Description : Hi everybody,
first of all..i composed everything by samples used !!....____________________________________
i dont know if you saw this film, but i do. this film awoke deep feelins from me. i never had the expirience to loose someone from my family, god bless them. you have to know that i usually dont cry, i try to hide my feelings allways. i have to say that i cried. the truth no lie and i dont shame. so listen to this beat and lemme me know if ya feelin this beat. btw. sorry if i wrote something wrong. Software i used: fl-studio 9 xxl. some vst´s like, hypersonic and sample tank, sonic synth etc...
This rnb track was uploaded by IBoBeatz. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (10)
If you have time take a listen and give IBoBeatz some feedback.
I Watched The Movie And It Really Got To Me How The Most Precious of Things Can Be Taken In a Second. I Really Took Liking to this Beat N waz Hoping If I Could Use It sometime?
nun ja. wenn jemand drauf rappt oder singt kommt das natürlich viel besser rüber. man muss von anfang die vorstellung haben bei einem beat, wie es sich anhören würde, wenn jemand drauf rappt oder singt.
so weis ich auch das es sich leer anhört, wenn nur der beat da ist.
well i was listening to that track that i made Reality and now that i do again, it is not that great... o well we all dont do well sometimes. umm i like this track a lot and it sounds awesome. you asked me show love and i did. nice job on this one
by the way. if you ever would be willing to let me rap on one of your beats i dig them a lot. especially this one
My broathers (kardeşim) i listened your all tracks.I can say all of them are really good.(ama hep aynı şarkıyı dinliyorum gibi geldi bana)
Sevgiyle kal
peace and happy weekend.
well i havnt seen the movie but iam sure this fits it beautifly! very nice just my sort of track just wish it was a little longer well done stay blessed D. :0)
oh hell no have to see this movie.
i mean at the beginning its kinda boring, but then after the girl dies, the storie beginns getting interessting.
and yeah..btw. thank you for takin time to review bro. god bless
thank you mate. i wish i have the possibilities to contact eminem and let´em hear this one.
but dreams are dreams and no reality..the reality looks a bit different. i dont even know what i have to do to contact him or his fu**ed up manager or whatever =D thank you for takin da time bro.
Greets IboBeats
Let me be the first ta say... You really captured the emotions in this track! Any artist with a story can appreciate a track such as this. great work, add'n to ma fav's DSP
Description : Hey guys!
My first ever music project is out right now!
It's an EP with 6 songs named (Dark Days) by CXRTER
Check the links in my profile for where to listen :)
This is Track 3 of the EP, Let me know what you guys think!
All Socials - @Cxrterbeats
Streaming Platforms - Cxrter
Description : Smooth Jazz l Improv with a little help from the Guitarteamnl using an Ibanez jazz electric hollowbody, tc electronics pedal wireless inputs tascam studio recorder hp laptop fender champion 100 amp
Description : Your Soon To Be Favorite Love Song. Produced, Written, And Recorded By T'Darius Gibson. Timauri Witherspoon Also Featured On This Song As A Writer, And Singer. Please Give Feedback On The Song, And What Could Be Done To Improve It. Comment, Favorite, Download, And Share
Description : the old dude is back to inflict some more vintage R&B on you. Just had a short pella for this one so had to make a bunch of my usual noises to fill the space....cheers
Description : I wrote this song a little while ago and originally called it "Gave You All Of Me" but I came across a beautiful track Free to use by HVRTZLAB and decided to exercise My Vocals & do a rough draft on this track. May re-do the full song at some point when I get more time. THX to all who support My work. Stay Safe/Blessed People.
Description : Indigenous sounding sample. Retro 80s style.
West Coast Bass
2x Synth
Prod by NXVII.
Message me to get stems for free.
If you going to use this, then write NXVII as co-producer.
ist wohl auch eher HIP und hop sheers
......nicht böse gemeint
so weis ich auch das es sich leer anhört, wenn nur der beat da ist.
by the way. if you ever would be willing to let me rap on one of your beats i dig them a lot. especially this one
Sevgiyle kal
peace and happy weekend.
hepsi ayni benzemiyor
i mean at the beginning its kinda boring, but then after the girl dies, the storie beginns getting interessting.
and yeah..btw. thank you for takin time to review bro. god bless
but dreams are dreams and no reality..the reality looks a bit different. i dont even know what i have to do to contact him or his fu**ed up manager or whatever =D thank you for takin da time bro.
God Bless
Let me be the first ta say... You really captured the emotions in this track! Any artist with a story can appreciate a track such as this. great work, add'n to ma fav's DSP
i put so much feelin in that one.
again thank you bro. i hope someone is gonna contacting me by saying that he did something on it. i would love to hear it.
god bless.