Description : FINALLY done, a rebound of 5 remakings and a possible remix is coming out, so look out for that. I wanted a kind of chilled out mix with some nice 007 feels to it at the beginning and end. Put some vocals in myself, and used 1 or 2. It is done and with a new title :) finally, what a ride... took wayyy too long... BUT fear not, the upcoming track (Solar Flex) will blow your mind!
EDIT: I limited the drum tracks to get them sounding louder, as well as the bass should be louder as well. I think I still have to make the pads and one or two of the synths a little louder, but other than that it should be done. Maybe turn the vocal down a bit... maybe. I still have to work on the drums a little more, utrn them down, as well as the limiter and compression.
This drum and bass track was uploaded by Gsusfrk. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (12)
If you have time take a listen and give Gsusfrk some feedback.
not a huge fan of drumnbass but im a big fan of this! Love the beat, real old school. The only thing is, the snyths dont change enough for me. But thats also partly why im not big on DNB.
lol yea, there's a lot of variation in DnB out there. Some of it is amazingly composed and can be very beautiful, others... not so much lol.
Thanks for the time, and remember this is just a preview, label required me to shorten it, but thank you nonetheless.
I';ll check one of your tunes out!
Man i turned this one and my head blew up,
what a crazy intro, i love this style of drum and bass its so much dirtier, youve done a nice job on this one mate
Thanks guy, I love spacey, dirty, and gritty DnB... though, this is a preview because of the label ordeal, so take it as a preview, you may like this part but every tune I create I try to make both drops different. Glad you enjoyed it!
I'll hit one of your tunes up!
nice tune man i really like it The atmopshere is so nice
and it sounds proper old skool its pretty sick
anyway i cant talk anymore i need to go raving to this song
Thank you, I'm hoping to get a better sound out of this when I get to remastering all of the 4 tracks. But that might take a while.. I tend to start a new track than going back to the older tunes... who knows.
I'll hit a tune up of yours,
Hey, thanks for the words man. There are no loops in this except one or two (royalty free) that I'd have to go back and check out to know. But this is all what I put into it, even the vocals.
THanks for the review, I'll put one up on one of your tunes.
lol thanks man, hard to make a good song, though, I wasn't sure if the first drop was good enough. Though, I liked the second drop. :)
I'll hit one of your tunes up.
MAn this is sick. Def love the intro to this track. The atmosphere in this is surreal man. I really enjoy the old skool soundz man. I am trying to get this sound going as well. A lot of my trax sound the same and it is upsetting. I need to learn a new structure. Strictly for atmospheric D&B freakin dope man....Would like to hear your new stuff...Blume :)
Yea man, experimentalism is one of the hardest things to go through, because it requires you to put aside the usual and makes you try new things, whether you like them or not. THank you for your kind works man, really appreaciate it. Helps with the motivation.I'll hit one of your tunes up.
Hello my fellow canuck. A very interesting ride this track took me on, lots to entertain in the way of instrumentation and athmosphere. Your transitions are smooth and the production is very good.
Man, transitions are where it's at, it's difficult but wworth the try when it become reality. Thanks for the words man, I'll hit one of your tunes up.
well you sure put the loudness in this one i think sounds good overall,but for some reason i havent been able to made this kind of DnB yet must be my style or somthing.
Yeah man, I was tired of having my tunes low and having to turn my system up rather than down! But the tunes been updated, so check it out, once more! Thanks for the words man!
Damn it's one of the best tracks I've heard here!!! The atmopshere is so f-------g nice and I feel something from the old glory days.
Great job.
The only thing I dislike is two short midi-notes between long ones in the reese bass that sound a bit clowny.
This is some awesome DnB! Time Warp seems to be a popular title, I have a song called that, and I know I've seen someone else with that title on one of their songs...not to mention the one from Rocky Horror Picture Show...haha! But anyway, great beats on this song, and the bass sounds killer! Nice chord progressions too! I like this track! Thanks for sharing!
Hey Spiv, thanks for the review. Yeah I know it's a popular title which is why I'm going to probably change the name (no idea what yet). I'll keep working on it! Steve
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Description : So ive been listening to alot of dnb lately, and i decided to try my hand at it. It turned out to be alittle more chillout than I wanted it to be, but I still like how it turned out.
A ambient type of DnB track, one to make you think, Second attempt at the DnB genre for this year, again apologise to Drum and Bass artist, guessing again not your normal DnB.Used flute Rhodes Piano, and a few other bits to hopefully get the feeling for the piece I wanted, along with a few break beats/bass lines and FX etc...
Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...
Description : Merry Christmas to everyone, and thanks for all your downloads. This song is from 2016 but is here in this christmas. Thanks to Raphael29 for this great loops. Have a nice day and enjoy!
Description : Hey guys,
i wanted to share with you my track
with the "last year DNB Drums" that i uploaded a while ago.
i know its not finished and polished,but it sounds simply good :D
Let me know your critics!
Good one tho man!
Thanks for the time, and remember this is just a preview, label required me to shorten it, but thank you nonetheless.
I';ll check one of your tunes out!
what a crazy intro, i love this style of drum and bass its so much dirtier, youve done a nice job on this one mate
Cam - Sludgecity
I'll hit one of your tunes up!
VERRRYYY chill song.
Thanks for the words, I'll hit one of your tunes up mate.
and it sounds proper old skool its pretty sick
anyway i cant talk anymore i need to go raving to this song
I'll hit a tune up of yours,
but it's like all the song based on a loop..well that's how i feel
but it's great..keep it up
THanks for the review, I'll put one up on one of your tunes.
GG Dude
I'll hit one of your tunes up.
Great Job
anyway good solid track its a winner.
Great job.
The only thing I dislike is two short midi-notes between long ones in the reese bass that sound a bit clowny.