7th Nov 2010 01:54 - 14 years ago
Description : Made using Beatmaker for iPhone.
The title pays homage to a certain looper whose loop started this all, and got me out of a musical slump I was starting to come into.
As always mastering is my biggest request for feedback, but I also wonder if it's too sparse and needs a few more elements to keep it from being boring. Thoughts please

*Edit: remastered with more bassline and less of everything else to keep it from clipping
Also added some scratch loops

Loop credits: alividlife, Planetjazzbass, Dusthill, Djerc7, DanWilson, 9Rihter, Omar_S (although I cut up his drum loop and made the fills myself)
djpuzzle's scratch loops. But I'd rather have custom work done. Any Hip Hop DJ's out there wanna scratch on this one?

Comments (16)

If you have time take a listen and give Thethanx some feedback.

BrokenScythe 30th Jan 2011 20:47 - 14 years ago
Once again bro. I keep coming back to this and it just sounds right.
The bpm for Regrowth is 120 lol. Im wondering whats going on bro? you kind of disappeared off the loop.
CONEYISLANDRECORDS 11th Dec 2010 18:08 - 14 years ago
Pretty tight for an Iphone app. Nice drums they really keep it all flowing nicely. Diggin the ambient vibe man. Good stuff. The mix sounds pretty good.
Squidwelder 24th Nov 2010 22:28 - 14 years ago
Man, it's been a while since I got to listen to a chill track I enjoyed. I have to say, this is one of the better pieces that I've heard in a while. Bravo, man, keep up the good work!
BrokenScythe 23rd Nov 2010 01:23 - 14 years ago
Movie track, insta movie track, just awesome. Im feeling this vibe. Faved man, faved. Very relaxedd. Really feeling it, just perfect for chilling, doing HW or art...whatever floats the day along. I actually think it should stay where its at...minimal and clean, its like listening to ambient music, just not as sporadic or swung.

Just clean that ending brother and you are in the excellence zone. Im thoroughly impressed.

This just inspired me...a lot. Im going to take a stab at making something so...peaceful.

Great work Thanx, truly, great work.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks dude, glad you liked this one. The ending is getting fixed, plus the new bassline in on the way... Glad it was inspiring!
Anyway, let me know the BPM for regrowth... I can probably figure it out, but it's easier if you just tell me. I'd LOVE to cook up some drums.
DJSchmeeJ 15th Nov 2010 15:47 - 14 years ago
Nice Job...kinda funny that you named it what you did because it has kind of an urban dream state feel to it to me.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Sorry for the long response time. Urban dream state is a cool description. I love when people come up with stuff like that about my tracks. Welcome to purple by the way! If you're still interested I'd love to collab on something for my old "I treat my girl with respect" track as well.
CarmenAlegria 11th Nov 2010 12:19 - 14 years ago
I don't know if you have ever heard of a band called Scapegoat Waxx, but this reminded me of one of their songs called My Evelyn... Awesome. I love the chill of it and the room it leaves for individual interpretation. Great work
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, and no, I had NOT heard scapegoat wax, but I gave a listen to that evenlyn song you mentioned. It's super tight thought, thanks for the positive review!
StarTropix 11th Nov 2010 01:40 - 14 years ago
Reminds me of some Moby stuff.
Very nice and relaxed, I can't believe it was made with the iPhone.
Good work.
Thethanx replied Unknown
cool, I should probably check out more moby. thanks for the review. Hopefully I won't be using an iPhone forever... I'd like to upgrade to an actual computer and DAW before too long. Thanks again!
JohnBoutilier 10th Nov 2010 02:37 - 14 years ago
A really sweet chil out track. I like the arrangement and the production. Has me swaying back and forth in my chair, lol, for me that is major dancing :-)

Is it just me or is there a sadness about the track. I also feel optimism, but I feel sadness, maybe loss.

Interesting track. Thought provoking. Didn't like the abrupt ending lol

btw, feel free to send me a copy of the song you did using my lyrics, I look very much forward to hearing what you've done :-)

Nice work mon ami

Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review I'm glad it got you moving... Interesting you should mention sadness and loss, it certainly wasn't intentional, but without burdening you with my life story I'd say it's very possible that's creeping into my music as of late. The optimism is probably just because I'm a very optimistic person lol.

The abrupt ending is being fixed. I don't like it either ;)
I'll record "banging my head against a rock wall" really soon. I need to keep practicing and singing it... Sometimes I still stop halfway through and forget the chord changes or the next line.
I'll make sure you get a copy though!
ALXSIX 8th Nov 2010 22:06 - 14 years ago
Very nice and chill! I like that heavy hip hop drumline and those scratches. Very creative stuff, with nice blending of elements.

Really relaxing track, good work!
SweeneyMusic 8th Nov 2010 17:52 - 14 years ago
Got the feeling that this would fit in as credits roll in a gangster movie. Its really laid back and smooth. Liked it loads!
Thethanx replied Unknown
Very cool. Gangster movies are pretty cool in my book so I appericate the compliment. Glad you liked the track!
bmw2000uk 8th Nov 2010 05:09 - 14 years ago
This track is very laid back, makes one think life is a bit dismal, and it repeats itself the same everyday when you get up and go to sleep. A very relaxing sound and nothing to do in life but to think and dream until the better days arrive feeling.

Good tune, nice beat and all round well put together.

Thethanx replied Unknown
wow, sorta dark, but I´m glad it was able to evoke such an emotional response. Thanks for the review!
Alen9R 7th Nov 2010 23:37 - 14 years ago
Hey Thethanx!

This is so good,man!
Very relaxing track, I could fall asleep to this, but then come scratch effects that would probably wake me .. haha,
I love that scratch effect!
You excellent arranged and organize loops together,sounds great!
Thank you for using my loop!

Great work

Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for listening, and thanks for your loop! Totally adds a lot to the track. I´m amazed at how well the scratching is being recieved... it was almost an afterthought at first. Honored by the DL
DJSpenno 7th Nov 2010 21:39 - 14 years ago
Really eerie track scratches are really ripping through the track which I like. The drum beat is just funkalicious and feels really warm which I also like, top buzzing track!
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks Spenno! I´ll be posting my variations of that main drum loop soon, so if you´re interested let me know and I´ll send you some .wavs directly! Thanks again.
Salook 7th Nov 2010 19:47 - 14 years ago
Yes the trip hop beat..great arrangement, i'm a sucker for scratch effects so this gets my attention, really effective throughout...some cool drone sounds in this also, great production my man and a fav for me...gets me kicking back this..sweet....great use of all those samples also my man, you done good by them.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks for the review, glad you recognized it as trip hop, definitely what I was going for. I´m also totally a sucker for scratching, and it just so happened there were a bunch of scratch loops at the same BPM. I would love to replace them with custom work, but the loops sound pretty good.
Thanks for the listen and fav!
Spivkurl 7th Nov 2010 16:44 - 14 years ago
This is a really creative track! I like the instrumentation that you used! It's oh so chill! Great use of loops! Those drums sound really cool! Excellent work!
Thethanx replied Unknown
Thanks Spiv! Always glad to see your reviews! I really liked the drums and was pretty pumped I was able to break the loop down into it's individual parts to recreate the kid. If you want the samples to use yourself just send me a message! It's just a kick, snare and HH... I have .wav's of all 3 now. Thanks again!
alividlife 7th Nov 2010 02:21 - 14 years ago
Gonna dl, at work, will be back with a review lol... It's weird because I have to use the kiosk in the lunchroom to check the internet, and then I go back to my office and listen lol


K, back

Yeah this is freaking nice. The work you did with Omar-s's drums are awesome.. I thought for a little bit that they were reason? But They maybe actual vinyl samples.. very nice full and warm.

I like how "TheThanx" comes right after Thelonious Monk :) on my itunes at work.

I thought to myself... As I am waaaay to hard on myself, but I should have uploaded some variations of that Rhodes. Some minor 7th lol... everything I do is in minor seventh... Hell maybe a major 4th... I felt that change btw.

I was thinking to myself.. Like When I come to those places in a mix where loops are changing?
I sometimes try a couple things, like extending the loop over just a bar or whatever and then do a volume fade in. Especially on the Koto? whatever that was, it would be kinda interesting, because then you get this feeling of "a live band" is playing, even tho it's loops.

Some other thoughts?
I like taking bits and pieces of mixes (loops combined) whatever, and then making very broad mixdowns of reverb heavy, or reversed, then SUPER heavy reverb, and then UNREVERSED, and put back into the mix?
So you get ... well basically Unlimited variations within what is capable of your iPhone (still FUKKING BLOWS MY MIND) and then re-interpret parts as so.

I want to thank you.
Because, really I have not been feeling music.... Only images, and ... like crippled melodies lol... that's what it feels like.
I totally love what you have done. You can totally "hear" that you know your way around your drumsets.

BUT, I would also like to see some focus put into your segues. From part to part. Just get a little smoother there.
You do better than most people I know, and you do it from a 200 dollar utility of communication. High Five!!!!!

Mastering sounds great, because after your track, I have some hella old school three six mafia, an yer track has a better quality on it then theirs!

Still I don't have a spectral analysis or anything to reference these claims from... I would probably remaster 3 six before this lol

I am going to continue making these loops just to hear stuff like this.
Thethanx replied Unknown
Yo thanks for the listen and the extensive review.

I gotta rework the mix, dung mentioned it's pushing the red the whole track. I also wanna give it some more space because the bassline is getting a little drown out.

On my segues...

I totally agree that they could be smoother, but one of my BIGGEST gripes about Beatmaker is that if I play a sample, I have to trigger THE WHOLE THING.
I would LOVE to be able to take your advice and make them smoother by having more fading, or starting the loop a midway point so that I could get smoother transitions, but until I get a better DAW (eventually I'll be switching to ableton I think) that's one thing that will just be haunting my productions.

Also if you want that kit I stole from Omar (it's just a kick, snare and HH, but they're sooo dirty) let me know and i can send you the samples I extracted.

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Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.