Description : i had fun with this :)
my latest on Morash' Afro V beat,
i thought i was chugging along well lately, comments seem to confirm this, apparently not, i dont know my own vibe according to CINCO.
that's fine bro if you give me some substance, I'm all for critique, ive had plenty. this one's for you and i most certainly knew the vibe i was looking for on this :)))
This hip hop track was uploaded by dimestop. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (21)
If you have time take a listen and give dimestop some feedback.
Sorry I didn't respond to your last comment. Your vocal processing sounds great Paul. Its the 2nd time I've listened to this now. I've said it before and will say it again, you are improving on each of your uploads on here. Your music is contemporary, easy on the ears and your lyrics always tell a story. Your mixes and mastering sound great to my ears, I have never been able to pull any fault with them.
thanks for the kind words dean, never ever feel obliged to comment bro, its always nice to get them but not to be expected, i try to encourage and always try give feedback like alot of others and its good for community spirit too but some are not good with writing, i just try to grow or community of which you play your part and comment too, you have nothing to say sorry for mate
Dime, what's happnin'? Dis tracks on the ol' Loop! Now I've seen it all. Just keep it friendly, right?
I dig the flow on this. I wasn't too deeply involved in the lyrics. But, don't take that personally. I never am. When I listen to Pink Floyd, I can remember every guitar note, every drum beat, every key and every bassline. But after listening to them for 40+ years, I still don't know all the words.
Regardless, good track ya got here.
Take care.
hows it going V thanks for the stop off, and yeah its all in good fun, a looper track Morash, a looper vocal (me) and another looper a so called target, he's not really, just a little fun for the community and the fact people think its believable is great inspiration for mee personally, it does make me smile :)
Hey, My Friend in Music!! Whatever your "vibe" is, I'm vibing with it. Speaking of vibes, I'm really digging the ol' skool vibe. I also like the quirkiness and humor of the lyrics. For me, there is nothing NOT to love about this. track. Well done, you!
So Musically, I enjoyed the laid-back vibe. You nailed the consonant-to-rhythm vibe I have been clamoring aboot to you for so long. So good Job there. Remember you have come a long long way my friend and are still growing. I like Cinco de Mayo as well and I am glad to see there is no lingering beef. You are both handling this in a professional adult-like way and that makes me happy. Now about those Spliffs. Come to Canada. We have the most open and relaxed laws on Cannabis. I prefer when I need to relax (at my age a Magnesium melatonin supplement works) I like a nice edible beverage. We are deciding whether or not to allow those (2.5mg) in the public like you would buy a beer. It's coming. However I do appreciate the 10mg for the home. Keep it up mate and pretty soon Drake will have beef with you ehh? Great work !
thanks for the positives Steven Canada is really relaxed about its use, seen lots of documentaries on the subject and i think you got it right. i understand its not for everyone but when people can go out drink copious amounts of alcohol cause a disturbance fight and damage property fight and insult police throw up all over the streets get locked up overnight and released when your sober with a talking to, no charge, but you could be sent to prison for smoking a JOINT, its stupidity. they tie everything together and think cannabis is the gateway to stronger things like heroin or crack. its just an excuse and ignorant, they been saying the same thing for 50 years theres no substance to these claims theres far stronger and more damaging prescribed drugs that do more damaged including smoking cigarettes
it was just a bit of fun the Cinco reference, he's a great guy in our community, no beef from me, just my funny side. keep listening mate :))
Great beat, and the ad lib vocals work really well over your main vocals. And your main vocals - I think these are your best yet in my opinion. Great effort as always. It is great to hear such continued improvement.
bro i'll be watching out for it, i will repeat nothing wrong with loopers we are all part of the musical family :)) but you sing too bro you have an identity, your own, push that fact because your good, keep chopping and bringing us your creativity
BCV great comment, i got nothing against loop jockeys really bro, i started as one even though i play drums and keys, and i like Slimm we have good contact when he's around im listening to yours as i write :))
thanks for the check bro, thats such a true statement, i used a lot of processing on this one and i was really happy with how it came out, i try new found skills a lot more now everything on different bus channels stereo enhancing and separation sidechaining the engineering takes the longest but you have to put the time in to get the best results
Okay, now that my need for harmony is satisfied, *smiles*, let's talk about your song. You've done a consistently good job! You once again incorporated a lot of feeling into your music. It seems like you have developed your own distinctive style. I'm very glad that you stuck with a light and danceable arrangement instead of switching to slow beats with uncompromising, accusatory and aggressive vocals like many other rappers. Your lyrics are also challenging and clear, but you - and I know you don't like to hear this - present them in a friendly way. I like that!
Kind regards, Manuela
yes thats what i like to see, i did deliver it with a soft approach the track is chirpy not delivered aggressive like you say and i give Cinco a good explanation. im one of the biggest communicators on this site and always encourage artist with feedback. im also competitive, thats was my generation. rappers are a law to themselves really, all the best ones are dead because of its violence, i try to be punchy but with a funny approach if i were serious it would have been full of expletives with curt delivery. one thing im sure of though is lots dont read the description or comments and just assume im being disrespectful, and just like you, i read all the comments so i dont ask question that may have already been answered and if i review a track i listen to it all and then a second listen while im writing, i dont expect everyone to like me, but dimestop is not Paul thats his alter-ego, Paul is outspoken at times but is heart is as big as the sun even during an eclipse the diamond ring in the path of totality thats my smile :))
Cinco i dont want you to stay away bro, you are fully justified in giving your opinion, i like you. seriously.
all im asking for is what am i missing, your comment had no feedback as to what you thought was wrong.
as you can see ive explained to everyone that it was just fun, and i tell you what, you've gone up 100% in my opinion for coming on here and explaining your side. you have commented plenty times with critique as ive been learning and ive always accepted everything from everyone. im not hurt or afraid by critique thats what i want to improve, this was just me doing what ive done all my life taking the piss, im a funny guy and disguise my own insecurities by being outspoken and flamboyant,
i was listening to you last night bro, i always listen to you, i dont comment on all of yours because ive got nothing to add and i hate just putting nice track, i really dont mind people telling me its not their thing but if there's no substance, thats my time to respond with words im quick witted.
ive been sharing with you since day one bro, i have no reason to stop doing that, you said your bit, i said my bit in my way thats all, the lines were good bro and flowed with the music. if you read the lyric sheet bro its me again having a go at rappers, you don't sing, i listened to this track and 20 mins later i had it wrote 2 mins later i read your comment and thought why not :))
its just fun bro accept my explanation and dont ever think i dont value you as a member of our community because i do and will continue to do so, ive been telling beatmaker for time this place needs shaking up a bit, i try to create talking points and this has certainly got people talking :))
I didn't know I was in the story but I do know I don't like to type and I do speak to it and maybe miscommunication for my comment I know it wasn't a positive one but it was a truthful one and I think I remember saying that the vibes don't match not that you don't know your vibe but in any case I have no beef my friend I would just giving you my true opinion sorry if I hurt your feelings but we all love music that's for sure keep doing your thing man I hope if anything I encourage you and I make you want to you know put it on my face because I think that makes us better and makes us more confident that's one thing you got bro but have a good day
Hello Paul, no text is too long for me. *Smile. I read all the texts to the end. Just like I listen to every song I write about until the end. No matter how long the song is. You're right, I like to chat too.
I am very concerned about harmony. This applies to my life, also to my music.
Well I think we are being heard because we have something important to say. Whether that sounds nice or not nice is rather secondary. But what's the point, you "rappers" are on the move a little differently. *Smile.
Okay, I'm glad this isn't as serious as I took it!
Goodnight Manuela
Hello Paul, you have become really fast with your productions. I guess I have to be careful not to miss anything *smile*. Since you don't want to have any judgment about your song, I won't give one *smile*. Could it be that I hear a few slightly aggressive tones towards a colleague? If so, is it really necessary? I don't think you should get involved in personal attacks, but maybe I'm misinterpreting that.
Kind regards, Manuela
hi Manu its not aggressive its fun, i aint got an issue with Cinco, its what rappers do, i grew up in a generation of competitiveness dancing in cyphers or listening to your mates flow rappers would slag off competitors for fun, even mates against mates. we all had a drink and a laugh afterwards and sometimes a punch up :)
i want feedback on my work, i dont want rubbish, when i say judgement what im saying i dont want 'i dont think you got the vibe' thats not critique thats judgement of my style nothing to do with the track, uncalled for, i dont like everyones vibe but thats just personal choice its their flava, tell me what i missed if you dont think i was on it, thats what i want, and thats all i ask every other comment was fore the positive, ive had a bagfull of justified critique if its critical and i agree, as i have for the last two years, i thank the person for the advice and put it to good use, thats why i can turn work round quick. ive feel like ive got a lot in place now, saved presets vocal chains etc, my engineering skills will improve, im not being big headed by saying i have improved, everyone tells me including my mates. im peacocking as usual, writing is my craft.
yeah im controversial, but a bit of spite never hurt no one, and like ive said many times, you dont get listened to cos your nice these days, its cos you got the balls to do it :))
not bad stats either for 24hrs. they all listening Manu :)
i know its long but i know you like communication too, hope that sets your mind at rest, i see it as fun, most see it as front, this is what inspires me most, i'm believable thats an achievement in my opinion, hope your good Manu.
thankyou bro, appreciated the comment. thanks again for the upload. i had this wrote in about 20 mins after i heard it and it was all in good fun, your a great beat maker keep them coming bro
Hey Paul, you're not going to make only friends lol...apart from that, I think that today CC has become very good, I remember 2 years ago he had difficulty tuning his compositions with the tonality of the voice, which is no longer the case today..even if I don't use them, loops are part of certain styles of music, maybe a little too easy when you're a musician but on LM there are a lot of talents who know how to use it! in any case, very good job on your composition!
thanks Michael, it is all meant with good fun :) i got nothing against CC i like his work and have commented enough on it, although i played drums and a few keys when i was younger, this place got me back into it, im not brilliant but i have a go. i have nothing against loops but half your job is done really, i went all in singing as i never dared sing when i was young, im lucky here great artist to share with and ive done loads of collabs too, im good for the community and always promote more sharing, i dont need judgement, nobody here does we all want feedback to help us improve but being a songwriter comments give you inspiration and i make full use of them when i write :))
Well I guess we both dropped some new stuff back to back today! Nah man I always think your stuff is unique and well done. This one is no different. Feel free not to feel constrained by a particular style bro.
just checked and commented bro, you know me only too well, i pen songs, im trying to be as unique as i can be, i answer critics with my work, like any rapper, i will never be constrained, i always stand up for myself and any other artist too that brings their own content you gotta have balls and believe in yourself or no one else will. you dont get remembered for being squeaky clean :)
Description : This Is Just A Snippet Of My Song "When I'm Gone" Which Is A Reality Check For My Brothers And Sisters In The World. The World Is In A Bad State Right Now And We Need To Join Together To Restore Some Peace And Integrity. Vanity & Self Love Is A Start For Each Individual And Joining Together Afterwards Can Heal The Wounds We Put on The World. Like, Comment, Download As You Please.
Description : Something i did when i was about 15, and when i still made beats. This particular track is actually the reason i decided to get into composing at all. I had a good run with the beats and hip-hop scene, but i always had a leaning more towards composing and this, i think, is the catalyst for that revelation. This beat is 9 years old, and gives you a sense of what it was like to be a young, passionate, musically driven teen. Thank you.
Description : First track from the 'Organic Beats' EP COMING SOON CHECK THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Featuring Canadian rapper Apollo Klipse, check his shit out (LF)
Description : Check me out on YT
I will post 1-3 Beats a week to get started !
leave a sub if u want :D
!!! USAGE !!!
Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
Description : Track 6 off "Mo$hpit Mu$ic", the latest mixtape I got streaming now on my SoundCloud. If you vibe with it, give it a listen! Follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow back. Always open to suggestions and possible collabs, my email and DM's are open! Stay up Looperfam
Description : Everything but the effects i played out. made for them hard spitters def would love to hear what someone with a flow does to this. me and my boy murdered this verbally as i made it enjoy!
Description : My single leading upto my first EP coming soon, Produced by me and I mixed the vocals, i also took the first verse and hook. what you guys think?
CXRTER on Spotify & Soundcloud and message me on socials if you wanna work.
Description : Let me know what you guys think of this beat! I did not make the melodies for this song, LilTiddy created the two loops. I created the drums such as the 808, Kicks, Hi-Hates, Snares and claps. I also Mixed and Mastered the Instrumental.
Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 1 by LilTiddy
Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 2 by LilTiddy
Description : I found this old track from 2013. A collab with looperman member Mr1Black.I used RarCharm vocals on the hook.MrBlack sent me his dry vocals and I mixed them in with the track..not the best job on mixing the vocals, or the beat but ,I still like it.
I dig the flow on this. I wasn't too deeply involved in the lyrics. But, don't take that personally. I never am. When I listen to Pink Floyd, I can remember every guitar note, every drum beat, every key and every bassline. But after listening to them for 40+ years, I still don't know all the words.
Regardless, good track ya got here.
Take care.
it was just a bit of fun the Cinco reference, he's a great guy in our community, no beef from me, just my funny side. keep listening mate :))
Trying to get good at using my mpc so I'm loop chopping today
Guilty as charged :D
Vocals on this is fire bro, nice work.
Kind regards, Manuela
all im asking for is what am i missing, your comment had no feedback as to what you thought was wrong.
as you can see ive explained to everyone that it was just fun, and i tell you what, you've gone up 100% in my opinion for coming on here and explaining your side. you have commented plenty times with critique as ive been learning and ive always accepted everything from everyone. im not hurt or afraid by critique thats what i want to improve, this was just me doing what ive done all my life taking the piss, im a funny guy and disguise my own insecurities by being outspoken and flamboyant,
i was listening to you last night bro, i always listen to you, i dont comment on all of yours because ive got nothing to add and i hate just putting nice track, i really dont mind people telling me its not their thing but if there's no substance, thats my time to respond with words im quick witted.
ive been sharing with you since day one bro, i have no reason to stop doing that, you said your bit, i said my bit in my way thats all, the lines were good bro and flowed with the music. if you read the lyric sheet bro its me again having a go at rappers, you don't sing, i listened to this track and 20 mins later i had it wrote 2 mins later i read your comment and thought why not :))
its just fun bro accept my explanation and dont ever think i dont value you as a member of our community because i do and will continue to do so, ive been telling beatmaker for time this place needs shaking up a bit, i try to create talking points and this has certainly got people talking :))
I'm back for the time being. Its been a while. We'll have to catch up.
I have a hockey game I have to get to, or Id write more. Later...
I am very concerned about harmony. This applies to my life, also to my music.
Well I think we are being heard because we have something important to say. Whether that sounds nice or not nice is rather secondary. But what's the point, you "rappers" are on the move a little differently. *Smile.
Okay, I'm glad this isn't as serious as I took it!
Goodnight Manuela
Kind regards, Manuela
i want feedback on my work, i dont want rubbish, when i say judgement what im saying i dont want 'i dont think you got the vibe' thats not critique thats judgement of my style nothing to do with the track, uncalled for, i dont like everyones vibe but thats just personal choice its their flava, tell me what i missed if you dont think i was on it, thats what i want, and thats all i ask every other comment was fore the positive, ive had a bagfull of justified critique if its critical and i agree, as i have for the last two years, i thank the person for the advice and put it to good use, thats why i can turn work round quick. ive feel like ive got a lot in place now, saved presets vocal chains etc, my engineering skills will improve, im not being big headed by saying i have improved, everyone tells me including my mates. im peacocking as usual, writing is my craft.
yeah im controversial, but a bit of spite never hurt no one, and like ive said many times, you dont get listened to cos your nice these days, its cos you got the balls to do it :))
not bad stats either for 24hrs. they all listening Manu :)
i know its long but i know you like communication too, hope that sets your mind at rest, i see it as fun, most see it as front, this is what inspires me most, i'm believable thats an achievement in my opinion, hope your good Manu.
your spit flows man fitted perfect with the track good job man