Description : Nice hardcore track with an uplifting melody and a racing beat!
I consider this my best track so far, might not be your cup of tea but give it a listen! And also make sure you listen the whole way through for the changes! please tell me what you think!!
Made this using xpand and elastic audio conformed drum loops. Added in and recorded a heap of other stuff, added some effects, volume automation, pitch shift automation, talkbox effect, delay, reverb, blah blah you know how it is. And then this track was made! So LEAVE A REVIEW!!!!
Everything recorded by yours truly in protools, special thanks to looperman for explosion and pulsing sound effect loops!
(AND as it turns out, the clipping is only slightly due to my mixing, the conversion to mp3, even 160 kbps has caused almost all of it! It is the kick as it turns out. So if i play it on my computer there is no clipping)
This hardcore track was uploaded by DjSomnium. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (20)
If you have time take a listen and give DjSomnium some feedback.
Thanks a lot mate, i am currently working on a new and even better track (i think), so iwill release that and tell me what you think :) hopefully it might even be a 8/10 or better!
i like it , very good , Gj MAN !!! P.S. ALL YOUR TRACKS ARE REALLY COOL AND I LIKE ALL OF THEM GOOD RHYTHM AND EVERYTHING MAN, Keep it up ;) P.S. Please check out my track > esp. Ride Like Wind (dj neru miX) really good mix i like :) Dj nErU
Really nice bouncy intro to this track. Wow, amazing piano, did you play that yourself? Great break, the build up is great. Great melody is fantastic keeps the bouncy feel, nice and happy too.
All in all great track, off to check out more now.
Am I mistaken or did the voice say 1, 2, 3, 5 ahahahahah....either way I LOVE IT, it really gets ya movin. Oh I need music like this for a new track I'm workin on. I got the lyrics just not the music to go with it(sigh)
haah well i was hoping nobody would pick up on that, guess you did lol. well it accually says 1,2,3,4 but beacuse i recorded the pitch bend to rise way to sharply on the last vocal, it ended up sounding like 5. o well! and yeah ill check out your vocals want to do a collab sometime or something?
Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom.
My ears are happy.
It takes a hell of a tune to get me shufflin at 4am on a sunday. but you managed it. Awesome.
Synth work is epic. Piano break at the beginnin, also fckin epic. not repetitive at all, thats a big big big big achievement with rave tunes so props for that.
happy effing hardcore.
love it.
the piano break = pristine.
that pitch shifting synth is nasty, i wouldn't change a thing about this track except to make it last for eternity.
i have no other great words for this, overall a killer production.
3...2...1... *spirals into oblivion*
wow man thanks a heap!! i liked the pitch shifting as well :D i think i have done a better job though on my newest hardcore track called sunset mix, maybe check it out if you have a moment?? i would really appreicate it! -Lorin (Dj Somnium)
Great work on this, Sounds like a lot of work went into this. The drop is excellent, fantastic melody, fantastic base built off. Perhaps the only thing i'd Change is that glock at the start, its too center or somethin' mabe somemore wet verb r i dunno the rest is great, great morphs transitions drops and builds. keep it up.
whats going on.. k so i basically know nothin of this genre but it was deff an interesting song good synths.. bass is a lil fast for me lol but still liked it.. tell you the truth i liked the ending.. whatever synth it was you used with the bass... good stuff.. keep it up tho and check out the stuff as i comes out.. good job - gotti
great climax...and yes i can hear it distort in some places.
but it sounds good one thing the xylo and piano are a bit of in some places never the less...the structure if good.
Lot of work in this track it is very obvious,well done. Now I only had the clipping when played back at maxed volume so maybe the kick part of the track is too "hot"? Nice work.
Nice 1, 2, 3 usage of the main intro synth. The Piano break down reminds me of someone, but I just can't put my finger on it at the mo'. Thanks for sharing. Later on!
yo, mean track bro. not really my sort of music so i cant offer you much advice sorry, but the changeups all fit together well, sounds like uve got a good bass range in there too (iv only got computer speakers at the moment, but i think i can hear some sub). dees track bud keep on it
Way to go homie! Nice ripper... And you'r right bout it all, you pushed my ears all the way out to the limits. beautiful melody, driven at around 250 mph on the autobahn! Feels sweet! Like the build ups through out and the the overall syncopation.
Like a fwe others I'd check some levels here and there, not sure if it's the bass distortion clipping, prolly not the kick, but something is cancelling out in there. Pretty damn cool though man.
This isnt my first song to listen to of yours. I really like your sample choice. its very original. and the overtones match everything... many different perspectives.... i try for that in my music as well.... great drop offs. nice package.
Fatten up the bass, layer with some other sounds. Put rides on every kick too, then claps on every other, and hi hats in between. At one point it gets too loud it starts to really clip. Definitly got potential. I can help you with all things hardcore, I am about to have my first hardcore release so I am getting pretty good now. What synths were you using?
I guess layering would add some depth, the bass was pretty loud already though so im not 100%. I did have claps on every other beat in certain sections to add vareity. I do see your point about the clipping though, i did notice that. Fortunatly it didnt clip too much so i was ok this time but i should watch my mixing. :D The synths i was using were a protools plugin called Xpand. They have a HUGE bank of synths avaliable, and about 5 main editable features for each one as well. thin can range from attack, to filter decay and resonance. I also use mono and poly synths in reason adapted plugin for protools. thanks for your tips!!
Description : The drum beat is transposed beat boxing. Not sue where to take it next but I would say there is plenty of scope for twists and turns. I'm saying its some kind of hardcore but not so sure of that the bpm is 170
Description : A remix/edit of one of my first tracks I made. I've been listening to Russian Hardbass a lot lately, so I wanted to try to remake the originally Hard Techno/Hardstyle track into a typical Russian-style Hardbass.
Description : Hardcore Industrial Techno:
I don't think this has a gray area. Either you'll like it, or you won't. Being sick at the moment, everything sounds weird, so I apologize if the mix is subpar. Overall, I give it a "meh". All the synths you hear in this were made, by me, in serum.
Description : This track is about 4 years old..I finally decided to blow the dust off of it and get some killer vocals on it. This is sung in the style of Howard Jones from Killswitch Engage, as they were my biggest influence in music..Hope you enjoy!!
Description : I leave my last frechncore song here, it's a song that wouldn't exist if it weren't for this fantastic looperman community, I hope you enjoy it at your parties.
Free download
kick was nice, melody was great :)
only thing I didn't like about this track, was that synth that was going till 0:50
in my opinion, this track is a 7/10 :)
All in all great track, off to check out more now.
My ears are happy.
It takes a hell of a tune to get me shufflin at 4am on a sunday. but you managed it. Awesome.
Synth work is epic. Piano break at the beginnin, also fckin epic. not repetitive at all, thats a big big big big achievement with rave tunes so props for that.
killer track all in all. NICE ONE! 10 *'s outta 5
love it.
the piano break = pristine.
that pitch shifting synth is nasty, i wouldn't change a thing about this track except to make it last for eternity.
i have no other great words for this, overall a killer production.
3...2...1... *spirals into oblivion*
but it sounds good one thing the xylo and piano are a bit of in some places never the less...the structure if good.
and composition
I like it : )
Like a fwe others I'd check some levels here and there, not sure if it's the bass distortion clipping, prolly not the kick, but something is cancelling out in there. Pretty damn cool though man.
Great track!