15th Jun 2009 00:34 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : I wrote this song using a character style of a guy that is a bit twisted. I used the true story of a friend that is married to a christian girl but fell in love with a punk rock girl that he worked with. This is the first song that I have uploaded. The loops I used are some that I created using Sonar. The drums are Simon Phillips from
I don't know what else to say about it, I played all the other stuff, guitars, bass using my Line6 Flextone III and a zoom bass effects pedal.

Comments (13)

If you have time take a listen and give sobstory some feedback.

UncleMalaria 24th Oct 2009 23:51 - 15 years ago
The vocals are super fantastic!
Fricken sweet rock song.
WhiteSands 12th Jul 2009 01:10 - 15 years ago
Love the lyrics man. I love that dark sounding guitar reminds me of some acid rock.
n0mad23 6th Jul 2009 21:26 - 15 years ago
Yeah, Dylan and Young are good analogies here - folk sensibility and compulsion in delivering an important narrative. I'm still waiting for Pacific Northwest Folk Punk to arise. Dude, sonically this is such an evolution of SubPop! It's been a long time since I thought about The Screaming Trees, but after listening to this I'm going to dig out my vinyl again! Thanks!
sobstory replied Unknown
Thanks so are to kind. You use some very big names with big shoes to fill.

Thanks again,

Sorry it took so long to reply back

Planetjazzbass 21st Jun 2009 09:48 - 15 years ago
I like the dark side of the bright side...And I especially like real emotive dimensional much of today's media is cookie cutter mentality...So you've got a new fan the songs description is way cool!'ve achieved a good tonal bridge between the guitar and vocals,very complimentary...another gutsy performance with real MrSob!..cheers planet
sobstory replied Unknown
Wow...thanks for your support. I am amazed by everyone here and how people are coming together on looperman to make tracks without all of the genre prejudice that you might find on other least I hope that is the case, I am new and have only seen the positive side of looperman.

Sob Story
SLAPJOHNSON 17th Jun 2009 13:33 - 15 years ago
This is the real deal! Real instruments being played by a real musician.Real vocals with original lyrics and a true gritty quality... Your production is just right for this song (flawless). So 10/10 from me....

Cheers Slap...
sobstory replied Unknown
Thank you, That means allot coming from you. I am new to looperman and your loops stand out as the top of the top. I have been listening to your loops now for a few days and I am very excited about using them on upcoming tracks. Can I contact you about an Alto solo I need? Im looking for a short Bowie type solo between an F and G chord rotation at about 70 bpm...any ideas?

Thanks again for the positive review!

Sob Story

Thanks again,
ChrisHall 16th Jun 2009 19:31 - 15 years ago
This is wicked man! great quality and youv got a wicked sounding voice...i have a song you could sing on..its more uptempo and have to record it first...let me know if your interested buddy and il send you an e-mail if you like?

sobstory replied Unknown
Thanks for the kind review. I would love to hear what you have and will try to lay down something for it...Keep me posted.

Thanks again,

DJ_JEZZA 16th Jun 2009 13:12 - 15 years ago
This sounds like my old band :P - except my old band was more ska like and had trumpets and a keyboard.

Nice melody, style and composition.

Cant see a flaw in it really lol

sobstory replied Unknown
Hey thanks for the kind words.
Hope to be uploading more stuff soon.

Thanks again,
MEDICALMARIJUANA 15th Jun 2009 04:05 - 15 years ago
High dude.... welcome 2 Loopsville. The best part about this place is all the characters inside.....peace
sobstory replied Unknown
Thanks for the welcome. Hope you like the post.
I will check out your posts soon.


Sob Story
victormusic01x 15th Jun 2009 02:52 - 15 years ago
this track took me back man, this sounds like what Dylan and Neil Young would play if they got together tommorrow and jammed for the first time, heartwrenching lyrics and vibes too! I dig the unique style, can't wait to hear what else ya got coming!
thanks for sharing your music here the nyC
sobstory replied Unknown
I never thought that my alt rock, metal, blues influences would sound like Dylan.....but wow, Thanks

Its great to share on this site and you all rock.

Sob Story
BigPete 15th Jun 2009 01:41 - 15 years ago
OK I'm back, just read your bio, it explain a lot, you're a pro and it shows the skill the emotion it comes from a life in rock, but what really made me laugh is your number one album of all time, check out the track I entered to the competition in rock and check the video, I think we have similar taste in Zeppelin albums, you have to check the video I made for the track Rise of the Swan (get the allusion to Zep, lol)
sobstory replied Unknown
Your video is great....I have also been doing some local radio and recording ad spots in my studio, also when I was a kid my Dad was a program director in country radio. I have to tell you this site is the best..I used to go onto you upload your tracks and let everyone hand you your ass and tell you how much better they are then you. The people here are awesome. I am glad I joined the group.
BigPete 15th Jun 2009 01:35 - 15 years ago
Man I forgot thanks for also kicking my ass in the rock competition, lol, thats the second time after Randall track now yours i guess participating is the important thing for me, glad to be a loser to such worthy musicians.
sobstory replied Unknown
I don't know about all that...thanks again. My next upload is a song about addiction hope you like that one as well. Oh I just heard that song you did using the Slap Harp...Great track...I love the blues. I will be posting some blues soon

Sob Story
BigPete 15th Jun 2009 01:20 - 15 years ago
Wow man, this is serious writing and story telling, you have a great vocal delivery hope you don't hate me for what I'm going to say but I felt like a Bob Dylan feel to the way you tell your story (and this is meant to be a huge compliment) its the blues feel, Bob Dylan is heavely influence by the blues, and thats only about the writing and vocal performance as this was not enough your production is spotless a true pro production the playing is amazing the loop arrangments are great this is a total track I can't make any constructive criticism, this is a complete track with everything perfect. I lived that story in 1982 as a DJ, I swear.Peace Love and Freedom to love a punk girl but punk girls aren't the marrying kind, lol.
sobstory replied Unknown
Wow, awesome words to discribe my songwriting. I try to blend all my influences. I am glad you like it and hope you like my other tracks.

Thanks again,

DextDee 15th Jun 2009 01:15 - 15 years ago
man u have a voice. the rock voice beaing looked for. if i sing like that, i would cough, kehu-kehu. truely, u have something, nice use.
as for ur musical wife, lol, it is not fair to her. lol j/k.
we all have different likes u know, for me i like black hair :D

i would take this track as love rock more than a rock itself.
sobstory replied Unknown
Thanks man,
I have to say I didnt know how this track would go over. I will be uploadind more songs soon. Things that are song more then this.
Thanks for the kind words.
Sob Story

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29th Jun 2013 18:40 - 11 years ago
Description : Here's my first try on Patricia Edwards Acapella.
The vocals are bombastic !!!

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1st Mar 2015 00:03 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
6th Jul 2020 18:44 - 4 years ago
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Many thanks to Ashesndreams for sharing these vocals!

Original from Ashesndreams:
29th Jun 2024 19:55 - 8 months ago
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
17th Apr 2019 04:25 - 5 years ago
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
13th Jul 2019 06:47 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : A mix of rock and rave from my early 2000
16th Mar 2015 20:23 - 9 years ago
Description : Guitar track produced with guitar loops from Nilooy.
12th Jun 2020 23:21 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : lmloops=xmas gtrs+bs/bellz/same old drums/kush/stargate/creamy synth/ft katerina mufitek mrazkova/ft anonvx
3rd Dec 2013 06:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
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Description : this is not who i am.
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Description : A math rock track I made featuring VA SOPHIA, taking the genre "math rock" literally

You can check the video out on youtube, it has nice visuals and art made by xhanuh (instagram)

Track on youtube & spotify can be found under:

"Complex Geometry" [VA SOPHIA] - Kiestyle Productions
17th May 2020 18:16 - 4 years ago
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