7th Jun 2009 09:52 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : A rock tune that has the lead held back except near the you musicians out there can add vocals or lead to it. Starts out with a synth and then builds.

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.

thechockehold 17th Mar 2024 12:54 - 11 months ago
Its all good exept the snare sound:)
Iwahstore 26th Dec 2012 18:05 - 12 years ago
Your work is professional in every way. Hope you don't mind if I added vocals to Rock This Way. I'd like your feedback so listen to the track Auction My Love on my page. Thanks for the inspiration.
Randall822 replied 27th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi there Iwahstore,

I did listen to your vocals in my song here. Sounded ok to me overall. But I think it would have sounded better if you had added some reverb to your voice as it sounded kind of dry is all.

Thanks for letting me know about your adding vocals.
The rules here are that your suppose to ask the artist permission first.

Take care,
Danke 3rd Dec 2012 20:44 - 12 years ago
hi Randy

hey, hey, hey
That's awesome, marvellous, first class rock music. In the good meaning of the word "Mainstream!!!". Bro, you think equally to music like me. Vocal centered music you make as a guitar player. Hats off...I love your art extremely,
Regards, Danke
Randall822 replied 5th Dec 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi Danke,

Another good choice for you to listen to.
Thanks again for the compliments.
As I may have said in another post, I believe in quality, not quantity. If it takes me a month or more to make a song proper, then that's what it takes.

I am truly a 1 man band, altho back in the 60's to about '79, I played in other bands, and also had my own country-rock band.


Jeff05C 28th Jan 2012 21:55 - 13 years ago
Nice Bone Crunching drive on the guitars, I enjoyed the strings and all the levels/tones mesh together really well. Great song. Nice breaks in there, accentuates the drive I find.

Randall822 replied 30th Jan 2012 - 13 years ago
Hi Jeff05C,

Thanks for your comments on this rock tune. I love trying different types of music, But mostly my songs cover rock and country...and some blues now and then. I am working on a slide blues guitar one now, and will post it when I get it done.
I have a couple rock songs done as well, and am waiting for lyrics/vocals to be added by the people I sent them to.

I left a review for your latest song as well.

Thanks again,
NeonStrawberry 25th Sep 2010 11:02 - 14 years ago
lovely, also sorta perfect. Nice overdrive too, chipping my speakers :p and godly solos.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there NeonStrawberry,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen to one of my tunes, and to also leave a review. Over 456 listeners...and only 16 reviews! But it was downloaded 103 what does that tell ya. Guess others liked it as well. :-)

Anyways, I am glad you also enjoyed it. I liked doing the Synth part. I believe I did it one in
e-minor for the effect.

I'll stop over and take a listen and review one of your songs in kind in a day or so. I am at work now and can't do much here. I am working on a classic type rock tune now.

Thanks again,
rei4real 2nd May 2010 21:52 - 14 years ago
what a drive!!!
I love the guitar sound here, so full and rich, awesome ...
there's a song by an Austrian singer which is called "with 66 life begins" (that's the english translation from the german title) ... you prove that phrase right ...
awesome my friend!!

peace, rei
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Rei,

Again I apologize for the delay in my response(s). I am glad you also enjoyed this tune. Since I have 2 Korg units here, I need to make use of them more, and that is what I am trying to do in my future tunes as I can.
I am not a great keyboard player by any means, but since I can do anything I want in 'slow-mo' and then speed it up to the proper tempo without degradation, it makes it much easier and anyone can do it.

So I haven't heard of that artist you mentioned. But 66 is just a number as I plan on keeping going for at leatst another 10 years if I can.

The next tune I am working on is a Crunch type with mostly guitar and some ideas I have had for a long time. Nothing spectacular, but have to get it out of my head. :-)

Thanks for your review.
BenjiP 15th Nov 2009 13:04 - 15 years ago
DUDE you are amazing ! your songs are amazing!
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi ya BenjiP,

I also want to thank you for listening and reviewing this tune. As I am working a lot now..12 hour shifts with no days off temporarily...I have not made anything since the last Techo-Trance tune.

I didn't even have time to enter the last big contest as maybe some of my tunes might have won?
Anyways, if you have any tunes up, I will take a listen and give a review back to you.

Thanks again for your reply. Like the old Dorito's commercial, Don't worry, I'll make more!
Have to go...I am still working.

Randy Miller
The_Acidizer 29th Oct 2009 01:52 - 15 years ago
simply amazing! one of the best tracks i have heard on looperman yet! the strings in addition with the excellent guitars is fantastic. you can definately go somewhere with your music if you continue to put out stuff like this. fantastic job
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Acidizer.....
I very much appreciate your listening and reviewing this tune. Must be it came up under the 'Featured box' as it has been out for a little while.
I haven't made much of any music at all since that Techo-Trance tune. I have been really busy at work on the night shift at 12 hours a night, and no days off! new music. :-(

So no worries..I will start again in mid December. I think I'll run back to my country roots and produce a modern country instrumental with the use of my Emmond Pedal is sitting in the corner feeling neglected.

Thanks again man, and I will listen to some of your tracks as well in a couple I am at work now ...again.

Randy M.
d2d 15th Jul 2009 15:52 - 15 years ago
This is some of the best guitar work I've heard on looperman. I'm very impressed! Thanks for posting it!
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi D2d,

Sorry for the very late reply. I have been working all my days off lately, and am slow in getting reviews back to people for this tune as there was quite a few.

I will listen to one of your tunes later today and give a review back as I am off and have more time. I appreciate your comments very much!
DextDee 15th Jul 2009 13:23 - 15 years ago
Sir Randall, i like this rock tune very much. i just want to chip in one small thing i heard; just at the start, when the synths come in, they overshadow the violin synth just a lil bit. i think some compression on that one would solve the problem!!
nice work.!!!

Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello DextDee,

Glad to have to stop by and listen to my latest tune. I hadn't seen your name before in any of my reviews, so that is cool to have a new person listen to my songs. I will review one of yours in a few minutes and give feedback in return.

As for the synths taking over the sound of the violins a little, that is quite possible and I appreciate your advice. However, I also wish to say if your listening to the song with tiny computer speakers, then it will sound a lot different than say, regular near field monitors speakers about 5 inches on up.

My Dell Laptop seems to compress the sound itself and it doesn't sound as good as it does with with bigger speakers. I have a subwoofer built into my laptop, but I doubt that it is much bigger than 1 inch in diameter from what I can see of it from the outside. :-)

Anyways, again, thanks for your review.
Randy in NY
jahknow 12th Jul 2009 14:36 - 15 years ago
One of the best new rocks tunes I've heard in years. By ANY artist! This kicked serious ass.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Jahknow,

Thanks for stopping by. I don't believe I've seen your name before in any other of my other reviews. So if this is a first for listening to my tunes, then your very welcome to listen to whatever you like. :-)
Rock, Blues, Country is what I am into as I also play several different instruments.

I appreciate your comments on this tune and invite you to take a listen to 'Heavy Metal Highway' if you like heavy metal. I am NOT trying to advertize my tunes, but it's had over 500 plays, and some say it is the best they have ever heard for heavy metal. So you be the judge I guess. I am not really in to metal much either. I did it for a friend in Serbia.

I also play slide guitar and will feature a little in my next tune which will basically a Funk type tune. A 1st for me and maybe my last! :)

I will take a listen to your tunes as well and give you feedback. Can't this minute as I am at work.
Later then ....and thanks again for the nice review.
TRIS 30th Jun 2009 17:46 - 15 years ago
Wow, such great energy!!! love the beginning how its sets the mood for the guitar to come in. This would be nice driving on an open road somewhere in the western states just letting loose. Great work on this, its perfect in every way!!! *fav*
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Tris,

Thanks a lot for listening/reviewing my latest track. As I mentioned in the description, I left the tune fairly empty so others could add vocals or some more lead. So go to it if your inclined to add to it.

I am a little behind in giving reviews back as far as listening to others tunes because of work....but be sure that I will review one of your tunes soon and give a review back to you.

Been working 12 hours a day lately and don't have much energy left to do much when I get home. (I am at work now in fact, but can't listen to tunes here easily).

Thanks again,
MEDICALMARIJUANA 22nd Jun 2009 03:26 - 15 years ago
This has that 80's type feel and groove, I can see the highly sprayed hair bouncing around. Leather pants ha ha ha the eighties what a decade. peace
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there M........!
I appreciate your review and will return the favor shortly for sure.
I am glad it brought back some memories for you.

Thanks again,
BigPete 14th Jun 2009 06:37 - 15 years ago
this kicks ass, love the drive, the chord progression, arrangments, great bridge with the reverse effect I think on the guitar, this is a it entertaining and very musical at the same time, thanks for kicking my ass in the rock catergorie, lol. I deserve it.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there BigPete,

Hey man, I appreciate your comments very much. As you have listened to my past earlier music, you can see how I am learning and progressing as time goes on.
It certainly is fun and enjoyable to listen to the final outcome after many takes and experimenting of what will fit and what won't.

I am geting up there in years and am relying on looping more as my fingers slow down. Many tunes I make, are originally slower as I create the 'tricky parts', and then I decide upon a tempo for the final output.

Thanks again for your review and I appreciate your comments always.
ChrisHall 8th Jun 2009 00:45 - 15 years ago
great how you make that minor feel turn into a major feel with the chords man! this song sorta makes me wanna step my game up and spend some more time on my tracks! great tune bud and nice abrupt ending!

Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Chrilsh,

Your very welcome on your comments and I appreciate them a lot. Always do the best you can as in my note to AJ below, your music will long outlast you. How do you want to be remembered after your gone? That's how I look at things.

But then again I just turned 65, so I won't be around that much longer. ha ha

Thanks so much for your review, and I will get to your page and do a review in a day or two.

Falter 7th Jun 2009 12:27 - 15 years ago
i'm so glad you asked me to check this little number out, amazing composition, production is impeccable, you are a master of your trade my friend. I love the subtle riff that kicks in at around 1:50, so smooth. I have nothing but praise for your work and i feel that even attempting to critique your work would be a grave insult on my part because you obviously know anything i could possibly say and far beyond.

so thank you very much for contributing this tune to the site and to the world for that matter!
always a fan,
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi TJ,

I guess I forgot that your name TJ and Falter is one and the same. :-) Glad you enjoyed this tune and am always looking forward to reviews to see how I can improve.
The subtle riffs and other guitar licks and chords strewn thoroughout, are what makes it more interesting and not a boring tune.

Thanks again TJ. I appreciate your listening and commenting very much.
alividlife 7th Jun 2009 10:05 - 15 years ago
it's really beautiful randy.

i like this song!
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello Abe!

Congrats, your the 1st to review this new tune. I am glad you enjoyed this tune. I am getting better on my synth I guess.

I have some really cool stuff I want to do on it still. Just that I am not a bonafied keyboard player.....yet.

Thanks again friend.
Planetjazzbass 7th Jun 2009 10:04 - 15 years ago
Hey Randy...I like to be the first cab off the reviewing rank on your tunes...Man!..super cool rhythm crunch,with that sympathetic orchestration it's killer (Excellent intro by the way)..I think you've been holding out on us man..your a rocking demon!.Have you bought a pair of leather pants lately? lol...Your tracks have always been great..but lately you've somehow raised the bar quite a few pegs..anything to do with your keyboard work I wonder..hmmm...Not only is the musicianship and production values first class..this track is going to be very popular with a broad audience I think......fantastic!
cheers Dave
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Dave,

Ha....your quick on the draw! Thanks for the glowing review. Glad you liked the tune throughout. I love my new Korg M-3. No...I don't own any leather pants, or never have. haha.

As far as raising the bar, I don't think I can do any better. I messed with this one quite awhile trying different parts out to see what would fit best.
Didn't even know how I wanted it to end....except I didn't want to do a fade out as I sometimes do. So an abrupt stop with a little echo after effect from the keyboard sounded ok, but still a little strange to me. :)

I actually think most anyone on this site that has been playing for a time, could do what I just did...but it's not an overnight type making tune. Have to know the ins and outs of your effects and how to make them work for some playing skills of course, and thinking outside the box.

I don't play drums, so those are loops. Getting the drum breaks right are a real challenge.

Then I learned how to 'master' as well from reading and watching a fellow studio owner in a local studio. He is pleased with my progress thus far.
I recently got a slew of Line6 RTAS software amp and effects simulations. Those are fun to mess with. Can't wait to do more with them.

So anyways, I appreciate your review and I'll review another of your tunes shortly.

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5th Sep 2021 10:35 - 3 years ago
Description : Rock alternativo, espacial.
29th Jun 2013 18:40 - 11 years ago
Description : Here's my first try on Patricia Edwards Acapella.
The vocals are bombastic !!!

Song still needs some mixing and drum repositioning
1st Mar 2015 00:03 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
6th Jul 2020 18:44 - 4 years ago
Description : This is the fourth track of my W.I.P. Vocaloid album called: Acerbus 3.

Many thanks to Ashesndreams for sharing these vocals!

Original from Ashesndreams:
29th Jun 2024 19:55 - 8 months ago
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
17th Apr 2019 04:25 - 5 years ago
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
13th Jul 2019 06:47 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : A mix of rock and rave from my early 2000
16th Mar 2015 20:23 - 9 years ago
Description : Guitar track produced with guitar loops from Nilooy.
12th Jun 2020 23:21 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : lmloops=xmas gtrs+bs/bellz/same old drums/kush/stargate/creamy synth/ft katerina mufitek mrazkova/ft anonvx
3rd Dec 2013 06:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
22nd Apr 2021 20:51 - 3 years ago
Description : this is not who i am.
9th Sep 2024 19:20 - 5 months ago
Description : A math rock track I made featuring VA SOPHIA, taking the genre "math rock" literally

You can check the video out on youtube, it has nice visuals and art made by xhanuh (instagram)

Track on youtube & spotify can be found under:

"Complex Geometry" [VA SOPHIA] - Kiestyle Productions
17th May 2020 18:16 - 4 years ago
Description : This is the 2nd cover of Big Audio Dynamite i done With my freind John. We both fan of the band so we decided to do a challenge and produce a serie of covers. we done 4 in one month. each track got it proper video check my youtube channel indiegroundvid