Description : It's 2 am and just got this track finished. I used a very deep sub bass with 303 and a distortion effect (loving it). Only used 5 samples(3 kicks,high hat and cymbal. Stretched that cymbal a bit :-). I get a strange sense of foreboding when listening to this track but I hope you like it. Greets
This techno track was uploaded by H3XiT. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (2)
If you have time take a listen and give H3XiT some feedback.
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As for the sense of foreboding, remember in Empire Strikes Back when they came across the empirial remote space droid on Hoth. The way this starts kinda reminds me of that menacing droid hovering around.
Ooh, I just had an idea if ya wanna go really dark with this. Add some growling bass to the song (thinkin like it'd come out in spots sorta like some kind of alarm of battle klaxon, or maybe have it swell up and down like in waves, but constantly there). Other than that this was a pretty cool choon. Later on!
Does any techno still sound like this? - i dont know. This is proper early 90's techno. I know I was there!!! I think i said one of ur other tracks reminded me of The Advent and this one does too! Obviously good then!!!
Hi blackryan, tnx for the review. I guess I wen to 2 many techno party's in the 90's, I did now I think of it. BRings back memories. Listening to some 90's Surgeon right now... :-)
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Description : W.I.P.
Mysterious intro continued by a hypnotic yet very energetic trip through different techno productions. I have at least 2 more techno parts to add and a few more scary booby traps. All together a 3/4 more mins to stack behind it. After that i'll run through the piece again, finalize mixing, master it and upload incl. download. Any feedback is welcome! MMMMMMMH FRESH MEAT!
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A rework of an old song "After The Fact" which I believe is still on my old profile on here. Enjoy or don't
Thanks for joining me on this wild ass ride. Fuckin crazy it's been 13 years of music. Insane. Thank you to everyone who's ever listened to a song I've uploaded whether on here as zacvoos or ApolloForce, or on my soundclouds as ZachUndefined, RunnerTwoThree, or ApolloForce. Thank you all.
As for the sense of foreboding, remember in Empire Strikes Back when they came across the empirial remote space droid on Hoth. The way this starts kinda reminds me of that menacing droid hovering around.
Ooh, I just had an idea if ya wanna go really dark with this. Add some growling bass to the song (thinkin like it'd come out in spots sorta like some kind of alarm of battle klaxon, or maybe have it swell up and down like in waves, but constantly there). Other than that this was a pretty cool choon. Later on!