Description : work in progress. working title. only here for feedback currently.
Currently looking to rework the beginning section potentially and an ending section. possibly shorten the middle.
This is a prototype for a concept album where god declares war on humanity.
Description : I guess the outlands from warcraft was kind of the inspiration for this.
Loops used (mostly FX)
Description : I hope senpai notices me.
Original by Beethoven.
Performed by beavers opening doors.
Idea conceived by bashing my face on my keyboard.
I really hope senpai notices me.
Because my next project will most likely involve a knife orchestra.
Lyrics by cinnamontoastken.
Refer to this thread
Description : i did this in 50 minutes, most of it was getting the pitches and timing right, but the acapella is still a bit off time, i might contact the creator about that.
i worked this around minnettes acapella.
this was for the first hour challenge, done in an hour
Description : an experimental combination of glitch and dubstep, focused on being very intrusive and known, made with looperman loops and personal items.
the name refers to my frustration at not being able to do my work, making this song was part of the problem ironically ---wow.... this is my first dubstep peice and im very suprised at its popularity