Description : ok this is very sad is about the bombing Serbia 11 yers ago by Nato weak i em recording this!!!!i used some loops and made some in FL 9 and 8,,,,The lyrilics will be on serbian but i em thinking i write on english to and i will not tell that nato is bad i will just show people how was here in time of bombing......
listen,review and enjoy.......
Ã…Â teta Å¡to je bez rima, ali koncept otkida... i da znaÅ¡ da me sad sve vratilo unazad i malo utuklo... to je jedan od veoma tragičnih i tužnih perioda u mom životu a i u životima gradjana Srbije. Tada sam bio 24 sata u akciji kao jedan od organizatora radio mreže za opasnost u Somboru pri radio klubu "Nikola Tesla" - YU7KMN... mnogo neprospavanih i koÅ¡marnih noći tih meseci... naÅ¡a tužna proÅ¡lost...
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jea we can do that,I was getting my info up on Nato,and it was really messed up,like it Brought me to tears inside,and this is only from my point of view, I can only imagine from your own or others who we're there point of view.bad things happen here all the time and it's sad but that's a hole nother level of bad.I will contact you soon then.
hmmm.Well im very picky with my beats but So far I like this 1,too bad I can't download it like others did,the beat was nice,leave the sirens,they add umph to it.i want to hear what you did,but I think this beat has a lot of potential and we can broaden the play of it,send me a copy and I'll tell you what I mean.I freestyled something sick to this,if only I had the beat,(hint hint)lol...
dude how can you not download this???rally???
i new that you will pick this one mate...mmaster collabed whit me whit this one and it was lol no words,,,contact me on mali
glad you like this one
Very nice tribute to a sad time. I think once the lyrics are added more people can appreciate the trak. I like it the way it is sirens and all, it captures and re-visits a sad time in Serbian history. Good job!
Cool beat, nice dynamics in strings ( what VSTi used?)
if you'll have an English vocal then send ready song to one of
US song contests. This contest is free:
I like it. I think you went a little heavy on the sirens but the scratches were ill. It's simple in terms of melody but it's still solid. It all sounds very layered and well done. You should feel pretty good about it.
thx mate....maybe you are right for the sirens but i think that the sirenas should stay because of the song...anyway thax for rew glad you like it...and wait when i put here my vocal!! :)
man this beat by itself is tragic, with that said, I cant wait to hear the vocals you put on it, I wanna hear the story wether in english or not. the beat draws emotion on a high level!!
thx,,,relly i was giving my best whit this one!!
For me it was hard to write the lyrilics....again thx for rew all this means to me much!!!I will do my best for recording the vocal!!!
and as far as the free loaders that come and download without the courtesy to AT LEAST say thanks, id say fk em man. just set your tune so that ppl can;'t download them, and in the description say: "if you would like this beat holla and ill send it to u"
free loaders piss me off. ungrateful fools.
sorry about the negativity, but man, this beat is fire. 3rd time listening to it.
thx..for this...i now what are you talking about!!!yea you are wright about evertying for free loaders but fk em....sorry about my englis,,,i uderstand everything but i em not so good in writting!! :)
Description : This Is Just A Snippet Of My Song "When I'm Gone" Which Is A Reality Check For My Brothers And Sisters In The World. The World Is In A Bad State Right Now And We Need To Join Together To Restore Some Peace And Integrity. Vanity & Self Love Is A Start For Each Individual And Joining Together Afterwards Can Heal The Wounds We Put on The World. Like, Comment, Download As You Please.
Description : Something i did when i was about 15, and when i still made beats. This particular track is actually the reason i decided to get into composing at all. I had a good run with the beats and hip-hop scene, but i always had a leaning more towards composing and this, i think, is the catalyst for that revelation. This beat is 9 years old, and gives you a sense of what it was like to be a young, passionate, musically driven teen. Thank you.
Description : First track from the 'Organic Beats' EP COMING SOON CHECK THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Featuring Canadian rapper Apollo Klipse, check his shit out (LF)
Description : Check me out on YT
I will post 1-3 Beats a week to get started !
leave a sub if u want :D
!!! USAGE !!!
Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
Description : Track 6 off "Mo$hpit Mu$ic", the latest mixtape I got streaming now on my SoundCloud. If you vibe with it, give it a listen! Follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow back. Always open to suggestions and possible collabs, my email and DM's are open! Stay up Looperfam
Description : Everything but the effects i played out. made for them hard spitters def would love to hear what someone with a flow does to this. me and my boy murdered this verbally as i made it enjoy!
Description : My single leading upto my first EP coming soon, Produced by me and I mixed the vocals, i also took the first verse and hook. what you guys think?
CXRTER on Spotify & Soundcloud and message me on socials if you wanna work.
Description : Let me know what you guys think of this beat! I did not make the melodies for this song, LilTiddy created the two loops. I created the drums such as the 808, Kicks, Hi-Hates, Snares and claps. I also Mixed and Mastered the Instrumental.
Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 1 by LilTiddy
Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 2 by LilTiddy
Description : I found this old track from 2013. A collab with looperman member Mr1Black.I used RarCharm vocals on the hook.MrBlack sent me his dry vocals and I mixed them in with the track..not the best job on mixing the vocals, or the beat but ,I still like it.
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Pozdrav! WaPer
i new that you will pick this one mate...mmaster collabed whit me whit this one and it was lol no words,,,contact me on mali
glad you like this one
and yes here the version of Mmaster called WAR
some good words sad the boy :)
if you'll have an English vocal then send ready song to one of
US song contests. This contest is free:
that girl sings my song. Deadline to submit: July,17.
All the best from slavic to slavic
thx for the info
Im lovin this beat I am gonna fav it!!
For me it was hard to write the lyrilics....again thx for rew all this means to me much!!!I will do my best for recording the vocal!!!
and as far as the free loaders that come and download without the courtesy to AT LEAST say thanks, id say fk em man. just set your tune so that ppl can;'t download them, and in the description say: "if you would like this beat holla and ill send it to u"
free loaders piss me off. ungrateful fools.
sorry about the negativity, but man, this beat is fire. 3rd time listening to it.
Butcha d-_-b