
3rd Apr 2009 14:55 - 15 years ago
Description : This track goes out to everyone who used and abused me over the last couple of years, I don't think anyone here on Looperman falls into that category, so don't worry. Contains a lot of circuit bent sounds, and some cool vocals if you wait for it. From the Spivkurl album "Circle, Full Circle."

Comments (27)

If you have time take a listen and give Spivkurl some feedback.

promenade2239 7th Jun 2015 20:33 - 9 years ago
hi again. this is very minimal (and tribal). that weird uuuu vocal sound around 0:30 reminded me of I think the feel on the vocal is different - I do not mean really the actual 'fuck you' message but the way you sing here is very special. Definitely it sounds different from your current vocal productions.
At some point of in the near future I will be exploring synths a little bit further, maybe I will come up with interesting sounds which may fit your minimal visions eventually, who knows... will you be interested in making a kind of a 'collab' then? that might be something experimental - I am thinking of a very raw kind of synthesizer explorations, not really proper 'songs'...

all in all this is simple but powerful.

best to you, Alex
Spivkurl replied 22nd Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
I was trying to reply to this a few minutes ago when I got an unpleasant knock at the door, not someone who I want to answer to. But here I am again! I appreciate your comments on an older track of mine. Still happy with the circuit bent stuff on hear, and the idea of the words. I would be very happy to collaborate with sometime, especially if it's closer to winter. As an organic gardener, my summers get kind of crazy sometimes. Thank you again for your words, and patience while a waited to reply.
Modnex 16th Oct 2013 01:39 - 10 years ago
Very interesting song you got here, I have to be honest i kinda laughed after hearing this but its a cool track and i like how you kept it very basic, nice work!
Spivkurl replied 17th Oct 2013 - 10 years ago
Hey, thanks for taking a listen to an old track! Honestly, it's meant to be humourous, so don't worry about it! I appreciate the listen!
Brent88 21st Apr 2011 05:20 - 13 years ago
Most of your tracks that i've heard so far give me a happy vibe.. this was a bit different haha, but i loved it! It still had a fun/playful spivkurl vibe goin on that is really growing on me. The rawness of the vocals were highly enjoyable. This was a brilliant venting song that i fully appreciate. faved and downloaded.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, this is definitely different from my usual track, but one that I just had to upload! I'm glad that the vibes of my tracks are growing on you! I like raw vocals too, they make a song worth listening to! Thanks so much for listening, reviewing, faving, and downloading!
JohnBoutilier 11th Mar 2011 16:52 - 13 years ago
Fav and downloaded. I have some friends who will absolutely love this track.


All The Best

Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey thanks so much! Glad you finally found this one, as I think it's one of my best! You should definitely check out Nuada's take on this track at
Thanks for the fave and DL!
BrianMaiden407 19th Jan 2011 17:45 - 13 years ago
Great man!! truly great!! was blown off my chair on this!
How F*ckin Kool is this? love how you just knock down the walls of the limits of musical expression!!

keep it up man!!

Brian ;)
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Ah yes, it's reviews like this that make my day! I really appreciate your kind words! I'm glad you think I knocked down some walls with this one, makes it all worth while! Thanks for the fave too!
Bindanox 19th Dec 2010 06:53 - 13 years ago
I would never suspect you could be this offensive, really have your own sound.Thanks for being original.

Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, we don't hold back in my household! Ha ha! Thanks for saying it's original! I appreciate your listen and review!
Mrbillionx 5th Dec 2010 00:32 - 13 years ago
Yeah we just need to use the F word a few more times.

It's just not used nearly enough..

You might just polish it in without the music for more effect.

( you know like add the vocal in without the music then bring the music back )
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, I know it's overused, but this is just a song I had to make. You know how it goes! Thanks for your suggestions! I appreciate the review!
Thethanx 9th Oct 2010 21:35 - 13 years ago
How could I resist a track with such a title? I have yet to hear a track of your's that doesn't push the boundry in some way... Obscure and you break so many conventional rules about clean vocals, quality of sound... everything. You're music f*cks with my brain in a good way. It almost sounds like glitch +reggaeton to me. Thanks for such inspirational tracks!
I guess if I could offer any other feed back, I'd say it would be cool to hear some really stretched out fuuuuuccckkkkkk yoooouuuuuuuuu's really low in the background, maybe as like some kinda added bass effect or something. But honestly probably better to leave it as is, total classic.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah the title kind of draws you in doesn't it? Thanks for saying I push the boundaries, that's quite a compliment! I love learning rules and then breaking them! Glitch+reggaeton huh? I don't even know what it takes to be reggaeton...maybe it's the vocals that do it? Thanks for the inspirational review and the fave!
Kikajon 1st Oct 2010 22:44 - 13 years ago
Spiv, love this! You have this wonderful, amazing approach and you draw me into your world.

p.s. check out a band called Teddybears sthlm, you might like them.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey thanks for listening, I'm glad you like it! Your words put a smile on my face! I really appreciate the review!

Listening to a Teddybears sthlm song right now, it sounds pretty cool. Thanks for telling me about them!
clinthammerMUSIC 11th Sep 2010 18:46 - 14 years ago
HA HA HA~! Hell yes , SPiv!~ this is awesome I like the Rasta style vox on this one. once again you display mastery of obscure instruments. Very driving grimy track. Really diggin this.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Your words bring a smile to my face! You really seem to understand what I was going for with this track. Driving grimy... I like the sound of that, haha! Thanks so much for the fave!
theHumps 28th Aug 2010 09:35 - 14 years ago
This is great, haha. I like the glitchy beat, I don't listen to much of that genre but the beat and vocals go together so well. Loved the lyrics, that you singing? Great job with this one, so cool I'm gonna dl and fav it!

Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, this is one of my faves of my own tracks, I'm glad you got around to hearing it! Yep, that's me doing my best to sing. Thanks so much for the review, fave, and DL!
SuperPreachers 21st Jul 2010 21:56 - 14 years ago
Thanks a lot for your rewiews.
I had a very good laughing time with your f.... song.
Like the strange way you groove on it!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks for returning the favour of a review! I'm glad you could get into this one, it's a fun groove! Glad I could make you laugh! Thanks for stopping by my friend!
Mosaic 3rd Jan 2010 03:24 - 14 years ago
Spivkurl my friend

You are so F#@king AWESOME man, as you know I am massive fan of yours mate, with tracks like this no wonder, love rhythm beat and synths, then topped off brilliantly with your vocal, 10/10 track this one my friend....adding to fav's for sure, great work my friend....

Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hello again my friend!

You make me smile with your reviews, I'm really glad you liked this track. Everyone who's bought the album has really liked this track, and it's still one of my favorites. It's really good to get some more positive feedback!

Thanks much for the listen and the fave!
maxxkolono 23rd Nov 2009 19:52 - 14 years ago
Hay! Music, as always, on the highest level! You're CRAZY!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey, thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it! You're right, I am crazy!
DuckCez 14th Nov 2009 17:46 - 14 years ago
Crazy!!!!! You a fool for this one.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Yeah, I'm a crazy fool fo sho! Thanks for listening!
amateursuperhero 3rd Nov 2009 06:11 - 14 years ago
This is crazy! did u record ur voice? its pretty cool punchy kick drum i love it 7.8/10 good job
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Hey thanks for stopping by to listen! Yep, that's my voice, I think the vocals turned out pretty good on this one. I appreciate the review!
Rtdabombnetwork 2nd Aug 2009 00:44 - 15 years ago
yeah smash that window lol! new check out my toxicvoltage feature 1 @ yeah u got me sayin it "fu@% you"
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Nice! Thanks for the review friend!
alividlife 5th Jul 2009 02:01 - 15 years ago
i love the tons of rhythmic stuff goin' on in this..

there is soo many rhythms... pulling and pushing

i really really wish you would put a demonic sounding pad on this kinda like ultrabase mentioned.

shoot dude.. this is the kinda track that just speaks from an artists perspective.. it don't matter what style this is considered.

"F*CK you!" indeed, something i say almost everyday

oh, btw,

can you tell me a little bit about the "circuit bent" sounds??
what is that? what do you mean?
that sounds fascinating
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I think this song is all about the rhythms. I never added pads or the like because at the time I was very interested in limiting my sound sources. It has been suggested that I release a single with remixes of this track, maybe I should get to work on that.

As far as circuit bending goes - it's a way of modifying electronics especially toys which makes them usable as musical instruments. I have been modifying electronics for a few years now and have lots of toys to sample and chop. You can see some of the gear that I use in my gallery here on my looperman profile. It's a great hobby, almost an obsession.

Thanks again for checkin out my tunes!
CalifKen 4th Jul 2009 15:48 - 15 years ago
cool beat - nice work. interesting use of the vocals, very straight and tight cuts. nice.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thank you very much for the review!
dustyx 12th Jun 2009 09:12 - 15 years ago
not bad.i love weird n wacky stuff but this is insane.not to put u down but i didnt like the vocals o the way it was sung.u could have screetched fuck u n it would hav had a good effect on the listner.this was remindin me of linkin parks vocal effect on people.u have it n u to be a poet n a good producer.hey but some creative u could do in future is join my psychedelic ontourage.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
It was created at an insane moment in life, so I guess that show's through. As far as the way it was sung, it just all came out that way, couldn't change it even if I wanted to as the album is finished. I'm curious about this psychedelic ontourage you speak of. Thanks for reviewing!
CHOKE 29th May 2009 14:13 - 15 years ago
WELL F*CK you 2. THIS is NUTS I played this track 4 times, so my guy's could hear it, and they all loved it. YA BOY CHOKE!!!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Well, thank you very much for the kind feedback. Glad your guys got into it too. Just keepin it real! Take care!
MEDICALMARIJUANA 8th May 2009 04:07 - 15 years ago
Laughing in a good way I needed that man ha ha ha ha. peace2009 Did you ever see the Big lebowski ? fav movie. Peace
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Glad I could put a smile on your face. Yes I have seen that movie a while back, it also was good for a laugh. Thanks for listening!
DonnieVyros 7th May 2009 19:29 - 15 years ago
No, no, no, no... F888 you!

Don'tcha just love that word? It has so many applications and all that. Anyways, this is strange in a Tricky sorta way. Its kinda Glitchy, but it also has some Garage Electro qualities to it too. The "Just havin fun" part of the lyrics really struck a chord with me (or is it supposed to be accord, shrugs). That's what its all about, right- havin fun? Kinda like if someone aint havin fun with it then why they doin it at all, ya know? Lates!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I was indeed trying to have fun with this track, I'm glad it shows. And I do love that word, a little too much. Thanks for litsening man!
digitalenigma0 11th Apr 2009 06:03 - 15 years ago
i liked it at first the weird glitchy vocals turned me off but by the end i appreciated them, the chorus reminded me of my own voice so i had to listen to it the main beat as simple as it is it kicks through solid the whole song, i liked the song much more by the end then i did at first, seems like a fun one to play turned up really loud for all to hear!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
I've been told by quite a few people that my music grows on them, maybe that works for individiual songs. I appreciate the constructive feedback. Thanks for the review! PLAY IT LOUD!
DextDee 9th Apr 2009 15:45 - 15 years ago
hehehehe, i like the way u are saying the f*ck u on this track makes me u are saying it on the annoying side, like the second fast F*uck u. also i like the quick "he" sound, like someone is pushing up and is tired from a stroke.
this is my first Glitch track i think so i am not sure how this goes. good work.
Spivkurl replied Unknown
It's definitely meant to be slightly annoying, as the F*uck you is definitely directed towards certain people. I think the pitched down "f*ck you" adds a little ghetto element to the track. Don't worry to much about the genre. I only put it under glitch because the song is primarily composed of circuit bent glitches. Thanks for the review!
Reverse1984 7th Apr 2009 07:32 - 15 years ago
I really dig this track. Very interesting! You are very creative and seem to possess your own writing style. Which is something to be proud of. Not everyone on Looperman is capable of original songs!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thank you so much, that's one of the nicest reviews I've ever gotten! This song was really kind of spontaneous, so I'm glad others can enjoy it. I appreciate the listen!
ultrabase 4th Apr 2009 10:20 - 15 years ago
don't know the Glitch genre,it's al music to me!cool beat and awsome vocals.a padsound in the back would be nice i think and a bit deeper bass sound!electro pop comes to mind when i listen to this track.good work for sure!
Spivkurl replied Unknown
Thanks for your review. Both the genre selection and the lack of pads or deep bass are the result of the limited sound source I used. If I remember right it;s all circuit bent sounds, I stayed away from traditional instrumentation. Electro pop sounds okay to me. Thanks again!

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Tags :
Description : My first Glitch-Hop track. I found some creepy/eery ambient and atmosphere loops to fit the mood. I was happy with it at first... But once I started to listen to it more, I realized it could've been better. Oh well, what artist hasn't had that thought?
7th Feb 2020 23:13 - 4 years ago
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15th Dec 2019 19:41 - 4 years ago
Description : A glitchy like eerie beat with moments of hip hop like break through.

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Description : Rage typebeat - "Dril Jersey"

Edited on Fl Studio with own Drums.

148 bpm
Dminor Key
17th Oct 2018 22:38 - 5 years ago
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Description : I like this one, I wasn't sure what genre to put it in though
4th Apr 2018 17:25 - 6 years ago
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24th Apr 2014 20:54 - 10 years ago
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Description : This one is quite bass/rhythm heavy, turn it up!! :)
3rd Feb 2023 14:05 - 1 year ago
Description : 0302 update: File changed.


As its my 17th birthday today, gonna release this in advance.

Several Looperman loops used. Thx!
Lyrics are written by me. Vocal parts were made in Synthesizer V using ChiYu's vocalbank.
The DAW is Soundbug.

Love from Chaoyang District, Beijing, China.
11th May 2017 19:35 - 7 years ago
Description : Hope you like it :D im doing a lot of songs now.
7th Jan 2017 17:39 - 7 years ago
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Description : A New Track I Made With My Ninja Loop I Uploaded
7th May 2023 22:39 - 1 year ago
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1st May 2016 21:36 - 8 years ago
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Description : I hope it sounds good.
16th Nov 2017 16:46 - 6 years ago
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Description : trippy glitch trap electro
1st Apr 2023 17:51 - 1 year ago
Description : This is the first Glitch style track i've made. I am pretty pleased with the results.
25th Jun 2022 00:06 - 2 years ago
Description : I used a TON of loops from here so

if you made one of these loops the shout out to you!