18th Nov 2007 09:47 - 17 years ago
Description : a song about that special moment when the day is almost over and the night hasn't yet begun and the sunset baths the world around you in red light..... it is a song about freedom ..... usually I never say that, but this one is almost perfect ...... peace, rei

Comments (74)

If you have time take a listen and give rei4real some feedback.

mkperry37 16th Apr 2023 19:30 - 1 year ago
Djsquezze 12th Feb 2021 19:14 - 4 years ago
Really well made and put together, good mastering and recording
Danke 25th Jul 2015 21:24 - 9 years ago
Almost perfect???


This artwork is outstanding...

Thanx for let us download...

Handshake, Danke
whiplashtv 29th Apr 2015 06:53 - 9 years ago
This was the perfect song for my video "Riding the Canyon". I credited you and posted a link to the track. Thanks
JohnBoutilier 2nd Jun 2011 16:38 - 13 years ago
Absolutely perfect, my friend, as always.


Silaphot 2nd May 2011 12:32 - 13 years ago
I simply must really say wow. This could easily be a track in Cafe Del Mar or any other chill out compilations. I must say, you really are a master of chillout. The moment I played your song I was thinking to myself, damn wish i had a joint, would really make my day with your music. hahaha

PS I'm new to creating music and looperman and if you have the time can you please check out my tracks? Could really use a few pointers seeing that we're both into chillout. Thank you.
Leo2789 9th Mar 2011 11:15 - 14 years ago
Love this... so calm...soothing... =)
When the guitar comes in it gets magical =)
You always have such nice slow tempo chill out tunes Rei ;)

rei4real replied Unknown
thx Leo!!
I love chill out songs, and I have a good hand to play fragile sounds on my guitar, so to me it's only natural to do songs like that ...
peace, rei
Spivkurl 15th Feb 2011 16:29 - 14 years ago
Found this on the "Rave for the Golden Age" thread. This one is super groovy! I love the guitar parts! This mix is so dynamic and flowing! Great arrangement! Can't relieve I never heard this one before... oh well I guess it was before my time. Anyway great work! Love it! Faved for sure!
rei4real replied Unknown
thank you for grabbing that old track out ...
it's still one of my personal favorites, so I'm very happy that you like it too ...
peace, rei
DJFredrick 17th May 2010 19:18 - 14 years ago
I gotta ask why don't you have label contract yet? I mean this is ahellava lot better than a lot of the stuff out there (Era Exotic Moods...etc) I just love this stuff man. amazing!

keep it come!!!

rei4real replied Unknown
well, my band releases an album nation wide (here in Austria where I live ...) on June 1st, maybe I will do the same later this year with a solo project, but that's not decided yet ....
thx again for taking the time and listen!!!

peace, rei
Gordw 2nd May 2010 16:02 - 14 years ago
So nice Rei, I always appreciate you describing where your inspiration comes from. It helps put the listener in the right head space. Peace to you Rei. Talent doesn't escape you man. I use lots of your loops. Thanks for that.
Take care Rei.
rei4real replied Unknown
I think a good description is important when you are doing instrumentals, more than for vocal tracks, because it can make the message clearer ... or you produce a video to a track, that also works, but a good description is cheaper ... lol
thx a lot for taking the time Gord, it's always a pleasure to get a review from you!!!

peace, rei
Mechanic 27th Apr 2010 18:34 - 14 years ago
it's all been said, but then it don't hurt to say it again. Brilliant track!!!
rei4real replied Unknown
well, thx a lot for saying it again ... ;-)
well appreciated!!

peace, rei
minette 20th Apr 2010 09:57 - 14 years ago
the piano is beeeee-ooooo-tiful in this
minette 20th Apr 2010 09:56 - 14 years ago
Jeeeeezzz - this is amazzzzzzing! I faved it within the first 15 seconds. FABULOUS... glad I cam across your work. Stunning stuff. Go OZ! :)
rei4real replied Unknown
thank you minette!!!
within 15 seconds?? that made me smile ... ;-)
and proud ...

peace, rei
jfw 19th Apr 2010 21:39 - 14 years ago
I enjoyed this a lot - and not because you reviewed one of mine earlier!!! - nice work.
rei4real replied Unknown
thx for dropping by ...
no worries, I'm not one of those who expect anything back just for a review ... ;-)
I'm just happy if you like it!!
peace, rei
After_The_End 19th Apr 2010 11:50 - 14 years ago
another great track, you are very versatile i'll give you that, again it cries out for vox, great production, great guitat...
rei4real replied Unknown
well, I guess this one's good as it is ...
and yes, I try to do many different things and styles, keeps my music fresh ... at least I hope so ... lol
peace, rei
BadKonexion 10th Apr 2010 06:33 - 14 years ago
This track just about brought a tear to my eye
I wonder if I will ever be this good...

rei4real replied Unknown
wow ... that's all I can say to your review ...

peace, rei
FrenchKid18 25th Mar 2010 21:22 - 15 years ago
Great track with a wonderful feel to it.Simply beautiful!Faved
French Kid
rei4real replied Unknown
thx a lot!!! well appreciated ... ;-)

peace, rei
n0mad23 24th Mar 2010 23:07 - 15 years ago
I know it's stating the obvious, but there's a reason this is the number 1 favorite track on this site.

I've enjoyed this one anonymously so many times now, I thought I should say something. It's taking every bit of my will power to not push the favorite button myself.

Someday I will, but for now I'm holding out.

(EDIT) - lol - 3rd listen in 2 days and I can't hold out any longer. Favorite #58 is mine! This song is a true gem, standing out among the 35,000+ tracks now on this site.

Truly outstanding.
rei4real replied Unknown
and still I don't really know why THIS song has been favorited so often ...

peace, rei
Mayz 23rd Mar 2010 23:42 - 15 years ago
good thing about this track is all intruments and sounds sound like the were all meant to be on this track, great composition sounds good, gonna listen a coouple more times!!
Darcolin 10th Mar 2010 23:46 - 15 years ago
This is the best track I ahve listened to in a while. Its great Everything about it is great just great.Its all where it supposed to be fits just nice. do it some more.
GameboiX 20th Jan 2010 07:31 - 15 years ago
Oooo Very nice I like it a lot, no wonder there is so many DL's, favs and Reviews lol Great Job!!!
MonsieurDongBag 14th Jan 2010 20:14 - 15 years ago
I just checked out your video for this track and immediately came here to see if I could download it. Mission: success!

Can't believe I missed this the first time around but I'm glad you gave me a second chance. More than any technical kudos I could give you, I just love the groove of this track and how it makes me feel. Cheers.
jjy 23rd Nov 2009 05:10 - 15 years ago
Very nice, props on the smooth guitar and love the simple delay on it. perfect feel. the beat is awesome to. keep up the great work.
MU2TUNES 17th Nov 2009 22:02 - 15 years ago
Awesome... chilled but wired-awake.. hav fav'd + downloaded into the sunset, waitin for the dawn of more tracks.......!
mhyst 15th Sep 2009 02:38 - 15 years ago
awesome beat, guitar amazing, really chilled stuff, yeah yeah!!
ScavengerDink 20th Jul 2009 13:51 - 15 years ago
that track is off the chain im feelin it!
victormusic01x 25th Jun 2009 14:35 - 15 years ago
First off, will be posting a track soon with some of your kller guitar loops..just listened to Mr E's emake of your track and really wanted to hear the original..I think your version is more chill and his goes off in a more ambient I know why he wanted to remake this...awesome feel, groove, transparent mix..great inspirational work..thank you... the nyC....wanting to know to follow the sunset right now...

aDeviantSexualInterest 23rd Jun 2009 21:02 - 15 years ago
Oh wow. Not exactly what I expected after hearing your metal power-loops, but at least I was right in assuming it'd be good! Just excellent, don't know what else to say, but I hope you put up some more tracks soon.
Hugobian 20th Jun 2009 08:46 - 15 years ago
It would be difficult to add anything more than the reviews above but gotta say - love it! Just like the loops you give us BRILLIANT! Top quality:o)
JHolmes 18th Mar 2009 17:17 - 16 years ago
I can't count the number of times I've listened to this track since first hearing MrE's mix. I mean... damn man, this song is perfect. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for not only posting it but for allowing us to download. It's in a few of my playlists.

On a slightly different note... there's an electronica jam band called Sound Tribe Sector my brother got me started on with a similar guitar chillout sound. If you haven't heard of them, they're worth giving a listen.
ScottBurright 24th Feb 2009 16:00 - 16 years ago
You're getting the most of that guitar. Great sustain, silky distortion, and just the right delay to blend in with the rhythm track. I know a lot of that tone comes not from your settings but from your fingers. I'm hearing a Gilmour and a Santana influence. Very good musicianship.

The only negative thing I heard was that the drum transients seemed to pin the meters at times.

Awesome track. :)
Jeff05C 4th Feb 2009 03:59 - 16 years ago
Super sublime, nothing over done, and just understated enough to pull you in.

keep on...
audioprojek 3rd Feb 2009 02:18 - 16 years ago
This is some serious chill tune. I was listener number 1000.
How do you get the depth and clarity that you've got in your work? F'real.. this is good shit.
RonGallagher 28th Jan 2009 17:24 - 16 years ago
A place for everything and everything in it's place.
Brilliant work.
Instant Fav.
ishmael_in_the_fog 17th Jan 2009 04:13 - 16 years ago
im trying to get back into the grove looper now, and this helps. this sound is def my style, love it, a nice easy badass flow. faved
JRJames 10th Jan 2009 23:50 - 16 years ago
I really like this song. I know artists need encouragement and you deserve it. Great track!
DHankinson 6th Jan 2009 20:37 - 16 years ago
I dig it man! Like everyone else has said, this would be a great closer song to a movie!
Great job!
Tiltedbeats 5th Jan 2009 06:38 - 16 years ago
i absolutely enjoyed this piece!
you beat making skills are just awesome. you made them fit with you melodies and overall groove just perfectly!

this is that good, i could hear it on anything, film sound track, album... anything

you are a true professional!
and im glad your part of this community, what a roll model.
if i could even be half as good as you one day, id be a happy chap!

thanks rei :)
Butcha d-_-b
rei4real replied Unknown
thank you from the heart man!!!
though I'm not sure if I really deserve so much praise ... like everyone here I only try to do the best I can ... that's all.
and sometimes one is lucky enough to create a special track, this is one of that kind ...

peace, rei
DanielGtrman 1st Jan 2009 10:34 - 16 years ago
Downloaded and fav'd. This track has so much energy and you have mixed it very well. In whatever audio device I have it will be loaded into and played many times. Great !!
Traxmonsta 3rd Dec 2008 04:42 - 16 years ago
Song has great structure. And its ok to "smell yourself"(think highly of self) every now and then
Keep up the good work.
Randall822 2nd Dec 2008 19:29 - 16 years ago
Hello there Rei,
My turn to give a review back to you for you giving me one the other day.

So, this sounds like a nice song for a movie in the ending credits section. Has nice overall sound, nice guitar playing.

Don't think I can say anything different than what was said already. You get lots more reviews than I do. :-).
Anyways, a great song and I like it and that's all that matters.
Like you said "just about perfect"
Littbarski 28th Oct 2008 06:32 - 16 years ago
It really make me feel a sunset! good stuff!
DJ_JEZZA 23rd Oct 2008 21:46 - 16 years ago
awesome track dude, a mix of guitar plus electronic mastering, nice job, too bad the site kept cutting it out every 5 secs... flash isnt loading to well atm... lol - love it mate
torrence528 20th Oct 2008 21:30 - 16 years ago
that's my fav time also. your track capture's that perfectly great job.
alividlife 19th Aug 2008 02:32 - 16 years ago
Awesome guitar lines.

I wish I had that latency, and clear sound on my guitar to pull something like this off..
Time for a line6 i think.

Perfect rei.
You know, It made me think about Prefuse 63. You might have already heard, but there are awesome parallels between the two of you.
For example, your use of off sounds in the drum beat. Like weird samples, not generally thought of percussion.
Plus the awesome AWESOME KEY CHANGES. Don't hear this enough in modern music.

This is amazing.
dJcLiFf 13th Aug 2008 23:43 - 16 years ago
I love the way the guitar slides in and creates a Jimmy Hendrix on dope feel, wait, he was on dope ha ha! Yea but on the real it sounds good man.
dJcLiFf 13th Aug 2008 23:30 - 16 years ago
Hey good stuff man! I love the way the guitar slides in and mellows out the whole feel of the song. It's kinda like Jimmy Hendrix on dope, wait a minute, he was nevermind LOL.
AcidParadox 5th Aug 2008 05:45 - 16 years ago
They are interesting because someway you stop them and then bam!! again and sounds really Creative

Guitar sounds good
irkano 4th Aug 2008 19:27 - 16 years ago
ill give you that.

its nice and chill :)
blairrock957 3rd Jul 2008 13:22 - 16 years ago
excellent song. at the start I'm listening, liking it then thinking something else should come in now. And right when I thought it should come in it did. Then in just a little the lead guitar came in perfect too. Great smooth lead. Everything blends perfectly. Great song. I enjoyed it. Going to fav.
helven 24th Jun 2008 20:53 - 16 years ago
i saw this had 70!!! downloads and though this is too good to be true!
so a quick look over all your songs and i can see that all of them have alot of downloads!
so i had to take a listen... and i loved it!

i really like how this started and think the stops work great.. loveing the sound of the drums..
i think youve got a new fan
The_Acidizer 16th Jun 2008 08:02 - 16 years ago
this is another great song! your music never dissapoints. i think it is safe to say that you are one of the best musicians up here, and you really know what sounds good. keep up the great work!
DougieDJ 7th Jun 2008 12:29 - 16 years ago
Real chill, real jazzy...Rei4Real...really nice track, very soothing....keep up the good work...

Sixfingermusic 7th Jun 2008 00:53 - 16 years ago
This is a great mix of different styles and feels and, at least to me, defines what "chill out" music ought to be. Great playing as well. Peace, Six
skyrider 23rd May 2008 03:02 - 16 years ago
Excellent track.. Bluesy without being sad.. relaxing ..great mix ..10 out of 10 mick
fatalinterview 4th May 2008 10:27 - 16 years ago
Hey Rei! I really enjoyed this track! I love the way the piano on the left and the marimba on the right tickle the ears throughout the song...that's very lovely! Great groove, my friend!

And thanks for checking out my tune as well!
mjmusic1 4th May 2008 07:58 - 16 years ago
What a bag.. I downloaded this... I wanna put some voc loops even talk( Can't say Rap)
Mind if I echo guitar with you or do a Mike Macdonalds riffs with guitar? You have great production ideas
rei4real replied Unknown
thx a lot ...
I'd feel honoured if an experienced musician like you would put his fingers on a track of mine!!
so feel free to add your magic ...

peace, rei
Sounstar 27th Apr 2008 20:32 - 16 years ago
this is some ridin a$$ music here man!
rockstar1 29th Mar 2008 13:44 - 17 years ago
hey i am really diggin "follow the sun set" it puts me in the same place you probably was when you were recording it! very nice!
Rorshach2021 15th Mar 2008 09:04 - 17 years ago
beautiful. perfect. i can am going to ibiza in june and can't wait to watch the sun go down outside cafe del mar. i am going to listen to this as it does. For you to create a track that can forever remind me of that moment is unreal.
Higher_Evolution 14th Mar 2008 17:24 - 17 years ago
Nice! I had it on and forgot that i was on looperman, sounded like something playing off my winamp playlist, hehe.
Phill_Epps 9th Mar 2008 16:11 - 17 years ago
Just wow... I am completely blown away with how much this song invokes in me. The whole track, from beginning to end, keeps me completely compelled.

If I had the money to sign you to my label and nationally distribute you, I would so like too. But I'm broke pushing my group Panic Attack's new album, so bleh.

Nice work man, I LOVE this track
MiCKA 24th Feb 2008 16:06 - 17 years ago
Rei This is unbelievable you are so talented...~ MiCKA
bigproblemz 12th Feb 2008 04:31 - 17 years ago
ur shit is hot homie. I love that jazzy, amient, abstract sound. Let's do a colab
fiery 1st Feb 2008 12:00 - 17 years ago
This track is a gorgeous Rei, I LOVE the mix of sounds and I love the laid back feel. Beautiful listen... another for the keeper file. :-) Lisa
Sector7even 27th Jan 2008 20:41 - 17 years ago
wow mellow yellow...yellow being gold!
great stuff
Planetjazzbass 9th Jan 2008 17:53 - 17 years ago
I wish I could have had access to this sort of vibe when I was a teenager and surfed a lot.It nails that moment in time and really invites you in with hope and renewal.Awesome....
dark_synthesis 29th Nov 2007 07:26 - 17 years ago
really nice track mate, i was half way through making a track, and i saw this in the top right of my screen and thought i would give it a listen, and it really inspired me for my song. Love it! :)
fiend 25th Nov 2007 14:18 - 17 years ago
yeah man i've been gone for a minute thanks 4 checkin in on me. I just picked up pro tools and am trying to get my new house and studio all put back together. cancelled my email but lost my contacts i know you're pasha something but neway my new addy is
Now down to this track : Sweet arrangement as always, Sounds like perfect fusion of organic and electronic and the panning is so sublime I keep listening and hear something different ev'rytime. Alright enough praise singing, mail me with your contacts bro.
Peace and music, - Trey
DanBearcat 22nd Nov 2007 15:25 - 17 years ago
I love the way this tune flows..I picture myself driving threw the country side listening to this.....nice job.
CaraKannibale 22nd Nov 2007 07:53 - 17 years ago
Great tune man! Love how it builds..YEAH..I MUST get my Guitar track on here..:)
SLAPJOHNSON 21st Nov 2007 09:25 - 17 years ago
Great track, great playing, great production, what else can I say other than , I kneel before you Sire, cheers Slap...
ultrabase 21st Nov 2007 08:52 - 17 years ago
verry good sound pro mix,reminds me a litle.. some paul weller .
MrRobot 18th Nov 2007 11:45 - 17 years ago
super Track!

i do this to my favourite tracks

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15th Mar 2015 19:29 - 10 years ago
Description : chill out song...chrisneal-paintbrush drums and jrsaget-just tell me drums...thanx!
6th Jun 2007 13:15 - 17 years ago
Description : Sounds of the sea and trippy acidy washes with a cool beat and some live acoustic guitar. Written in Cubase with live guitar and keys etc. The sound of the sea and birds was recorded on the beach where I used to live. After moving to the city one sunny day I was telling stories to a friend about living by the sea and started making this track.
2nd Nov 2024 17:05 - 4 months ago
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30th Jun 2017 00:44 - 7 years ago
Description : Thanks guys for all the support!! I have more material coming soon!!!
7th Jun 2015 06:58 - 9 years ago
Description : I used some new "Anthem" pickups from L.R. Baggs on my Martin acoustic to see how it performed, and it definitely beat my expectations. Captured the sound perfectly as I needed.

Anyhoo, this song is almost a prayer, hence the repetitiveness of the verses. As Christians, we believe that God will one day return and take away every suffering and all evil for good; in that regard, this song is almost one of waiting too. Very simple, with vocal harmonies and whatnot. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it. Made in 13 hours.

Someone else wrote the words, I was just inspired to use them. I only added the "Yeah" and "Amen."
25th Feb 2018 15:30 - 7 years ago
Description : This is a track off of one of my EP's I dropped last year. It is based on True events. Sometimes when people finally take a second in life to slow down and breathe in..... The oxygen is deflated and it's too late. Take your time people, because time is what differs a good decision over a bad one. Life is precious!
4th Oct 2019 03:26 - 5 years ago
Description : So a guy buys a nice guitar at a pawn shop but returns it a few days later after waking from a sound sleep to hear it playing by itself. When he tells of his experience he is shocked to learn the owner had actually died while playing it. Is it fantasy or truth? Is the guitar in this track that very same guitar? Its all part of the mystery and fun of Halloween !
EDIT: modified ending to a deeper voice
24th Mar 2020 17:22 - 5 years ago
Description : This track describes a magical state that I experienced a long time ago. Maybe you also know the feeling that you can't describe something like this with words ... luckily we have the music for it!
3rd Jan 2018 15:12 - 7 years ago
Description : So this is my first Chill Outish track. I was just trying something new and then suddenly this was a thing. Everything you hear is home made. I hope you enjoy. - Mr. Spook'd
2nd Mar 2018 16:40 - 7 years ago
Description : That's something i worked out lately
a swing 3/4 hip hop Chill ?? Don't know how to describe this kind of music.
So if your interested to try something contact me
11th Dec 2014 12:46 - 10 years ago
Description : A progressive journey incorporating deep ambient chillout, swing jazz, hip hop, d'n'b, trance and a slight touch of acid with a thousand ninjas battling in space. Features a great deal of my lead slide resonator guitar playing. Also a whole load of synths, programmed acoustic drum kits and manipulated drum loops, big basslines, regular electric guitar, vocoded guitar parts and bass guitar (distorted right at the end). If you like deep chill, far out soaring beauty, fat beats and 170 BPM uplifting slide trance controlled mayhem, you might just get into this. In my heaven there is an endless supply of honey mangoes (an exquisite beauty of the fruit world) and even more slide guitar. A 1,000-year-long version of this track plays there on a loop (long enough not to get bored of it) but here I offer you the Earthly 11 min version. You must be very good to be accepted into my heaven to hear the full thousand year version so best start now. It may be heaven's main theme tune but it's not above criticism so feel free to let me know what you think of it. Maybe you prefer the soundtrack in hell. I hear it's pretty badass...
25th Jun 2018 19:22 - 6 years ago
Description : An older track from me (2008). In this new version I improved mixing, added more bass and reworked the piano ...

The title is Dora. Looperman does not allow titles with 4 chars so I inserted a space
1st Apr 2020 06:31 - 4 years ago
Description : Original
Eli Adrong - Faded (Feat. Emilyn)

Absolutely fantastic vocals from her.

Pure chill-out electronica.

Some of my best chillout. Her vocals were definitely inspiring.
6th Oct 2017 13:24 - 7 years ago
Description : Chris Brown x Kid Ink x Dj Mustard x Ty Dolla Sign Type Beat --- Contact me for Mixing, Mastering, Sound Design & Song Structuring Services
24th Jun 2019 23:31 - 5 years ago
Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.