Description : I hope everyone had a great Halloween and has recovered from their personal hangovers *smile. The parties are over, and now we move into the reflective time of year. We'll start with my sister, who, as many know, is also a gifted pianist and composer. For the second time since joining LM, she's presenting a beautiful piano composition, 'Indian Summer.'
There is a great video by conceptual artist Guenni to the music of Angelica Schwanitz on our "YouTube" channel.
Have a look!! Kiss!
This acoustic track was uploaded by 2Sisters. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (17)
If you have time take a listen and give 2Sisters some feedback.
Hello ladies. I lost my brother exactly one month ago. It gutted me. I was so happy to find your amazing composition this morning. I was hoping for a little healing and this song was the auditory bandaid I needed. Hug your sister tightly, tell her you love her, and never take her for granted. Thank you both for this wonderful interlude. I hope all is well.
Hi Bear, I'm really sorry to hear that! I can understand your pain. I'm glad you liked the song and that its helping you cope with the pain.
Best regards, Angelica
@2sisters Yeah it has been some time ago when i was here. But you know i come and go from time to time. Anyway iam doing good thanks for asking. I hope you two do good as well. I loved it in what you have done with the video clip as well. Thanks for sharing. And iam still here. Have a good one both & One love. Verdi
Hi Verdi, Im glad youre still here. Some of the old hands have unfortunately left LM. Thank you for the compliment on the video.
Best regards, Angelica
Greetings, Now this was a very pleasant accoustic piece to listen to. I loved it all the way. And it even made me a lil zen along the way as well. I love instrumental & accoustic pieces. They always tickle my creativity as well. I have a project running. To give some acoustic pieces some more oef. But in a positive way that is. I added this to my favourites. It was such a pleasantry to listen to this piece. So well done dear sisters. And keep up the good works. One love you both. Verdi
Hello Verdi, we havent heard from you in a long time. Where have you been? Thank you for your kind words and high praise. If you have the time and interest, you can also watch the accompanying video.
Best regards,
I grew up learning and playing the piano. My sister, mother and grand father played. This makes me wish I still had one in the house! Nice mellow vibes.
I liked the composition and I liked of course the piano performing. It is a really gifted musician. Unfortunately I do not know the Indian scales so I cannot say I am able to recognize them, but this is the more "technical" aspect of the song. What I keep is the good sensation from the piano, for the whole duration of the music.
Wish you well, Anthony.
Hello Anthony, thank you for your kind words and high praise. I am not familiar with Indian scales either *smile . But idian Summer means autumn.
Best regards,
Hello 2Sisters.....just gave a listen to a very beautiful piano piece and found it so fluid and wonderfully played.....your sister is obviously very talented and hope to hear more soon.
I understand.
Sisters are like that..its normal.
you will help her get through this.
I am sure of that too even though I don't have a sister myself.
but when push comes to shove they will be there for each other and go through fire for each other.
Liebe Angelica,
Das ist unglaublich gut.
Ich spure es in meinen Knochen und die Haare auf meinen Armen stellen sich gerade auf.
Diese Melodie passt auch zu meinen Gefuhlen in dieser Zeit.
Ich habe mehr von deiner Musik und Stimme gehort. Du und die Kleine seid zusammen ein tolles Team und das zusammen mit der Band und der kleinen Songwriterin Claudia macht es naturlich zu einem schonen Ganzen.
Hi Rita, thank you! Yes, we are quite a great bunch. But its not always as harmonious as it seems. There are sometimes intense discussions behind the scenes. I have a week of peace now. *Smile. I think you know why. But Ill be glad when the old Manu is back.
a beautiful composition Angelica, touching the soul with a calming melody that has sparkle and a little sadness, a time to remember a face to picture again as we close in on a time and season for families to embrace and share, a talented young lady indeed thankyou for stepping into the spotlight and showing your musical pedigree again, bravo
Hi Paul, If I remember correctly, this is the first time I'm writing a few lines to you. So, it's a bit of a premiere *smile. Thank you for your kind words. I honestly feel very flattered!
I'll take this opportunity to share the link to the wonderful video that accompanies the song. I believe that the visual design does great justice to the music.
Best regards, Angelica
A warm cup of chocolate in front of an open crackling fire. Snowflakes falling outside while an owl looks inside.
He sees a warm glow and a beautiful lady playing her piano warming peoples hearts.
Hi Darren, it's wonderful that this song evokes such beautiful and romantic feelings in you! I love it when music touches the heart. Thank you for your kind words. Angelica
The tone on the piano here is so deliciously Guaraldi that I kept waiting for the rest of the trio to begin accompaniment.
This is an appropriate tune to begin this time of year. It does invoke a reflective state of mind. Like a swirling mix of hope, nostalgia, and melancholy. I don't know if that was her intent, but that's how I personally interpreted it.
For as aggressive and dark as I tend to be in my music, A good piano composition will almost certainly stop me in my tracks. However, I don't tend to stay long. I don't like to feel. But, this I stayed long enough for four consecutive listens.
Now, I'm off to return to the post apocalyptic, industrial aggression in which I thrive.
Thank you for sharing this. It was an enjoyable break. Tell your sister I applaud her.
Take care.
For once, the sister is responding herself.
Hello V.
My sister and I don't believe you're as dark as you make yourself out to be. smile It was my hope that the little piece of music would evoke feelings in the listener, just as you described. I am (perhaps similar to you?) a very introverted person who also finds herself in minor chords in real life. smile I like to feel, but I keep it to myself. Sharing feelings is difficult for me. I can only do that with very dear people who are close to me. I look forward to hearing more of your post-apocalyptic, industrial aggression.
Stay as you are.
Best regards, Angelica
Ive always wanted to ask. Are you two twins? You get along so well! How did you both wake up and choose the same passion for music? Youre both so good at it
Hello Richard,
No, we are not twins. Manuela is about 10 years older than me, and we had totally different developments in our youth. But our father instilled a love of music in our genes. In addition, we are both well-trained musically. Thank you for your kind words. Feel free to watch the video of the song.
Best regards, Angelica
Very crisp piano playing - the notes floated over a Summer breeze and you could see couples walking through fields, children playing in the park, people diving in the pool and lovers laughing over a picnic. Beautiful, Angelica. Kay0s
Hello Kay,
Thank you for the kind words. Well, the script for our video was a little different. But it's lovely that the little song evokes such stories for you.
Best regards, Angelica
If I could give u an ovation instead of a lame comment, Id do it rite now. A secret soft spot for me are piano comps & short piano covers. Most dont know that about me, but im a piano-forward artist myself, even tho i play guitar & other instruments, piano was the one i fell most deeply in love with. I pushed play so fast I looked like i had a seizure lol. I wasnt disappointed in the slightetest, simply lovely, & silky smooth. Thank u Angelica, I truly appreciate this one. - Aaron
Thank you, Aaron, for your high praise. I really didn't know that you are also a piano enthusiast. The longer we know the people here, the more unknown facets emerge. If you like, you can watch the associated video when you have the chance.
Best regards, Angelica
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Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
Applied loops:
THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.
Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah
Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden
Best regards, Angelica
Best regards, Angelica
Best regards,
Best regards,
Best regards,
Wish you well, Anthony.
Best regards,
Best regards,
Best regards,
Sisters are like that..its normal.
you will help her get through this.
I am sure of that too even though I don't have a sister myself.
but when push comes to shove they will be there for each other and go through fire for each other.
Das ist unglaublich gut.
Ich spure es in meinen Knochen und die Haare auf meinen Armen stellen sich gerade auf.
Diese Melodie passt auch zu meinen Gefuhlen in dieser Zeit.
Ich habe mehr von deiner Musik und Stimme gehort. Du und die Kleine seid zusammen ein tolles Team und das zusammen mit der Band und der kleinen Songwriterin Claudia macht es naturlich zu einem schonen Ganzen.
I'll take this opportunity to share the link to the wonderful video that accompanies the song. I believe that the visual design does great justice to the music.
Best regards, Angelica
He sees a warm glow and a beautiful lady playing her piano warming peoples hearts.
This is an appropriate tune to begin this time of year. It does invoke a reflective state of mind. Like a swirling mix of hope, nostalgia, and melancholy. I don't know if that was her intent, but that's how I personally interpreted it.
For as aggressive and dark as I tend to be in my music, A good piano composition will almost certainly stop me in my tracks. However, I don't tend to stay long. I don't like to feel. But, this I stayed long enough for four consecutive listens.
Now, I'm off to return to the post apocalyptic, industrial aggression in which I thrive.
Thank you for sharing this. It was an enjoyable break. Tell your sister I applaud her.
Take care.
Hello V.
My sister and I don't believe you're as dark as you make yourself out to be. smile It was my hope that the little piece of music would evoke feelings in the listener, just as you described. I am (perhaps similar to you?) a very introverted person who also finds herself in minor chords in real life. smile I like to feel, but I keep it to myself. Sharing feelings is difficult for me. I can only do that with very dear people who are close to me. I look forward to hearing more of your post-apocalyptic, industrial aggression.
Stay as you are.
Best regards, Angelica
No, we are not twins. Manuela is about 10 years older than me, and we had totally different developments in our youth. But our father instilled a love of music in our genes. In addition, we are both well-trained musically. Thank you for your kind words. Feel free to watch the video of the song.
Best regards, Angelica
Thank you for the kind words. Well, the script for our video was a little different. But it's lovely that the little song evokes such stories for you.
Best regards, Angelica
Best regards, Angelica