Description : Paul Dimestop told me to not care about my voice and rap.
So I made a little rap and this is just for fun only.
Everything made by me hope you like it :P
This spoken word track was uploaded by DarrenHirst. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (9)
If you have time take a listen and give DarrenHirst some feedback.
Yeah you had fun with music and this counts a lot. It is after all the primary role of music, I think.. should be fun for the listener and the creator.
Very well done Darren
Best wishes, Anthony
If you hadnt mentioned what Paul said, I wouldve said this is a beautiful conceptand of course, it is.
The "tum tum tum" VoxChops make it even cooler. This could serve as an intro, followed by hard drums, bass, and some hardcore rap. Man, its just cool!
Hey thanks Richard Sir
I just wanted to do something different. Its an honour for you say its cool so thank you.
Well I suppose it could work for hardcore rap I mean something fresh like this would make a change from the normal rap.
I appreciate the reply Richard.
Hi there's the imagination that kick starts everything.....I know there's some gangster squirrels out there somewhere....anyway it's the idea that's important and it only gets better....good effort my friend.
Hey thank you.
I'm in the process of making a proper beat. This one gave me a few ideas for the next one.
It won't be like a normal hip hop beat its going to have different elements that makes the mind go that's cool.
Just thinking of what to say but make it fun so people go wow I like this.
Not a serious beat but make it fun. Thanks for the reply and glad you like it.
Hello Darren, I also had a lot of fun listening! Nice! I can imagine a whole song in this style. May I use it as an idea for my own song? I would be happy!
Best regards, Manuela
It was all me my friend the ideas just came to me.
I just started with the hip hop loop I made then started humming a melody to the drum loop then I pitched it higher.
Then I rapped on it all but I might make another one but with lyrics thought out.
I did have fun making it. I know you were expecting a tune but that will come later.
I have a couple of jobs to do for people first.
Really happy you liked it and I'm glad you liked my beatboxing. I learn from you guys sothanks.
bro thats a beauty, gangsta squirrel bet he's a posh bloke from the Wirral, love it, thanks for the shoutout, takin the piss is what it's about, i can picture him cracking nuts in his fist stood on his back legs, bossing the tree, its a bang on mock of the rappers who think they gangstas, funny little piece bro
Classic. I like to hear people having fun and not giving a fck. This could be taken as a pisstake of the rap genre. Hmm good title that - Great Pisstake
You hit each Beat perfectly - a fun, frivolous piece. Well done for having a go - I had to work hard at it when I did it on our track, Tic Toc.. Rap ain't easy! One suggestion..If I may be so bold ..I would deepen your voice somehow You know I'm not a producer but that's a feeling I have. A deepening and a bit of reverb - suggestion, not crticism ;) Kay
Well it was for fun I ain't no rapper so I don't I will take it up as a career.
You hit each Beat perfectly. Thats why I loaded my hip hop drum beat up so I would be in time lol.
I could have deepened my voice but I have a sore throat from Gerd so until it gets better?
I just loaded the drum beat up then did some vocal dancing and pitched it up.
Then I rapped on top but then the Gangster squirrel came into my head lol.
The after I Posted I'm like dude you weren't even on drugs lmao.
I just wanted to relax and make something silly for fun and people could have a laugh.
If I do another one I will write some lyrics down and really make it good.
Thanks for the reply and would love to hear that if I haven't already.
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Enjoy Juggernog
Thank you I'm glad you liked it.
Very well done Darren
Best wishes, Anthony
I did have a lot of fun and the next one will be funny too.
Best wishes to you my friend.
The "tum tum tum" VoxChops make it even cooler. This could serve as an intro, followed by hard drums, bass, and some hardcore rap. Man, its just cool!
I just wanted to do something different. Its an honour for you say its cool so thank you.
Well I suppose it could work for hardcore rap I mean something fresh like this would make a change from the normal rap.
I appreciate the reply Richard.
I'm in the process of making a proper beat. This one gave me a few ideas for the next one.
It won't be like a normal hip hop beat its going to have different elements that makes the mind go that's cool.
Just thinking of what to say but make it fun so people go wow I like this.
Not a serious beat but make it fun. Thanks for the reply and glad you like it.
Best regards, Manuela
I'm happy you liked it.
I just started with the hip hop loop I made then started humming a melody to the drum loop then I pitched it higher.
Then I rapped on it all but I might make another one but with lyrics thought out.
I did have fun making it. I know you were expecting a tune but that will come later.
I have a couple of jobs to do for people first.
Really happy you liked it and I'm glad you liked my beatboxing. I learn from you guys sothanks.
Well we all need a laugh mate and the shoutout is a sign of respect.
I just wanted to have some fun.
Glad you enjoyed it.
You hit each Beat perfectly. Thats why I loaded my hip hop drum beat up so I would be in time lol.
I could have deepened my voice but I have a sore throat from Gerd so until it gets better?
I just loaded the drum beat up then did some vocal dancing and pitched it up.
Then I rapped on top but then the Gangster squirrel came into my head lol.
The after I Posted I'm like dude you weren't even on drugs lmao.
I just wanted to relax and make something silly for fun and people could have a laugh.
If I do another one I will write some lyrics down and really make it good.
Thanks for the reply and would love to hear that if I haven't already.