26th Apr 2008 07:43 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is a Altern-rock type song made entirely of a sample loops library disk, from either Sony or Bigfishaudio, royalty I buy and use both companies loops and other companies as well. Since I just found this site, I'll try some loops from here as well. :)
I made the song using Protools 7.4 as the main software engine. I added in compression, reverb and some EQ.
I did it all myself from loops and this is my second song ever. The first song I made is an upbeat country one if anyone wants to hear it.

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.

Vicen 27th May 2010 13:36 - 14 years ago
All I can say not to repeat myself, how I love all your music ... Perfect work, sound and combination of instruments. Wonderful. Honestly.
Steinaa 22nd Dec 2009 18:52 - 15 years ago
Somehow a different kind of song - but its clearly a little masterpiece. Love the sound of the guitars - fits like a condom.
More tracks like these, hopefully with vocals..!

Have a nice day Randy.

Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Steinaa,

Thanks for reviewing the second tune I made with using loops and Pro Tools software which was a learn as you go experience.
Most of my tunes have a combo of loops and my playing abilities within them, as I can play 6 different instruments. I try and not copy any particular artist and therefore don't listen to a lot of music as most people probably do.
(I work a lot of hours)

My fav. music is country 'chicken pickin' style which I am putting out a couple tunes before the end of the year. Just love that Telecaster twang!

So I am glad you liked it...however my later tunes are much better.
I would recommend 'Heavy Metal Highway' if your into metal at all. That one is a fav. by everyone.
And no...sadly, I don't have a good voice so I don't sing myself. A few here have put words to my songs and some have done well and put them on their own web site, giving credit to me as the author. I will review some of your songs in another week as I am at work and doing 12 hour night shifts till then, including 12 hours on Christmas.

Later....and thanks again for your review.
C69 6th Aug 2009 12:58 - 15 years ago
My era this! Love the thick guitar sound. Hard to believe that this track is all loops. Great mix and production. As always C69....
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello C69,

Thanks for taking the time to listen and review this tune. This as mentioned was an all loop made track. I love working with loops as they are usually already polished and measured to the proper time.
I have a couple other rock songs near this type, just can't think of their names right now and I don't want to steer away from this page while I am writing this.

Thanks again for your review and am glad you enjoyed it. I left you a review as well.
Acrylic 24th Nov 2008 21:56 - 16 years ago
Ever think of redoing this with recorded instruments? cause that would be wicked cool. just an idea.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Acrylic,
Thanks for the review!
Actually, no I just was learning my Pro Tools software, and wanted to try a loop based tune and put it together to see how it would come out. You can try it if you want to. :-)))
PaulFranke 21st Nov 2008 06:36 - 16 years ago
I like this song a lot. It has great breakdowns and transitions from chorus parts and guitar solos. You did a great job of putting this together. I might put some lyrics together for it and record a bit over it and post it. I'll let you know if I do
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi Paul,
Thanks for dropping by. It was strange for a moment as we have a fellow at work with the same name and spelling, and I thought it was him. :)

Anyways, this was the only tune I put together of this style music (punk style). I intend to make a few more though.

I love working with loops and rearranging them, putting them together like a puzzle and hearing the results.
For instance, that piano part, I decided to place at the beginning of the tune as I felt it would set the song off.

I made note of your myspace page and will check it out, and will also review some of your tracks here and give you feedback.

You can put some lyrics to it if you want to. That would be cool.
Thanks again for your comments.
You might want to check out a couple of my later tunes. 'Canadian Pride' and 'Guitar Heros', these have a nice beat and a full sound that everyone strives for in recordings.

Thanks again Paul,
miots 29th Oct 2008 05:44 - 16 years ago
this song shows some serious editing and mixing've become a personal influence for my future works...thank you
(if i might just point out a small detail, i think you over compressed the guitar, or at some points it sounds like that...but for being your second song ever, hell, you're way better than me!)
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Miots,
Thanks for the review. I appreciate it very much and the comment/suggestion.
I'll have to agree 100% about the guitar being overly compressed.

I am still learning as I go, and a person can work only just so long on a you then upload it and hear others comments to see how your doing, and what can be done better.

That is why the review feature of leaving feedback is help out others like me who are just starting out with music software.

Thanks again,
Scottmusic 21st Oct 2008 02:23 - 16 years ago
nice feel to this one!! sounds great.excellent mixing...
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello Scott,
Thanks for reviewing this track. I am glad you liked it. I had a lot of fun putting it together.
I'll check out one of your songs here in a bit.

Funny, I downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader and Flash, and now I can't review anyones songs, even my own.
However, on my laptop, I can. So I best not mess with upgrading Adobe on that one for a time. :-)

I am gonna upload one called 'Canadian Pride' in a few min. which is an Altern-Rock type tune you may also like. It is short tho.
Thanks again Scott for the nice review!
RonGallagher 11th Oct 2008 03:33 - 16 years ago
Nice feel.
Great construction and beautiful engineering.
Playing this on the mains in my studio and it just rocks.
Perfect levels........serious quality.
Excellent work.
Direct to my Favs.....
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi Sky Voltage,
Thanks so much for listening to several of my tracks and for becoming a new fan. :-)
Since it takes me about a month or 2 to create a song and mix it properly, I am afraid I don't have many songs posted as I just started music creation with Pro Tools last Nov.

7 to date in fact. I believe in quality rather than quanity, plus I work a lot, so time is limited. I like a variety of music from Blues to Country and rock.
I play 6 different instruments and what I can't play, I get off royality free loop disk.

I am glad you liked this Alternate type Rock song. I had fun putting it together.

I will review more of your songs over this weekend!
alividlife 28th Aug 2008 00:01 - 16 years ago
Perfect.. I think the rhythm chunking riff could have been a little more on time(0:58 to 1:12)... But if I just zoom out and listen to the whole composition.. It's fine.
I also tend to like my guitar more saturated and overdrived (But not insanely, I am not always one of those guitarist ;)..
but that is just my personal opinion.

Yup.. Love it!

Especially like that yearning feel to the lead.. It just feels like you want to scream and reach out!!!
By far my favorite of all your tracks.
I dig your style man.

As far as "all along the watchtower" goes.. Maybe, but it's just the progression.. But then when you listen to the whole, I only faintly feel it.. Not like you were ripping it off AT ALL.

Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello Abe,
So it looks like you have listened to maybe all my songs but one. I'll have to listen to some more of yours to catch up on with regards to reviews. lol

Now you'll have to remember, this is an all loop venture. I didn't play on this one...I just re-arranged the parts (loops) and put the song together the way I wanted to hear it.

So the guitar sounds/tone you hear are what the original artist/loop maker did.
It was fun to do and I'll do a few more of these types. I have an Inde loop disk I bought and work from that. Gives my fingers a rest. :-)

Many big studios also work from loops disk to fill in parts they need in a song. Since I don't play drums, I use loop disk for most of my songs unless it is something simple, and then I do the drum part from the keyboard.

'Pro Tools' is a professional program and has lots to it. It has taken me over 6 months to learn and I just recently finished the 960 page manual. But, you don't have to use all the program has to offer as it shows several ways to accomplish the same results.

Other good programs that are deep are Sonar, Cubebase, Sound Forge, to mention 3 that come to mind. Not sure how difficult 'Acid Pro' is.
Okay, thanks for listening to this song and reviewing.
DonnieVyros 25th Jul 2008 23:54 - 16 years ago
Is BigFishAudio any good? I've seen it advertised a few times and it seems to be a pretty big name, but I haven't ever seen anyone who's used it until now.

As for the track, the Piano's a pretty cool and I'm diggin the way you've used the Guitar part to compliment it. In some ways I'm reminded of the way Rock stuff sounded in the late 90's mixed with some of the stuff from today. Kinda like Better Then Ezra meets The Fray. Would definately love to hear this with some vocals. Later on!
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi Donnie,
Yes, I would say they have a lot of good loops and constructon sets there. Just go to their web site and they have samples for every disk they have that you can listen to to get an idea of what is on it. Altho, most of the samples are very short. The Sony web site is the same way.

Thanks for reviewing 3 of my songs yesterday.
I am glad you liked them for different reasons.
I do need to get a vocalist and one I believe is in the works, once she comes back from vacation.
Thanks again,
Seroksaty 30th Jun 2008 03:05 - 16 years ago
another great
Randall822 replied Unknown
Didn't look like I said 'Thank you', for reviewing my song here.
So thanks again, :)
Artwatcher 18th Jun 2008 19:47 - 16 years ago
I hear some Boston in it, not totally but some(More Than a Feeling). That's might be because they are one of my favorites. The rest blends in a unique sound to perfection. Like it a lot.
I just read that Beatles story on your profile page, wow! I'm 60 so it means something to me, good old days. Can't wait for your next tract.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello Art,
Thanks for your review. I love that kind of rock guitar sound myself. It wasn't meant to copy anyone, but with so many 1,000's of songs out there, you can't help sounding a little like someone elses song.
Yeah, the Beatles playing/meeting was totally a suprise. But, again they weren't even famous yet. At least not in France.
My next song is a 2 part Blues song. I have it almost finished, but am working a lot of overtime, so it has to wait.
Thanks again for your review.
blairrock957 17th Jun 2008 14:15 - 16 years ago
Amazing. Didn't think about it but Bilbozo's right kind of does have that all along the watch tower sound to it. Great job working with loops.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Thanks Blair. I had forgotten what 'all along the watchtower' even sounded like when I was making it wasn't an influence at the time I made the song.
Thanks for your review
Mokeone 9th Jun 2008 18:52 - 16 years ago
If that was an example of what you can do with just loops, I can't wait till you play for us. You're right about the lack of dobro, mandolin, etc. Are you considering making some loops of the instruments you play, for us the instrumentally challenged? Please do. Welcome aboard the looperman express. Moke
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Mokeone,
Sorry, it doesn't look like I responded to your review here. Sometimes I don't always get an e-mail showing that someone did a review of my
Anyways, thanks for listening to it and your nice comments.
I may make some loops, just have to look into it more.
Sounds like from what I read, you can't make a very long loop at all. Just a few seconds? Some of mine would be maybe 10-15 seconds maybe 4 bars.
Thanks again,
WhiteSands 9th Jun 2008 16:19 - 16 years ago
This one is very alteernative rock. Love it.
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello WhiteSands,
Doesn't look like I said 'Thank you' for reviewing my song here.
So Thanks! :-)
Sixfingermusic 25th May 2008 18:37 - 16 years ago
This song is OK. A good genre exercise but my least favorite of the three you have. It sounds good though. Just doesn't have enough elements or subtleties for my taste. But then, that is only my opinion and does not speak to the actual "quality" of the piece. Am I hearing some clipping on the acoustic guitars? Just wondering. I think this would work as a background piece for say a surfing show or some sports highlights. That is not a put down by the way. I still think you're the man bud. Peace and love, Six
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hello there Six...
Hey, thanks for your valuable comments! That's how I learn to get better. The rock song, I have to agree with you on. Nice piano part, but little else except a lot chord playing, and not much lead guitar to shine through.

As for the acoustic guitar sound, it isn't really distorted on its own, as I just listened to it on the track by itself. What is happening is, the distortion from the electric guitar is overriding to make it sound like the acoustic is distorting as well.
I liked the sound of them 2 playing together, but was no way to get that distortion sound out unless I made the acoustic softer and in the background. Anyways, I'll listen more closely on my next song and try and get things separated more. Thanks again!
Rockingchair 18th May 2008 07:36 - 16 years ago
Let me start by saying you did a really good job on this the rythem blend was excellent.I wish I had the ability to play an instrament I myself would be able to do much more.Im 42 myself and wanted to do this (make music for years)thats why I have done so may.This site will be hard for you to compose rock country and blues because the beat lines offered are 120 beats per min and above.My girlfriend Loves country Im trying to do a song but am having a real hard time at it most beats I have are centered around a keyboard.(synth) I would really like to hear some Banjo Im sure if you develop a track you will get lots of feed back violins and banjos are almost non exsisting here nice job on your tune keep it up and most of all Take care.....Rockingchair
Randall822 replied Unknown
Thanks so much for the review 'Rockinchair'. At my age, I am about to need a real one Ha-ha.
I've got a collection of quality loops disk and I can produce many more songs of any type. It is helpful that I can play 5 different instruments as I know exactly what they sound like.
In fact I have all the instruments here in my house, except for the 'Dobro' which I sold many years ago. It was a 1932 National with a square neck.
I don't play my real instruments as much as I'd like because of my shift work type of job......which also cuts out any live band playing.
So I turned to the computer to help me out and make songs. With all the great equipment these days, anyone can make music without ever having to play a real instrument.

I realize there are a number of other web sites that I can post my music on as well, but I started here and will stick around awhile. I am no spring chicken tho!!! :-)

I will make more varieties of music, and country and older rock is where my roots start from. So there will be more songs with Banjo, Fiddle and Pedal Steel coming.
The Blues song(s) I am finishing up will be quite unique I think.....even tho the one is only 78bpm.
Thanks again for writing and your helpful comments!
junfrey 27th Apr 2008 05:38 - 16 years ago
this is a really good track nice rhythm to it.
its also got the one important thing to have when making an instrumental track and thats to keep it interesting! well done
Randall822 replied Unknown
Hi there Junfrey!
Thanks for your nice comments about my Alternative rock song. I usually get 'complaints' that I should have vocals in all my songs, but I am not a vocalist, and therefore, I do make an effort to make my songs more 'interesting' as instrumentals.
I grew up in the 60's era, learning 'The Ventures' many instrumental songs as I was learning guitar back then.
I suppose if I did Rap, or Hip Hop type songs, I could just talk my way through a song.

I will be getting around to listening to your songs and the many other artist on here and will leave comments.

I forgot to mention in my profile that I am almost 64 years old...but I still love rock music and always will. So, I'll make some more songs of that type and other types as well.

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29th Jun 2013 18:40 - 11 years ago
Description : Here's my first try on Patricia Edwards Acapella.
The vocals are bombastic !!!

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1st Mar 2015 00:03 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
6th Jul 2020 18:44 - 4 years ago
Description : This is the fourth track of my W.I.P. Vocaloid album called: Acerbus 3.

Many thanks to Ashesndreams for sharing these vocals!

Original from Ashesndreams:
29th Jun 2024 19:55 - 8 months ago
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
17th Apr 2019 04:25 - 5 years ago
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
13th Jul 2019 06:47 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : A mix of rock and rave from my early 2000
16th Mar 2015 20:23 - 10 years ago
Description : Guitar track produced with guitar loops from Nilooy.
12th Jun 2020 23:21 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : lmloops=xmas gtrs+bs/bellz/same old drums/kush/stargate/creamy synth/ft katerina mufitek mrazkova/ft anonvx
3rd Dec 2013 06:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
11th Jan 2015 06:13 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
22nd Apr 2021 20:51 - 3 years ago
Description : this is not who i am.
9th Sep 2024 19:20 - 6 months ago
Description : A math rock track I made featuring VA SOPHIA, taking the genre "math rock" literally

You can check the video out on youtube, it has nice visuals and art made by xhanuh (instagram)

Track on youtube & spotify can be found under:

"Complex Geometry" [VA SOPHIA] - Kiestyle Productions