Description : Great pobl yn siarad am syniadau, pobl cyfartaledd siarad am bethau, a bach pobl yn siarad am gwin.
Fran Lebowitz
This glitch track was uploaded by ShamanStone. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (1)
If you have time take a listen and give ShamanStone some feedback.
Ah glitch, just what I needed to hear this morning! There's some crazy distortion on this track, which works really well with this kind of mix. That vocal sample is kind of disturbing! Very trippy track, I like it!
Thanks for the review Spiv, Its always nice to talk to someone from sunny Minnesnowta (I lived their for like 7 years). There winter the best 8 months of the year. I"m super glad you liked it, stay warm........Eeevilleomadayus.
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Description : My first Glitch-Hop track. I found some creepy/eery ambient and atmosphere loops to fit the mood. I was happy with it at first... But once I started to listen to it more, I realized it could've been better. Oh well, what artist hasn't had that thought?
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All mixed together in a big blender.