ChrisMac456 ( for vocals and a short loop -
looperman_321894_37794_Booze from (2:58-3:10)
Get that filth.
This glitch track was uploaded by FinalBoss. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (2)
If you have time take a listen and give FinalBoss some feedback.
Thanks toony698, alot did go into this track with original work it takes a ton of time. I did most of the mixing through Ableton Live and then touch up with Garage Band. Thanks for checking out the track!
-Final Boss
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Description : My first Glitch-Hop track. I found some creepy/eery ambient and atmosphere loops to fit the mood. I was happy with it at first... But once I started to listen to it more, I realized it could've been better. Oh well, what artist hasn't had that thought?
Description : psychicalresearch-i-do-172-drums
All mixed together in a big blender.
Chris Mac
I have to say it's kinda weird, yet likable in a deranged, filthy way.
There's a lot that went into this I can see that. Must have taken some doing...
I *think* you done a good job, I have no base for reference sooo... lol
-Final Boss