15th Jun 2010 18:22 - 14 years ago
Description : Final update: Mahloo13 contributed to this song with an amazing mix and new master (I sadly had to compress it slightly due to looperman size limitations). If you've heard this tune before – listen again – I think it's worth it. Lots and lots of cred to Malu for his effort.

Update: Totally new vocal tracks by tacatta.

100615: Yesterday I came across a man who lost his angel. This really moved me and I just had to finish this track which suddenly found its reason. A couple of weeks ago i found an acapella by Eshar that now made its way into this song. Garageband, Strat, Eshar, fretless precision and some compassion


p.s. In case you wonder – yes, I'm a big fan of Pink Floyd.

Comments (28)

If you have time take a listen and give Kikajon some feedback.

Cacofonix 18th Aug 2011 18:10 - 13 years ago
I love to hear those rockbased tracks. And this one is realy well done, especialy the organ you used sounds realy cool for me. Your music make me think on the music of "Ayreon" (Arjen Anthony Lucassen) That is meant as a huge compliment. :)

Djinn XS
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you so much for your very kind review. I had awesome help from my collaborators that made this song so much better than my original version. Again, thank you.
Jeff05C 17th Jul 2011 18:56 - 13 years ago
This is a great track, i like the spoken word in the middle. Cool guitar tones. Nice arrangement with spaces in the right places! Great job.

Kikajon replied Unknown
JC, thanks for the kind review, I appreciate you taking the time and listen to this song.
lofthouse 17th Jul 2011 13:57 - 13 years ago
Wow!I love what you have done with this!
It's really smooth and beautifully done.
Malu shows his genius with this mix.
Well done guys-It's a masterpiece.
And Elaine your voice really does speak to my soul!
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you very much. Malu and Tacatta really made the difference. In the new mix Eshar's voice pella got new life – and finally the song became complete. I am very pleased the result. Again, thank you for the very kind words and for sharing the story of Matthew.
ShortBusMusic 16th Jul 2011 22:34 - 13 years ago
Well, it is easy to see why Malu is one of the best around when it comes to mixing and mastering. This is fabulous and definitely a song that Pink Floyd, or any band, would be proud of.

The vox at the 1:15 mark are a stroke of genius.

Hell, the whole track is genius.

Straight to favorites - \m/ \m/

Kikajon replied Unknown
Thanks Bear. Malu made a big differnce with his skills and I am really pleased with the result. Jim's voice is so right for this one, finding Eshars pella was a fortunate thing.
zeknab 15th Jul 2011 02:04 - 13 years ago
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you very, very much. The song has been a work in progress for a year and now I'd say it's complete. Very satisfying indeed. Thank you again for the very kind words.
eshar 14th Jul 2011 22:19 - 13 years ago
thanks for giving me the heads up about the latest version of this track. It sounds fantastic certainly.

It's been an interesting musical journey, and even though we all started from different places the final destination is certainly one we can all be proud of, and it's a very fitting tribute to little Matthew.

Kikajon replied Unknown
How very true.
It took more than a year to get to this final version. But now it's done and I am so pleased.
KelvinGate 13th Jul 2011 10:36 - 13 years ago
Only missing: a good stage with moving head, good lights, and keep my eyes closed!!! Thank you "men" :)
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you, man. And I agree, a stage would be nice.
VickyDan 13th Jul 2011 07:44 - 13 years ago
A big jump in time, my friend .... Yes! really "Pink Floyd" in its purest form in the game, the intonation, lack can be a good guitar solo but it's fantastic ....
I am very surprised by the artistic quality of this track.
All my respect ....

Kikajon replied Unknown
Merci, votre mots est très apprÃÂciÃÂe.
And I'll pass them on to my collaborators who all were essential in bringing the track to that quality. I played all instruments but the drums (they were set by Malu) and wrote the lyrics – but it wasn't until Jim and Malu did their parts that the tune became what it now is. I am very proud of the outcome. Again, thanks.
ZEE 12th Jul 2011 22:40 - 13 years ago
A brilliant track. The vocals are absolutely fitting for this track Tocatta's vocals are ace and heart felt, Esher fits in nicley during the end. Well layed out and the melody and bridge is just an anthem sing along track, that could be easily played commercially. A very good attempt. I would push this track further mate! You've clearly worked really hard on this gem, well done really well done.
Kikajon replied Unknown
On the behalf of my collaborating friends and !, thank you for the very encouraging words, truly appreciated. The song took more than a year to complete and it's been a journey to what it is now. I am proud, pleased and thankful.
Mahloo13 12th Jul 2011 22:40 - 13 years ago
Had to check it out on the site as well. Thanks for the kind words and the oportunity. It translates well on the laptop as well.

'Till the next one.....crank the amp to 11......:))

Kikajon replied Unknown
To eleven? You bet! Thanks again.
SpellJammer 12th Jul 2011 20:56 - 13 years ago
Wow, Taccata, you're vocals are insane dude! Guitar, Kilk,awesome as always bro and Eshar just tops it off in such a sultry way! Thank you for blessing us all with this. Great great tune man! Huge fav! The loop is an exceptional place man, there is absolutely no place I would rather be. Thank you to everyone involved on this track for sharing it with us. It is a true example of the powers and wonders of collabs man!
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you so much for the kind words. This is a song that have evolved with the talent of collabortions – I used Eshars amazing poem and sung the lead vocals myself in the first version, when Tacatta added his voice the tune began to sound like I wanted it to.
But when Mahloo13 added his mixing skills I was amazed, it came out they way I didn't even know I wanted it to sound. Great collabs gives new visions.
MStokes 7th Jul 2011 21:50 - 13 years ago
K, yours is one my fav voices in the loop and this is way out there - yr vox mesh so well with Elaine! a beautiful dark crazy diamond of a track
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you, ever so kindly. But I'd be wrong to take the cred for the voice this time, it's actually Jim that does the vocals. But I appreciate that you like my voice, and your support is making my confidence grow as a singer. The duet with Jim will happen. Some day.
Tumbleweed 7th Jul 2011 21:45 - 13 years ago
Ah Yes...I hear the Floyd influence...and that is always a very good thing...great job on this one the guitar too....makes me want to dig out my floyd albums (think I have them all...including the early ones on vinyl).....Fav for sure,....Ed
Kikajon replied Unknown
Ed, I appreciate your kind words and I share your enthusiasm about Pink Floyd. The vinyls, from Ummagumma and Atom heart mother to Animals, have been passed on to my daughter – and she loves them too. Pretty amazing in my book.
JoeyBonezSD1 7th Jul 2011 15:25 - 13 years ago
man!!this is really nice i like this alot!!great great tune!!a fav!!an i DL it so i could play it on my house system!!also a fan of pink floyd!!awsome work!!glad i stopped threw to hear somthing difrent!it was definitly worth it!!
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you very much for the nice review, I am excited that you like this tune, it's one those songs that evolves with the emotion and everything just comes together. Thanks again for the kind words.
Vicen 7th Jul 2011 13:14 - 13 years ago
I had not heard this song yet. Unforgivable. Well, better late than never. Perfect everything. Symphonic rock in pure state. You are great. A really cool song. I will make a second listen, because songs like this are not made today. A luxury to have in Looperman.
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you very much Vicen for the most flattering review. The tune really came together when Jim sung it and I'm rather happy about the way it came out. Again, thanks. And your definately forgiven, my friend. :)
Mahloo13 7th Jul 2011 09:16 - 13 years ago
Hahhah yeah I like your disclaimer about Pink Floyd. I grew up with their music and they are incredible even now after all the time they have been separated and the music industry is saturated with crappy music so it was a good audition being given the opportunity to listen to something like this again.

The guitar work and the vocals are totally awesome. I can't agree with some processing on the guitars as the different reverb settings make it seem as if they come from different songs and there are some leveling issues as well as the vocals get buried underneath the guitars here and there.

The snare needs a bigger reverb to blend it in the back a bit and the Bass definitely needs more compression to bring it out more.

Even so the quality is incredible and trust me what I've said above are subtle nuances that when touched can work wonders.

Instant Fav!

Best wishes!

Kikajon replied Unknown
Hi Malu, and thank you for the insightful review. All your tips on how to improve the mix are welcome.
I'm really happy that you like this song, so I thought, would you like to have a go at the mix?
If so, mail me:
JohnBoutilier 3rd Jun 2011 22:05 - 13 years ago
Beautiful. Love it.

Faved and downloaded

Kikajon replied Unknown
This track came together when I heard the moving story about matthew, a kid that unfortunately became an angel in the ground after a fire. Eshars poem and Jim's vocals made it one of my favourites.
Mrbillionx 25th Nov 2010 16:19 - 14 years ago
I can't believe its over...
I guess I can loop this for like 3 hours and have some fun.

Kikajon replied Unknown
Hey, I'm really glad you like the song. Thanks for your kind words.
lofthouse 12th Nov 2010 15:46 - 14 years ago
I love what you have done to improve this track!
It really has come together so beautifully.
The combination of the guitar and all the vocalists,Tacatta,Eshar and yourself is pure synergy.
It has been a long hard road putting the Matthew album together,with lots of heartache,tears,anger and frustration.
It has been such a hard project as it is so close to my heart and has totally drained me.
I have listened to the tracks thousands of times and I'm happy to say that I'm finally ready to let go and the album will be released on November 26.
I'm so thrilled to have you guys on it and can't wait to see what happens.
Thank you so much!You don't know what it means to me!
Much love
Kikajon replied Unknown
Yes, the song came together. Finally. Much thanks to Elaine for her poem and Jim Byrd for the vocals. And I'm thrilled too.

Babbba 11th Nov 2010 12:17 - 14 years ago
Clean downbeat chilled here. The guitar add a special taste asking voice for more, and more.
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you. This tune has its history and your kind words are much appreciated.
theHumps 11th Nov 2010 11:00 - 14 years ago
Oh yea baby!! The mix sounds great and the vocals and the spoken word by Eshar are fantastic!! Loved the keys also. So cool PM!!
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you Wayne. I've put my heart into this one and I'm very happy that Jim wanted to add his voice lifting it up a notch.
lofthouse 14th Jul 2010 19:11 - 14 years ago
Wow!I am totally blown away by this.Beautiful,from start to finish.
I am so honored by your thoughts for Matthew.He was not my son,but the son of a family friend,but the pain,none the less,has been so hard to bare!
Thank you for this.You have touched my heart and I am so grateful to you for dedicating this track.Elaine is one of my best artists on this site,so it was really amazing that she featured in this.
I have written an album for Matthew which is almost complete and ready for release.I would love to include this track on the album,if I get your permission.
The proceeds are going to charity to help burn victims,but hopefully,we will get lots of exposure and may go places with this.
I have not written this album for financial success in the music industry,but to try help raise money for charity.Any recognition will be a bonus,and who knows what it could lead to?Let me know if I can include this on the album,and thank you so very much for caring.It is so appreciated!LLove.g.x
Kikajon replied Unknown
What can I say but I'd be very honored to do so. But Elaine have to give her permission. I can contact her if you wish.
I'd also like to redo the vocals in the beginning, I'm not completely satisfied.
I'm really pleased that you liked this song. Take care and speak soon.

p.s. mail me at pmk(a)

p.s. Hi again. My friend Jim added his voice to an angel in the ground. This is the final version.
minette 11th Jul 2010 13:41 - 14 years ago
such a cool "whiskey sipping" kind of tune. very nice and eshar's words are awesome in here. don't really know Pink Floyd that well (gasp - shock - horror)... hehehe, but i like the sound you've got going here! very nice tune.
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thank you for the kind words.
The lyrics came after I had contact with a man in South Africa who had lost someone close to him. Eshar's words seemed perfect. Even if my vocals have flaws, I'm quite happy about the song.
SixFingeredMan 11th Jul 2010 09:15 - 14 years ago
I mostly agree with everyone about the Pink Floyd. Now if only Alan Parsons was around. Great sound.
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thanks. Alan Parsons was also a favourite of mine.
zappo 21st Jun 2010 13:36 - 14 years ago
allways Pinky Floydisch enjoyable..... cheers
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thanks, man
overlappingcircles 17th Jun 2010 22:03 - 14 years ago
this really sounds damn tight!!! excelent job and Eshar's vox really give it an edge. your guitar playing is awesome, mate!!! fav and dl.
Kikajon replied Unknown
Thanks Ant, I'm really glad you liked it.
theHumps 15th Jun 2010 23:37 - 14 years ago
Was that David Gilmore playing? ;)

Sounds great, def like Pink Floyd. Thought the vocals sounded good together. Liked the overall sound of this, just awesome!

dl and fav!
Kikajon replied Unknown
Kind words that are appreciated, thanks Wayne.
Soon I'll invent a way to sound like myself! :D
keyj 15th Jun 2010 21:02 - 14 years ago
Wow, this is my very first review...
This is a very nice track. I love the guitars and the musical progression. Vocals fit perfectly with sound
Very nice work

Kikajon replied Unknown
I'm honored for your first review and I thank you for your kind words. I also would like to welcome you to looperman.

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