27th May 2010 19:15 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : This was written to my mom! She was a great lady and supported me in music from day one.When she passed away in 2003,there was so much music she did not hear from me or that was released that she would have truly enjoyed.My mom loved music and art with great passion.This is for you mom,The song that you,ll will never hear!

Comments (17)

If you have time take a listen and give BrianMaiden407 some feedback.

typeMARS 8th Jun 2011 11:32 - 13 years ago
cool intro. nice effects. and good drums.

BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey thanks for stopping by big guy and given an ear here, greatly apperacate it big time!
be sure to send some ears you way too bro!!

thanks again

Brian ;)
digitalSKYY 4th Jun 2011 03:09 - 13 years ago
I love all the progressions in this man!
Good guitar

Sweet song man

Kenny Lee
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey Kenny, thank you greatly for stoppin by and given an ear! Really apperacate your kid words and will be sure to have my ears your way shortly!!

many thanks

Brian ;)
JohnBoutilier 3rd Jun 2011 17:59 - 13 years ago
Love it. What more can I say?


Keep Them Coming, My Very Talented Brother

BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey there John! thank you big for listening here!
I really apperacte the postive words,means alot when you hit bumps in the road! Iam doing my music homework and reserach these days to make things interesting next round.Will be spending alot more time in the months to come on this wonderfull web site and artsists like your self and share creative ideas.Seems like a great place to start the birth of ideas.

God bless and many many thanks!

Brian ;)
Alen9R 6th Mar 2011 05:16 - 14 years ago
Hey Brian!

Man this is very powerful track,full of emotion!
I like the beginning that sounds like hip hop, and then transition at 1:41 is great,GREAT!
I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my father last year,I know how difficult is to make something, and dedicate it to a person who no longer among us!Excellent work Brian!faved

Much respect

BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hi Alen,thank you for taking the time to review this track,yeah this was something close to me and I did not relize alot of us felt the same way when theres a loss of a close person.Music was the only way i was able to trans send this message.
thank you again for the review and keep creative

Brian ;)
justing101 1st Jan 2011 20:34 - 14 years ago
really moving track, i could cry over this
in fact i almost did noooo it ends there why?
after the 3:00 minutes youve already got you should
get some vocals starting because the themes set and the mood is
very good i like it
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey, thanks for listening here guy, greatly apperacate it big time! Yeah, I did have lyrics on this and was going to record some vocla tracks with it, It was one of the tracks I lost when my pc crashed, but theres allways another tri to re record somewhere up the road,

many thanks again for the postive review guy!

Brian ;)
Mosaic 25th Dec 2010 04:43 - 14 years ago
G'day Brian

Man how did I miss this one, one extremely moving piece my friend, read description then listened to this wonderful but sad track, brought a tear to the eye, so much feeling, a massive credit my friend for getting that into this special piece, excellent guitar work, beat everything working together how it should, excellent arrangement and clarity brian, mate your mum would be so proud of this piece that you have done for her, hopefully she is looking down from heaven and hears this everytime someone plays it, massive thank you for sharing this piece and the feelings involved...MASSIVE fav man...Peace n Respect Brian...MERRY CHRISTMAS my friend...please have a great day okies...Estefano...
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Your kinds words are bringing tears to my eyes my friend!! what can i say? thank you so very much
Estefanom Ian estic i was able to touch you hart with this! moms are so very special to us, and this was one of those those musical inspriations
tha was very special to me my friend!
thank you again and have a wonderfull and musicality productive coming year!!


Brian ;)
BrokenScythe 29th Jul 2010 22:42 - 14 years ago
Very moving...excellent track..I dont know what else to say other than.
Bravo, and undoubtedly, your mother would have been proud.
Perfect example of spilling emotion with music.
Just a great job brother.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Thank you so much for your positive reviews!what else is there my friend? music and emotion you know it!
thank you again

CalifKen 29th Jun 2010 16:36 - 14 years ago

Yeh I made a CD for my mom last year and she listened to it in the car and stuff and mentioned liking it a couple of times and i know exactly what you mean -

Wow I swear I'm listening to this with the ears of a mother right now, and I am so proud of my son for the musical space he's created - what an architect.

That was in all sincerity my friend. Really cool track.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey , Ken thanks for stopping by and reviewing the track!! and thanks for the positive words on this!! When it comes to music and moms , nothing is more close to our harts then then this!

peace brother!

AllenV 7th Jun 2010 18:58 - 14 years ago
Brian,a lot has been said in other reviews and I agree.This is an important song on many levels,of course to you, and to us as listeners,even if we did not know of your loss.I'm mixed about vocals myself,may sound odd but the music seems so intimate,even with the guitars that it would take something special to speak any more clearly than your music,maybe because I know it's heartfelt and you can hear it,That's your call.Some guitar swells maybe,I hit the note then swell the volume with my pinky,it has been a way of expression and emotion from the guitar for me,
Well done.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Yeah , Iam with ya there on that, I totaly feel the same with vocals! Its the Pop glmor thing that is a turn off for me in the singing area, I allways liked it in the sence of drama and acting and not just vocal technique. I was one for sole full blusy stuff , but anything entaining has caught my ears in the past that was "out of the box"competely.Should be fun to see what can be mustered up in the music labortory in the near future! thanks for review allen and enjoy all your creative endvors!

theHumps 1st Jun 2010 12:05 - 14 years ago
Nice track, def some vocals!! I can feel the emotion in this, especially in your guitar playing. Some nice influences here, some hip hop, acoustic, electronic, rock, man, this is some nice work. Great build up into the power chords. Well done!

BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Thanks for the positive review Wayne, Should be fun to see wheres this goes!

RayKoefoed 30th May 2010 05:11 - 14 years ago
This is so powerful. Instrumental songs with this much emotion and passion are to few and far between. I lost my father a few years ago, so I can understand the emotions involved in this. I can feel them swell as I listened and read the description. Thank you for turning those feelings into something tangible that has filled me with inspiration. Thank you for sharing this Brian.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hi Ray, thanks so much for the review,Iam estic I was able to inspire you here with the message of this tune.Allthough its appears to be in the "dark zone" it was ment to be turned into a postitive rock vibe. Not completly sure on how this will finish, I did have lyric and melody idea in mind, I still have to redo most of it on acid,for most of it was lost when my pc crashed and have to retrive the sounds that I used!Something I have to entertain in the near future. I have a bunch of music I was working on when this happened and there ideas are still very fresh in my mind! So away I go on the music grind stone ;) I will diffently give your music my ears!

thanks so much!

Kikajon 29th May 2010 22:40 - 14 years ago
I love how the song changes character 1:35 in. Some vocals would be interresting as someone suggested earlier.

If I may add another suggestion. Add another guitar track on the opposite side or pan the dist guitar a bit more towards the middle. Having said that, this is a great track. Good job!
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hi Kikajons, thanks for the review and yes Iam going to tri that out on this, greatly apperacte the input!

rfalkenburg 29th May 2010 02:38 - 14 years ago
Trust me, she heard it, cuz we felt it.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
what can I say? Hope so and thank you!


Nosleeves 28th May 2010 18:19 - 14 years ago
this sounds like a laided back funk track thats real melo but then gets all rock and brings the house down.I can groove to this one u did a banging job im faving it

BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Thanks buddy for the posititve reviews,much appercate ;)

jfw 27th May 2010 22:37 - 14 years ago
Nice work here.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Thanks Jamie!

PDRakaJosephColumbo 27th May 2010 20:51 - 14 years ago
this is fcuking incredible, please repost this when it is done. this has some hiphop influence in it. I cant get over how big this instrumental sound. Great production by the way, you could have a rapper and singer on the hook if you wanted.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Thanks so much guy for the kind words!! You diffently gave me a idea with the raping, I just might tri both on it!

Thanks again for the positive review!

overlappingcircles 27th May 2010 19:36 - 14 years ago
this is way cool bro, would love to hear it with some vocals.
BrianMaiden407 replied Unknown
Hey thanks guy! this was one of the tracks I lost in my pc crash, I will have to totaly redo it on acid to finish it, Just sent it out to my great friends at looperman for there review, yeah I started a lyrical idea here with this, but got caught up in the crash in the enterm!

thanks again for your kind words!


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22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
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Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
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Tags :
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