Description : This tune was written by KRUZO, I fell in love with it the moment I heard it. A good friend of mine had been severely abused as a child, I wrote this song for her, she is not forgotten. To all the abused children, this song is also for you, you are not forgotten.
Thank you for your feedback all, I have taken the vocals down a bit, see what you think!.
This ambient track was uploaded by WARRIORDANIKA. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (16)
If you have time take a listen and give WARRIORDANIKA some feedback.
Very nice song, I like the opening arpeggios with your voice delay cris-crossed. Your vocals here sound remind me a bit of Kate Bush when she phrases her words in this lower register. Honestly I would like to work with the vocals on this one and create a different musical landscape to fit these elegant vocals, maybe a bit darker in synth styles, but that's the tinkerer in me. Though I do love the breakdown at 2:17, that is really nice musically. I think it, the housey sounding synths that I think take away from the beauty of the composition. But I have to say I am completely impressed with this one. My wife walked in while I was listening to this and thought I was playing Bjork, so the professionalism of this song shines through as well.
Great Job
Hi Cru, for some reason I just saw your comments. Thank you so much for taking time and putting some thought into Forgotten. It is one of my favs and it's so good to hear you and your wife liked it! Happy New Year to you!
WOW, this is so cool. Beautiful track, so smooth and emotional. Your vocals fit so well with the song, amazing song as well. Really great work. I'm fav'n it.
This track is very well done. It has a polished shine to it. Well done! The vocals sound top-notch. I really dig this the vibe. I'm impressed..keep rockin!
vocal texture is awesome ...i liked the intro very much .... the feel of the track is good ... nice back scores and good progression .....from 2:11 its ma favourite part ...the synths u used are awesome .... its a very beautiful track ...
keep rocking .. !!!
God Bless !!!!
first track ive herd of yours.but i can tell you it aint the last!!i dig this track alot!!!ok!!!!i gatta go listen to more!!stay blessed!!keep doin whatcha do!!!
Thanks Curtis, you are right. I though the vocals may be a bit hot, but was not sure. I think at this point I need to have a remix. Appreciate the review!
It really struck me similarly to chrilsh. This could easily be the intro soundtrack to an indie film. I like how it does transport you off into the story/sound through its ambient quality. Really good sense of transitions here, too. I look forward to hearing more of your work. Cheers.
I would love to be included in a movie soundtrack some day, that would be nuts. That is a dream as well as singing in front of an orchestra, in London!
Thanks for the review!
Nice ambient song you got here! sounds like it could be on a film like labyrinth :p or maybe played in a hallucination scene in a movie. keep em coming :)
Thanks for the review and kind words Chris. I love music that was created in another realm and has the ability to take the listener there. So many talented people on this site, could not do it without the great music they produce.
Stop bye and see me again sometime :)
I am at home now and can hear your song clearly. I hear that the sound is coming out both L/R speakers now :-) and it all sounds good.
The tune has a nice story line going along with the title.
So you did a nice job here and the original artist (KRUZO) as well. Thanks for posting and sharing.
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Inspired by the Final Fantasy series and my ex girlfriend. Hope you will enjoy it (not my ex! :D). As always, free to use for a song, any opinions-critics welcomed... UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!
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Post script: The word "Ambient" has come up several times in the comment section for this, so I switched the genre to that. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.
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Description : Depression and sadness can sometimes serve as motivation for creativity as in the case of this track. A few months back I went through a period of loosing a few friends and co-workers. Attended a few funerals and as a result found myself reflecting on life. One night I had the urge to try to transfer my feelings into music and this is what came out. Some baratone guitar accompanied by synth and accapella.
Final EDIT: Further tweaking on levels and a slight change up in the timimg of the choir section.
Description : Hello,
this is a track between composition and cover.
Amandine (Sova Berry or Dine on soundcloud) made a cover of the a cappella "Song of Sophia" by Dead Can Dance.
I liked it very much, so i decided to make an instrumental with her vocals.
Hope you'll like it and if you want to comment, you are welcome, whatever you think.
Description : Ambient, Chill Out, Cinematic .... I´m not sure ... Take your headphones. Close your eyes. Start the engines and have a ride into the unknown. A spacy little trip from somewhere into anywhere outside. - U_P_D_A_T_E - I made a video to this track. So you can enjoy now the flight with open eys.
Great Job
Peace to you my friend,
great tune
keep rocking .. !!!
God Bless !!!!
Keep Rocking
Curtis St James
The only thing I have to say is, "the vocals r overpowering the instruments. Sounds like it's db (Decibles) out.
Nice Feeling too it!
Thanks for the review!
Stop bye and see me again sometime :)
I am at home now and can hear your song clearly. I hear that the sound is coming out both L/R speakers now :-) and it all sounds good.
The tune has a nice story line going along with the title.
So you did a nice job here and the original artist (KRUZO) as well. Thanks for posting and sharing.