no standardization. But that's what makes it so interesting and exciting. From the idea to the finished song is sometimes a tedious but also beautiful way. But sometimes, it also happens very quickly. It is important that it is fun and that what you do is recognized. As the saying goes: Applause is the artist's bread and butter. But, never lose your own identity! Remain who and how you are. Even if it is sometimes very tempting to bend and sell in order to land the supposed hit. Because this is only for a short time!
In my almost 15 years as a professional musician I've seen many come and go. Those who made honest music coming from the heart stayed. You are one of them! I'm glad to have met you.
Oh yes, the text is now also displayed to me. Nice! positive!
Greetings Manuela
:)) i learn more everyday Manu the reason we have 2 ears and only 1 mouth, don't you think,
when you start a project you have a picture of what you want, the journey to get there can be frustrating, this was no more than 4 hrs work and not much effort, done with fun in my heart i love it,
for a total novice 3 years ago, ive surprised myself, i am happy to have reached this level and don't expect to get any further up but if this track will encourages just one talent here to step out and show themselves, i will be more than happy.
have a great end to the weekend my wonderful friend
Halo Paul, very nice melodic and effective song. I really enjoyed having your voice wandering through my head* smile. No seriously. you played brilliantly with the panorama effects. The almost 59-second intro is also very playful. I assume that the slight distortion in the voice is intentional.,I would be very interested in the lyrics. will you send them to me please Greetings and have a nice weekend Manuela
Manuela thankyou for another great comment, i tried to freshen my vocal on this bring in some melodic harmony and slightly altered the voxs layers, tiny amounts of reverb distortion stereo separation and delay. one of the biggest lessons ive learnt is not to overdo the effects chain, you and others have mentioned it to me before. i also have much more engineering experience, and how important using a limiter can be, being able to alter my mids and lows changing the thresholds i have also done some learning on chord progressions and and the major minor scale keys, notes and chords were like Chinese to me i thought it was baffling but now i have a much clearer understanding i now know what full step half step changing it up or down an octave. i never imagined i would go this deep, its gotten hold of me in a big way music theory. and of course i will send you the lyrics, forgive me firstly though, im not sure whether you want the vocal stems or the lyric sheet, let me know and i will send you it privately, i really appreciate your input but i think you know that already, the people here have taught me everything, that's why i engage as much as i do, your all special people, caring and sharing, love makes the world go round
thankyou Steven, you always encouraged me to go for it :)) i stepped out a little further on this one and was really pleased with how it came together, thanks for your stop and comment mate
Music was always meant to bring us back to every emotion we've ever felt, a journey. Music is that for me, as well, but always with a sense of joy mixed in. I feel that producers and musicians that really have fun and enjoy what they do are the best at accomplishing that...and You my man are the very personification of that. Excellent work Paul
thanks bro, music makes me calm, i forgot about the outside world and just zone out. even when i rap hard im just smiling inside, it is all about the fun and making new friends. im about to check your latest
cheers Ian, haven't done much lately but heard this and wrote a vocal in about 25 mins, laid it down half hour later and went to bed :)) spent a couple of hours mixing and mastering it yesterday. just noticed you added bass to yours, I'll check it out and drop another comment mate
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Description : Again, I made several promise to release a full afro album, but some reason I never go around it.
I have been blessed to work some international artists such as boni faas, yemaya, in the past couple months. And I got some exciting project coming u....this is just a limited sampler
Description : i dedicate this track to everybody who as ever given me advice or their time either listening or commenting. this is for you, i love you all and invite you round my place. im spreading more happy, i put alot into the vocal processing and think its a huge improvement SWITCH IT UP :))
(lyric sheet is available)
Made this track and wrote the chorus but was'nt able to write verses to complete the song , if you rap,sing or play any instrument here is your chance to show your skill this an open verse challenge do what ever on this
I produce and write songs for those that need them, I write verses , hooks , choruses for those in need a small donation will be appreciated, this song is also for sale, get in touch for stems,my Instagram handle is on my looperman profile
Description : Visit my YouTube channel for free download and more beats
*This beat is free for non-profit use only. For profit use, you must purchase a license.
**Always credit (prod. Morgan Bee)
Anitta type beat, brazilian funk type beat, brazilian pop beat, brazilian dance beat, afrobeat, Latin type beat, reggaeton type beat, 2020s Latin beat, 2020s Brazilian, 2010s brazilian
Description : slow build of beats and I think kind of hypnotic IF you listen to the build! The lyric/ vox seems to be about sexualised violence which (if it is) is NOT cool but I like the sound of it despite the content
Wasnt happy with the mix and now remixed so hopefully sounding better now - mix might still need some tweaking, feedback appreciated.
Realy love that beat and how you put your vocal on it.
You grow and grow everytime i hear you.
Im glad there was a lyrics to understand the text.
You are such a great writer!!
Good dance muzic.
Can't help with the technical stuff, just know this would be good for a hype party! :-)
I realy could enjoy your work.
I could now do tons of lines about what i found realy great and uplifting and what was where right on spot in the track. How great the vocals are and and and. But i think a lot have done that already before me, so i don't wanna repeat it all again :)
But just because it's such a good song, i take the liberty to say what I feel could be improved (and that really doesn't mean anything)
As a singer, I know the problems with singing all too well.
You know all the words and therefore always recognize them. No matter whether they sound loud, quiet, clean, overdriven or otherwise. This is probably the same for most singers who produce. This is usually a bit counterproductive because you don't hear or perceive "reality" at all.
The singing is too loud and mixed a bit too "differently" and forces you to turn the volume down quite a bit so that you can understand the lyrics well. This is feasible, but prevents you from being able to hear the music well. But since we all always want to have everything :) we are always missing one of the two. Give yourself a jerk and try a new mix. (I know that is totally corrosive and extremely nerft). But it would take this song to a much higher level.
Turn the vocals down, some parts a little less bright, others a little less effekts and everything is perfect. Not much but just a bit of ..... tweaking :) ( i am also really bad in it when it comes to my own singing)
Don't take all of this as criticism. I just think that this song is so good that you should invest some more time to make good perfect.
stay tuned
and please don't ever stop being constructive, your like the rest of us and only want the best for each other. constructive critique is a tool to be used wisely it should be built into your daw, a pop up window thats says STOP FUCKING ABOUT MATE :)) thanks for your props about the track too, really appreciate that
vocals could be weightier in the mix imo. I hear your voice when but have trouble hearing what you are saying. You put work into your lyrics so i think it's important to hear what you are saying. :)
you can tell that you've also made a lot of progress in theory. You can hear that! But I can tell you from experience that you never stop learning. Every song will be different. There is no standardization. But that's what makes it so interesting and exciting. From the idea to the finished song is sometimes a tedious but also beautiful way. But sometimes, it also happens very quickly. It is important that it is fun and that what you do is recognized. As the saying goes: Applause is the artist's bread and butter. But, never lose your own identity! Remain who and how you are. Even if it is sometimes very tempting to bend and sell in order to land the supposed hit. Because this is only for a short time!
In my almost 15 years as a professional musician I've seen many come and go. Those who made honest music coming from the heart stayed. You are one of them! I'm glad to have met you.
Oh yes, the text is now also displayed to me. Nice! positive!
Greetings Manuela
when you start a project you have a picture of what you want, the journey to get there can be frustrating, this was no more than 4 hrs work and not much effort, done with fun in my heart i love it,
for a total novice 3 years ago, ive surprised myself, i am happy to have reached this level and don't expect to get any further up but if this track will encourages just one talent here to step out and show themselves, i will be more than happy.
have a great end to the weekend my wonderful friend