Description : Built a beat around Shawnlat's acapella. Kinda cool to remix a local Illinois dude. Big ups to Shawnlat for the raw pella. Kinda gotta a Gangstarr vibe to it. I dig hope yall do aswell.
I think that the production is really on point with this one. One of the best tracks I've heard thus far. It's getting good rotation here, so you know it's good work. I put a hook on this track:
Thanks for the kind words man! Your flow is sick on this. It inspired the instrumental. I heard the flow and thought to myself "I going to nail this one" I listened to the link you left. I think you should raise the volume on the vocals for the hook. I could barely make out what you were saying.
I wish I was on vacation. Only been back to work for 2 months and I already am sick of it. Like the money though. Ive been staying up later than I should working on new stuff and neglegting my girl lol. Im starting to get overloaded with ideas. Have to get em out and audible.
Glad you dig it man! I remember you saying something before about being interested in working on something with me. Yeah? Im down for what ever man,...just let me know!
this hot coney i c u brotha love the track bro sound like the ice cube today was a good day lol keep it coming...keep the chi-town going strong 1st Kanye and his runner up Coney...
New track just put up today let me know what u think
Lol,...right. Im hella diggin this track right now. Yes sir Chi Town! Yo we should get me you and Shawnlat to rip some tracks together. All from about the same area. Might as well.
Great beat, great vocals. I love those J DIlla style cut up sample kinda beats, I've made a few in that style recently. When it's done right, like this is, it's sick.
Thanks man! Yeah I did download that track of yours and listen to it often. Had to have one of my buddies translate for me. Perfectionist? Nah,...well mabey. I try anyway. lol
nice mix bro. mista killed it and that beats fire homey. i think ya timing maybe a sec or 2 off though. maybe its just me. im just tryin lookout for the cookout hahaha PEACE
Yeah I hear on the timing issue. The pella was kinda all over the place. I had to make some cuts to get it to were it is now. Now I want to stay up and mess with it some more.
Sick track man. The beat is grooving as hell. Goes well with the flows. Always enjoy hearing some Jedi Mind Tricks. Great job on the remix and good luck in the competition.
Well, I wish you the best of luck in the competition man; I'm definately rooting for ya. It's still a banging track even though you didn't have as much time as the other participants. I'm sure your skill won't go unnoticed, Peace and Good Luck!!!
I like the remix to Animal RAP man great job. Beat is nice on both Kool G Raps verse and Vinnie Paz' verse. Love me some JMT awesome job. Faving and downloading. If you don't mind me asking which competion is this?
Yeah the original is super sick. Gotta love JMT. I think I could have done better with this. I still might. The competition was on futureproducers its a site similar to looperman just cant post tracks. I just found the site recently and got into this comp at the last few days of it. Wish I would have had more time.
Intro....OFF THE CHAIN...
the only thing I noticed about it and would get rid of or tune down a little more is the girls voice that plays in the background through the whole the way it plays and gets to sounding after a while is not tryin to sound rude just givin you TRUE HONEST HELPING started sounding annoying after a it kinda took away from the verses that were on here....Just bein 100% honest with you...MUCH ++++RESPECT+++++ truthful feedback is the only feedback that helps...~KiNg OUT~
Thanks for the feedback man! This was the type of reveiw I was looking for! Not rude at all. Glad you like it for the most part. lol. The more feedback like this the better in my opinion. Again man thanks for the feedback and the kind words!
good job good flow good track original,quality... sounds like south park mexican from texas
red beams and rice good track very similiar voice... again great track keep it up
i love it the prouction is a little fuzzy like i would have to mess with my nobs on my car sterio to listen to it in the car but other that great great track my friend i would be down for you to rap over one of my tracks one day altho mine arent as nice as yours but im workin one it well done keep it up
cheers for the review always good to get any type of feedback. luvin the prodution of this tune sounds full no crit at all goes so nice i always find it hard to review tunes on looperman as there is so much wack produce Peace.
few things...
I didn't hear the other version, but this sounds really good.
On the high-end.. the high freq's didn't bother me.
You can always try a multi-band compressor to tame your mix.
I can't quite make out the chorus. The hook has a good feel.
Production is VERY good!
Hey mate, you didn't use any samples in this did you? If you did you need to specify that you've got permission to use 'em otherwise you'll be in breach of copy right and site rules. So please fix this whenever you get the chance ok?
LOL,...thanks man. Time travel for sure. Im totally into old oldies. 20's to 50's. Thats when music started exploring itself. Thanks for the listen man! We gotta collab sometime!
Yeah true that. I usually dont use too many samples. Been doing it more as of late. I would pay for that 5 or 6 second clip. F@ck it why not. Lol. Think you are allowed 4 bars of something sampled. As long as you alter it one way or another.
HAHAHA! the intro is dope! the sampling is sick too! the sequencing is nice, the sax makes it hard to rap fast over, but still a great beat! o and when the song stops, put another hook in there, i would do some more mixing for high end, my studio monitors say too much, dunno tho. hey i got a new beat up, let me know what i can do better!
Lol, I know what you mean on the hard to rap over stuff. Thats kinda why I was leaning towards using this as just and intro. Yeah man I noticed the highs are low on most of my tracks(pisses me off to no end)sounds good in the house but when I play it on some car systems the highs come out real low. Got any suggestions?
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I will post 1-3 Beats a week to get started !
leave a sub if u want :D
!!! USAGE !!!
Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
Description : Track 6 off "Mo$hpit Mu$ic", the latest mixtape I got streaming now on my SoundCloud. If you vibe with it, give it a listen! Follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow back. Always open to suggestions and possible collabs, my email and DM's are open! Stay up Looperfam
Description : Everything but the effects i played out. made for them hard spitters def would love to hear what someone with a flow does to this. me and my boy murdered this verbally as i made it enjoy!
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CXRTER on Spotify & Soundcloud and message me on socials if you wanna work.
Description : Let me know what you guys think of this beat! I did not make the melodies for this song, LilTiddy created the two loops. I created the drums such as the 808, Kicks, Hi-Hates, Snares and claps. I also Mixed and Mastered the Instrumental.
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Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 2 by LilTiddy
Description : I found this old track from 2013. A collab with looperman member Mr1Black.I used RarCharm vocals on the hook.MrBlack sent me his dry vocals and I mixed them in with the track..not the best job on mixing the vocals, or the beat but ,I still like it.
New track just put up today let me know what u think
Nice job.
u must have robot computer ears because ur
production skills are nice
Chris Mac
the only thing I noticed about it and would get rid of or tune down a little more is the girls voice that plays in the background through the whole the way it plays and gets to sounding after a while is not tryin to sound rude just givin you TRUE HONEST HELPING started sounding annoying after a it kinda took away from the verses that were on here....Just bein 100% honest with you...MUCH ++++RESPECT+++++ truthful feedback is the only feedback that helps...~KiNg OUT~
red beams and rice good track very similiar voice... again great track keep it up
I didn't hear the other version, but this sounds really good.
On the high-end.. the high freq's didn't bother me.
You can always try a multi-band compressor to tame your mix.
I can't quite make out the chorus. The hook has a good feel.
Production is VERY good!
Mos' your friendly looperman lawyer....ha