Description : a simple but powerful rock instrumental .... used some drum loops from sony creative, everything else is played by me .... if you decide to listen, turn up the volume and listen loud!!!! peace, rei
This rock track was uploaded by rei4real. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (38)
If you have time take a listen and give rei4real some feedback.
sehr bemerkenswerts rock instrumental. macht sofort laune und begeistert bis zum schluss. kräftiger, kohärenter mix und kurzweiliges arrangement. eins für die PL, danke!
Rei, this is a massive track! I took your advice and turned up the volume and rocked my office (listening while at work)! Everything about this track is just awesome! Fantastic arrangement, production and expertly played sir!
A masterpiece my friend, I can't wait to listen to more of your work! Stunning, stunning work! Faved for certain!
\m/ Sick riffs man!! I love everything about this song, from the synth at the beginning, to the tone of the guitar and the drums. Excellent showcase of skills Rei4real. This is an instant classic. Faved for sure.
I,ve had this as a fave for quite some time,but I just realized I didn't review it! This is simply amazing.Just about everything I like in music wrapped up in this one song!I did a search for rock and roll guitar loops last year and thats how I found Looperman,I believe one of your loops was the first loop I downloaded.So thanx for all the great music!!
Wow,how did I miss such a great song.The riff is all over it and the guitar sound is so thick and crunchy...just the right amount of distortion,you know how to make that serious attack and bring it with this song.The chord and harmony march up and the descent back down to the riff is something you can't just learn how to do,you gotta feel it and make the listener feel it also...and I have.
Nice, i like the mood in this one, it's like something they would use in a movie for when someone's being all bad ass and what not. like seriously kill bill just walked into my room lol. but no seriously i fell in love with this track from the moment it started. the guitars are just brilliant, great job, and congratulations on your new job, hope everything goes alright.
thx man for taking the time!!
well, the new job is awesome, but almost no time left to do my own stuff ... too many new things to learn ... lol
peace, rei
You are the reason i started this trek of making are truly the Master Blaster!! you can tell when its pure and true..and you are the measure...Rock and Roll !! Rock and Roll!!
hey...ich hatte den heute morgen schon gehört...aber musste zur arbeit...aber jetzt muß ich dir sagen...erste klasse das ganze...und ich habe schon wieder den kemo und ne melo im kopf...ich glaube da werde ich was machen...klingt etwas nach H Blocks...und Iron Maiden...du musst wissen dass ich ein alter metaller bin...respekt für deine guitarren...super gemacht...ich habe leider nie so gut guitarre gespielt...aber nen guten metal-rhythmus habe ich schon gespielt...hatte mit lead so meine probleme...aber meine klampfe hängt schon 10 jahre an der wand :)
aber ich höre heute noch gerne alte sachen...die beste dvd für mich Iron Maiden *Rock In Rio* vor 250.000 people...
und vor allem mit 3 guitarren live...mir sind auf ner sehr guten surround anlage echt die eier weggeflogen :) und ich war 18 jahre mit einer frau zusammen die die jungs persönlich kannte...sie hat sie in den anfängen im probenraum in london oft besucht...weil sie dort lebte...naja...alte zeiten halt :)
so...den song noch mal hören...ich werde ihn downloaden :)
gute arbeit :)
nochmal danke für die version mit vocals!!
ach ja: wir sind übrigens im selben alter, spiele also schon ne ganze weile gitarre ... tut aber immer gut, ein wenig lob zu hören ... ;-)
peace, rei
Oh still got it. I love the heavy overall sound and bottom bass. When I also sometimes played bass in my band, it wasn't good until the sound waves moved your pant legs.. ha ha.
So this is one of your best songs I've heard to date. I like it keep 'em coming.
that's a pretty good barometer to how great the track is..
Kinda makes me thing of Valhalla riding to rape and pillage.. but instead he holds a guitar and makes friends with the locals.
I love your style man
I actually learnt the whole dual panning thing from you and RATM.
One left
One Right
one for effect.
Epic win.
I am soo glad to see you around!
If you ever get the urge, you should send me an e-mail sometime and we can talk about gear or quantum physics and good beer and chicks.
oh .. thank you!!
the panning is one simple thing, if somebody tells you ... lol ... there are many things about production that are pretty simple and easy, you only need to learn when to do what. I once recorded some tracks with a very skilled producer (Peter Wolf, he produced Starship in the 80's) and I was so surprised that he only did simple things, I expected much more technical things than he did ... he told me to prefer always the more simple solution for any problem, in 90% of all cases it's the better one ...
thx a lot for your review man!!!
I just gotta say, this track popped up again and your writing has a maturity that you just don't find a lot on here or anywhere on the internet for that matter. I'm going to be uploading some dubby/metal tracks featuring my bass soon, I'd love to do some bass work with you if that's something that interests you.
thank you for your kind words!!!
my main focus is on songwriting, so I'm really happy that you honour that so much ...
and let me know when you got something ready, I'm really curious!!
peace, rei
you fcking rock Rei. Hands down you will always be one of my favorite artists on looperman. we share a common quality as guitar players "creativity" Man, you have so much creativity flowing in this I envy thee. I could sit here and write a huge paragraph on how bad ass this track is. but instead all im going to say is this ones fav. DOnt ever stop doing what you do. im a fan
thx buddy!!!
it's always good to hear if other good guitar players like what I have to offer ... qualified opinions are the best motivation to go on!!!
great to see you're still around ... ;-)
peace, rei
One of the things I like about your songs, is that you have your own sound. Its great to listen to artists in the site that dares to create their own, unique sound to their music. I really enjoy that leadguitar here. Its not really a fastpaced track, but still, it has that 'drive' to it - that just lets it keep on going without making it boring at any moment.
Again I gotta say that I love your sound, and you stand out as a very creative guitarist with those riffs of yours. The progression of the lead couldnt have been better to this song. Everything flows in such a great way that I caught myself craving more when the song was over. The mixing is 10/10. Can tell you've been doing this for a while. Can't wait to hear another rock track from you mate..!
I see myself more as a producer and songwriter, and I'm a pretty solid rhythm guitarist, I always had brilliant solo players in my bands, so there was no need to do that ... I guess my real strength is my timing, I practiced many years with a drummer, that made my playing pretty tight ...
thx for all your reviews!!! very appreciated ...
suepr sweet groove you've got here! loving every minute.. and the guitar tone is just awesome! did you make it yourselves or download it from somewhere?
well, I'm first of all a guitar player, so yes, all guitars (in all my tracks) are played by me ... ;-)
thx a lot for taking the time to listen and review ... I really appreciate that!!!
nice to see you back around!! i definately enjoyed all your music in the past and its great to see your back and as good as ever. this is a great track and i definately enjoyed listening to it. it was fun to listen to, was produced well, and is over catchy and interesting. you have a lot of talent. hope you keep making some more stuff in the near future!
thx buddy ...
I'm happy that there still are some names around that I recognize ... lol
and thank you for listening!! of course there's more to come ... so watch out ... ;-)
Nice, nice and more nice!! This is quite a professional sounding recording, totally lovin the guitars on this! So great to hear some good old guitar driven rock and roll!!
thx Wayne!!
I only use freeware to produce, but I invest a lot more time into mixing than into recording, to achieve the best possible sound ... and a little experience helps a lot!!
thx for taking the time to listen and review!!!
I'm new to the site, but I've already downloaded every one of your loops, dude. You are the most wicked guitarist I've ever heard. This track is simply amazing. You are an absolute guitar god. I can't wait to mutilate some of your loops in my "work". If I can become 1\10th as good as you at making music, I can die a happy man.
wow .... I'm not really sure if I deserve so much praise ...
but I'm really curious what you will do with those loops, let me know when you got something ...
many many thx for listening!!!
John!! what a great surprise, you're still here!!
yeah, it's been really a long time without looperman ...
thank you for listening!! and I'm happy that you liked it ... ;-)
Hi Rei,Great to hear your wonderfully produced and played stuff again on this site. I hope this marks a full return to the loop for one of our most talented musician producers..
Awesome track by the way!
hi Steve!!
back, yes ... but with limited time ... several projects are on the way (professional ones!), and that means a lot of work ...
and watch out ... someday I'll be in England, and we'll have a jam session!!! I know this will happen ... ;-)
I guess as usual I'm late too the party. Your guitar works rocks all right. I have a few loops of yours downloaded for future use. You do good work and I'd recommend your looops to anyone who asked (as if . .) Please,, keep up the good work.
thx vigwig!!!
great to hear that my loops will be used ... if you got something finished let me know, I'm really curious in hearing different approaches to my ideas!!
and thx for taking the time!!
I'm not sure if it means you are popping back every now and then, but what a real treat Rei. It's been a while but it's great to hear something from you brother. This expected. One of your fav guitar fans... - Bilbozo
Bill!!! a new name??
I'm still listening to the Mexican with an open mouth and completely astonished about the brilliance, though I shouldn't be surprised!!
well, I'm back, yes ... but I won't appear in the forums, I'll post loops and tracks and reviews ... the important things, you know ...
in the future I won't have so much time, my musical life is getting more professional, I've been asked to participate in several projects, and that's good ...
thx for the review man!!!
Finally, the legend (and you are, still invoked in the forums) returns. So we'll hear more of your tracks here now, and don't have to go to mixposure to get our fixes?
I think I've sent emails your way thanking you for loops, and if not let me say thank you now. You're a real asset to the community whether you're here or not.
Love the song and look forward to hearing more from you!
haha ... well, usually legends are dead, aren't they?? I feel pretty healthy ... lol
thank you for the warm welcome, and for your mails concerning my loops ... new ones are on the way ... ;-)
and thx for listening!!!
Wow it's been a while but you are definitely one of the only users I remember on here. Your guitar work is super tight, the recording is even nice and clear. There's a definite size and layering to this track that reminds me of something Buckethead or Steve Vai might do. This track could be more like a song though, I wish it had some more progression with different basslines, maybe even a key change or two.
ah, that's a good review ... ;-)
well, you're right, some different progression would be good here and there, but to be honest ... I'm afraid I'm sometimes too lazy for that ... and one of my deepest fears in making music is the fear of overproducing ... I hear many tracks around which contains of materials for 2 or 3 really good songs, but in the end they sound like a preview of an album, if you know what I mean ...
but again: you're right!!! I should be a little more couraged in trying different progressions ... ;-)
thx a lot for your opinion!!!
thank you Michael!!
indeed I am a philosopher, at least I'm studying philosophy for ages now ... lol
great to discover that you understand latin, and that you obviously understood what I was trying to say ... many many thx!!!
Aahhh...I thought I sensed a disturbance in the is back!!!..far out man!....Great rocking tune dude! your absence has made you music heavier...this is verging on metal,but has the unmistakeable Rei slickness and've made my day (night here in Oz actually)..there's a lot of Loopers that have missed your spectacular playing and arrangements..very cool to see you back man...cheers Dave :)
hi Dave!!
thx a lot for taking the time ... well, I'm not sure if I sound heavier now, maybe it's because I used a Danelectro baritone guitar for the main riff, the lower frequencies of this instrument gives the sound more power (like a drop-d tuning, but you know that!) ... the EP I'm working on will be a funk album though, it's almost finished, some negotiations with a few labels are on the way, so I don't have a release date atm ... we'll see ... oh, just remembered, you know one of the songs (the way you move) from mixposure ...
thx again for listening ... and may the force be with you ... ;-)
peace, rei
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Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
Description : when i was a kid you could go down and buy acid drops at the dairy - sour boiled sweets....vox, guitars and keys by me. Bass a LM loop by megapaul.
If I was to get my pick of the most fitting guitar player for what I do, it would be you. Tone mastery.
Shame there is nothing new from you in a few years. I understand life happens, but your music is really great.
Take care.
peace, rei
freut mich sehr, wenn dir der track gefallen hat.
peace, rei
Simply brilliant.
Simply brilliant.
peace, rei
peace, rei
A masterpiece my friend, I can't wait to listen to more of your work! Stunning, stunning work! Faved for certain!
peace, rei
I'm happy that it's good enough to fav it ... ;-)
peace, rei
thx a lot for this review, and for liking my loops ... ;-)
peace, rei
thx a lot ...
and I'm happy that you really could feel the music, that's what it's all about in the end ...
peace, rei
Much respect, Fayz
well, the new job is awesome, but almost no time left to do my own stuff ... too many new things to learn ... lol
peace, rei
proud that you like my work ... ;-)
peace, rei
peace, rei
peace, rei
aber ich höre heute noch gerne alte sachen...die beste dvd für mich Iron Maiden *Rock In Rio* vor 250.000 people...
und vor allem mit 3 guitarren live...mir sind auf ner sehr guten surround anlage echt die eier weggeflogen :) und ich war 18 jahre mit einer frau zusammen die die jungs persönlich kannte...sie hat sie in den anfängen im probenraum in london oft besucht...weil sie dort lebte...naja...alte zeiten halt :)
so...den song noch mal hören...ich werde ihn downloaden :)
gute arbeit :)
ach ja: wir sind übrigens im selben alter, spiele also schon ne ganze weile gitarre ... tut aber immer gut, ein wenig lob zu hören ... ;-)
peace, rei
Oh still got it. I love the heavy overall sound and bottom bass. When I also sometimes played bass in my band, it wasn't good until the sound waves moved your pant legs.. ha ha.
So this is one of your best songs I've heard to date. I like it keep 'em coming.
thx for taking the time ....
peace, rei
thx for taking the time to listen!!
peace, rei
peace, rei
111 listens
7 favs
23 reviews
that's a pretty good barometer to how great the track is..
Kinda makes me thing of Valhalla riding to rape and pillage.. but instead he holds a guitar and makes friends with the locals.
I love your style man
I actually learnt the whole dual panning thing from you and RATM.
One left
One Right
one for effect.
Epic win.
I am soo glad to see you around!
If you ever get the urge, you should send me an e-mail sometime and we can talk about gear or quantum physics and good beer and chicks.
the panning is one simple thing, if somebody tells you ... lol ... there are many things about production that are pretty simple and easy, you only need to learn when to do what. I once recorded some tracks with a very skilled producer (Peter Wolf, he produced Starship in the 80's) and I was so surprised that he only did simple things, I expected much more technical things than he did ... he told me to prefer always the more simple solution for any problem, in 90% of all cases it's the better one ...
thx a lot for your review man!!!
peace, rei
peace, rei
my main focus is on songwriting, so I'm really happy that you honour that so much ...
and let me know when you got something ready, I'm really curious!!
peace, rei
it's always good to hear if other good guitar players like what I have to offer ... qualified opinions are the best motivation to go on!!!
great to see you're still around ... ;-)
peace, rei
peace, rei
Again I gotta say that I love your sound, and you stand out as a very creative guitarist with those riffs of yours. The progression of the lead couldnt have been better to this song. Everything flows in such a great way that I caught myself craving more when the song was over. The mixing is 10/10. Can tell you've been doing this for a while. Can't wait to hear another rock track from you mate..!
thx for all your reviews!!! very appreciated ...
respect, rei
thx a lot for taking the time to listen and review ... I really appreciate that!!!
peace, rei
I'm happy that there still are some names around that I recognize ... lol
and thank you for listening!! of course there's more to come ... so watch out ... ;-)
peace, rei
I only use freeware to produce, but I invest a lot more time into mixing than into recording, to achieve the best possible sound ... and a little experience helps a lot!!
thx for taking the time to listen and review!!!
peace, rei
great to hear that you liked this track that much ... and for writing it down ... ;-)
peace, rei
Peace and love, my man,
but I'm really curious what you will do with those loops, let me know when you got something ...
many many thx for listening!!!
peace, rei
The track is first rate as I would expect. 11\10.
yeah, it's been really a long time without looperman ...
thank you for listening!! and I'm happy that you liked it ... ;-)
peace, rei
that's what it's all about: feeling it!!!
peace, rei
Awesome track by the way!
Cheers Slap...
back, yes ... but with limited time ... several projects are on the way (professional ones!), and that means a lot of work ...
and watch out ... someday I'll be in England, and we'll have a jam session!!! I know this will happen ... ;-)
peace, rei
great to hear that my loops will be used ... if you got something finished let me know, I'm really curious in hearing different approaches to my ideas!!
and thx for taking the time!!
peace, rei
I'm still listening to the Mexican with an open mouth and completely astonished about the brilliance, though I shouldn't be surprised!!
well, I'm back, yes ... but I won't appear in the forums, I'll post loops and tracks and reviews ... the important things, you know ...
in the future I won't have so much time, my musical life is getting more professional, I've been asked to participate in several projects, and that's good ...
thx for the review man!!!
peace, rei
I think I've sent emails your way thanking you for loops, and if not let me say thank you now. You're a real asset to the community whether you're here or not.
Love the song and look forward to hearing more from you!
Welcome back!
thank you for the warm welcome, and for your mails concerning my loops ... new ones are on the way ... ;-)
and thx for listening!!!
peace, rei
well, you're right, some different progression would be good here and there, but to be honest ... I'm afraid I'm sometimes too lazy for that ... and one of my deepest fears in making music is the fear of overproducing ... I hear many tracks around which contains of materials for 2 or 3 really good songs, but in the end they sound like a preview of an album, if you know what I mean ...
but again: you're right!!! I should be a little more couraged in trying different progressions ... ;-)
thx a lot for your opinion!!!
peace, rei
indeed I am a philosopher, at least I'm studying philosophy for ages now ... lol
great to discover that you understand latin, and that you obviously understood what I was trying to say ... many many thx!!!
peace, rei
thx a lot for taking the time ... well, I'm not sure if I sound heavier now, maybe it's because I used a Danelectro baritone guitar for the main riff, the lower frequencies of this instrument gives the sound more power (like a drop-d tuning, but you know that!) ... the EP I'm working on will be a funk album though, it's almost finished, some negotiations with a few labels are on the way, so I don't have a release date atm ... we'll see ... oh, just remembered, you know one of the songs (the way you move) from mixposure ...
thx again for listening ... and may the force be with you ... ;-)
peace, rei