31st Jul 2010 10:29 - 14 years ago
Description : Posted this in the hopes of finding someone who can help me redo this song with a similar organic style.
Wrote this a while back, and I've certainly matured a bit in my style. The beat was produced by friends and on the spot with some friends their guitar and 40's.
the drums are partially me, partially a loop
The harmonica is me as well.
lyrics are mine, and there's a few parts I might want to change.
Looking back on it with a few more years, I'm not terribly impressed with the mix and think the whole thing could be done better. Any takers?

Comments (16)

If you have time take a listen and give Thethanx some feedback.

JohnBoutilier 10th Apr 2011 23:28 - 13 years ago
Reminds me very much of Bloodhound Gang. Faved for sure.

Mosaic 25th Dec 2010 01:59 - 14 years ago
G'day Matey

Mate this is one fun type of track, really liking it, great beat, guitar work, can see what you mean about description, would be good to be able to give a tidy up a little but always so hard when you dont have the origional, I have a few like that myself, but I gave up trying to redo them from scratch, Mate want to wish you and your family a very merry christmas, have a good one matey...Fav'd...Peace n Respect...Estefano...
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks! This one is actually getting a redo featuring DJSchmeeJ on Guitar. Thanks for the review even while I've been inactive these past few weeks. I've been in the land of farmhouses and dial up internet (plus I have no computer any more) so digital music has been sadly absent from my life. Reviews remind me how much I love this place though, and in about a week I'll be back and mixing again! Off to give some of yours a listen!
DJSchmeeJ 29th Oct 2010 17:34 - 14 years ago
Dude I dig it! It reminds me of a band from my area.."Cage The Elephant" and they are considered Rock (new school rock along the lines of hip-hop/rock mix....hock? rip-rop...i dunno)! They just BLEW UP the charts with "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"

I likey alaw! Very cool...any luck with the redo on this?
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the listen. Dungbeatl says he'd be interested in workin on a redo of this one... but nothing solid in the works yet. I'm still really hoping someone's willing to take it on. I really wanna rewrite the lyrics to "flow a little better.
Great link by the way, good song!
Mrbillionx 29th Sep 2010 01:36 - 14 years ago
Man my head hurts after hearing this
sounds like someone was pounding it.

The vocal work needs to be polished badly.

the music itself needs to be cleaned up and balanced out.

Work to be done here.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review... but I don't have the original anything, as it was recorded by a friend years ago. As I say in the description I'm looking to do a total overhaul of everything.
*edit I read some more of your reviews, and listened to some of your tracks which makes me feel better about this one...
As you say there's nothing wrong with being honest I think it's your lact of tact that upsets everyone.
Honestly, you p1ss people off cuz you come across as an arrogant pr1ck rather than someone offering helpful advice (which I now realize is what you were trying to do)
Learn some humility, show respect and half you're track reviews won't be people just responding to the fairly rude things you say. No hard feelings felt, or meant by this by the way, peace and love brother, you've given me a positive review before, just trying to help with all the hostility you seem to receive.
Badhuman 25th Sep 2010 04:04 - 14 years ago
Pretty damn cool. Reminds me of Digital Underground. Like the gee-tar.
bobbybooth 24th Sep 2010 07:46 - 14 years ago
This is really cool mate. Wicked riff, funky beat, nothing wrong at all. The vocals have a great tone and i like the lyrics. I love old school type hip hop, all that gangsta bullsh*t does my head in, so i appreciate this message!

I just think those vocals need to be higher in the mix so you can hear them better.
alividlife 19th Sep 2010 09:22 - 14 years ago
I can do the beat if you want?

Doesn't sound too daunting, if just not sound designing it to be just like the original?

It's very cool man.
I love the style.. southern drawl... Kinda G Love.... Funk yes my man.
I saw them cats at a festival one time, and he was just chillin on a lawn chair on a stage drinking caronas lol... it was awesome, Cold Beverages.

Ht me back if you need the beat.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Hell yea! I'm not gonna lie, I totally gave up on someone redoing this, but I guess it was just waiting for someone worthy of the task. I would be honored to have you redo it. No need for it to sound like the original... Maybe a close BPM would be nice, Other than that have at it! If you need it I'd be more than happy to lay down some harmonica on it (assuming it needs it) Hit me up when you got something going.
djquickrick 17th Sep 2010 23:50 - 14 years ago
It's a keeper bud. Wish more hip hop was like this. It used to be. :) :) Respect 2 u 2! Balls out for speakin your mind! peace
Thethanx replied Unknown
Sorry for the long time on the reply. When it comes to hip hop my inspiration is all old school. It's too bad more artists are in the words of JB "Talkin loud, and saying nothing."
EmirBeatz 26th Aug 2010 18:36 - 14 years ago
man good beat i like it
donmega 24th Aug 2010 20:16 - 14 years ago
u dont need nobody
u tight u and your homies
thats all u need dope track homie
ImproveWithError 3rd Aug 2010 15:31 - 14 years ago
Wow not what I was expecting, has real nice quality sound to it, nice beat and good use the instruments. This was pretty good, I like your style man keep it up.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, it's an old track and at this point I'm not terribly happy with the vocals or the mix, but I hope it's more of preview of my style and what else is to come. Thanks again!
Isrealah 3rd Aug 2010 03:12 - 14 years ago
I like this beat,I see where u want to go with it,keep up the good work..Bless
phantomhim 1st Aug 2010 17:45 - 14 years ago
Do you still have all the individual elements of the instrumental? Or are you looking for someone to remake it from scratch?
Thethanx replied Unknown
I guess I should have been more clear in my description. I'm not looking for someone to recreate this same beat, I'm only looking for something in a similar style. I can imagine trying actually recreate a beat would be very very difficult. I mean I like this beat a lot, but I certainly don't want the exact same thing...
BrokenScythe 1st Aug 2010 10:33 - 14 years ago
haha I dig this a lt, its a little sloppy, but I think thats why I dig it. its like tripping along, reminds of Red Hot Chili Peppers lol, but with a country type twist.
slick track man.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks, a "country twist" is kinda what I go for when I look for beats or musicians to back me live, What can I say, I'm a country kid and I wanna stay true to my roots. It's most definitely a little sloppy too... which I personally wanna change which is why I'm looking to redo it.
Thanks again for the review!
adamms 31st Jul 2010 15:26 - 14 years ago
i was digging the track it sounds good and those really cool lyrics. to me it sounds a little incomplete, i think it needs another sound element maybe some keys or stand up bass. and maybe go all out maybe some back ground singers to sing a hook.. but cool song has groovy sound to it i like !!
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review! I agree that it's a little incomplete unfortunately I don't have access to the original beat, so I'm looking to rerecord pretty much the whole thing. I LOVE the idea of a groove with stand up bass. I something like Buckshot Lefonque's music evolution (if you don't know the song youtube it, buckshot is ridiculous). I would love to add a hook too, but honestly I'm terrible at writing them. If you know anyone who could produce a beat like this, please put em in contact with me!
MrTriMurda 31st Jul 2010 11:20 - 14 years ago
Song is Actually Not Bad at all,Plus A good Positive Message,You got A lil Flow going on a few timez there,lol..Just re-record a little more laid back,and keep it flowing,it sounds better when you do, try not to hesitate so much,be more proud when you spit and have fun Cause People who know music can hear it like myself,But I think You tighten that up and you got a Great Track,Maybe even a little Hit if not more,Woman will Love the Hell Out of it,lol...Anyway Thats all I have for u,I hope U can wrk wit it,Stay up and b E.z! 1! ~T.R.I~
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, I agree its a little stuttery and not quite as "flowy as I'd like... It's an old track and as i said in my description I feel like I'm matured a lot with my style and want to rework some parts to def give this a smoother flow... My main problem is I don't have the original beat so I can't go back and just rerecord that part of the track.

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Description : Dont know what m created but feel thats something good stuff added excellent piano from minor2go side in this given below .hope you will like it.its my pleasure if you use it in your project.
Piano link
16th Feb 2015 17:12 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Something i did when i was about 15, and when i still made beats. This particular track is actually the reason i decided to get into composing at all. I had a good run with the beats and hip-hop scene, but i always had a leaning more towards composing and this, i think, is the catalyst for that revelation. This beat is 9 years old, and gives you a sense of what it was like to be a young, passionate, musically driven teen. Thank you.
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15th Feb 2020 18:55 - 5 years ago
Description : Check me out on YT
I will post 1-3 Beats a week to get started !
leave a sub if u want :D


!!! USAGE !!!

Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
21st Nov 2019 06:44 - 5 years ago
Description : Track 6 off "Mo$hpit Mu$ic", the latest mixtape I got streaming now on my SoundCloud. If you vibe with it, give it a listen! Follow me on SoundCloud and I'll follow back. Always open to suggestions and possible collabs, my email and DM's are open! Stay up Looperfam

Drum Loop by AndreyMehan

Guitar Sample by MasterRomeroW

Prod by ShinigamiWorld
30th Mar 2017 00:25 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Sad emotional beat. enjoy
You can use this, for no commercial use.
10th Dec 2013 05:08 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Everything but the effects i played out. made for them hard spitters def would love to hear what someone with a flow does to this. me and my boy murdered this verbally as i made it enjoy!
27th Jan 2023 19:49 - 2 years ago
Description : lyrics , vocals ; beat maker
music ; Phantom Live Production
Just for fun !!
Dedication CC
11th Mar 2020 17:10 - 4 years ago
Description : My single leading upto my first EP coming soon, Produced by me and I mixed the vocals, i also took the first verse and hook. what you guys think?

CXRTER on Spotify & Soundcloud and message me on socials if you wanna work.
16th Oct 2019 05:24 - 5 years ago
Description : Let me know what you guys think of this beat! I did not make the melodies for this song, LilTiddy created the two loops. I created the drums such as the 808, Kicks, Hi-Hates, Snares and claps. I also Mixed and Mastered the Instrumental.
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Sad Post Malone X xxxtentacion loop Part 2 by LilTiddy
29th Oct 2016 05:02 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : I found this old track from 2013. A collab with looperman member Mr1Black.I used RarCharm vocals on the hook.MrBlack sent me his dry vocals and I mixed them in with the track..not the best job on mixing the vocals, or the beat but ,I still like it.
6th Apr 2016 09:04 - 8 years ago
Description : Instrumental By Mef Beats, made in fl studio 12, voice by adda.
18th Nov 2016 05:38 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Just experimenting. Enjoy!