Description : This track is as rough can get right now. So what makes it so special? Well, first off I was exploring all the different drum loops that came with Acid Music Studio 7.0. Anyways, as soon as I heard this drum loop it inspired me without warning. I copied the Drum loop and spread it out over more then enough measures to lay down my vocals on top off. I started singing. Complete Acapella style with nothing else besides the drums going. After a couple minutes my inspiration for Ad Lib words came to an end. Had more then enough of a foundation to pull from for a song. Now, MMmmmmm... interesting what chords will work or come close to working with it. So I set up another track and plugged my guitar straight in, did not have my Guitar Effects processor handy, so I ended up playing clean. Anyways, I hit record... and what you hear is what I came up with on the fly to what I just sung on the fly. Literally a song idea within a matter of minutes. I was Amazed that I actually sung in KEY. I've been struggling with being either slightly sharp or flat on notes for awhile now. Wow... something to be said for working with Acapella's. I've never laid down vocals first, with music coming second. OK, I'm not a DJ remix master of loops. Loops and software such as ACID, Reaper and you name really are awesome though. Anyways, this track is proof that Acapellas even of your own invention can be fun to work with. I've not sliced and diced anything yet. I just thought I'd share this track with others. It's a work flow method, one that I've never explored before. I kept the track somewhat short and did include the couple of minutes of me just jamming off on guitar leads. Hope this inspires other people a little with some food for thought.
This blues track was uploaded by iDude. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (3)
If you have time take a listen and give iDude some feedback.
Description : This is a country swing song written by Angelica Schwanitz. Also included is the brass band from Olaf's Jazz Combo. They're at it again on this new bluesy song, reinforced by:
Vocal: Manuela Boekels
Guitars: Peter Schninkel, Ben Perl
Keys Angelica Schwanitz
Bass: Paul Scherner
Drums: Ulli Stein
the great Pete Townson (Sax Solo)
!!!!!!A preview of the new True Sister album "Sister Act" is online at!!!!!!
Description : Of all the classic Monster tales the Wolfman is definitely one of the saddest. Cursed, and destined to live as both man and monster. During the day he sits alone with his guitar, a prisoner of lonely existence, crying his heart out through his music. Then at night, the beast emerges, and in the dark under a full moon, he cry's as he rips the hearts out of his victims! Such is the life of a cursed bluesman!
Description : This is a tune dedicated to my friend, Nancy, who followed me to the clubs I played at for years, and is still following me with my studio work. Why do I dedicate this to her? Onnacounta cause she's soooooo naughty! She never liked violins, but loved her sax! Here's to you, Nancy. Anyway, this is a little blues track with some nice guitar and sex...oh, sorry, I mean sax.
Description : A sultry, seductive, and fairly short acoustic blues number. It is an instrumental and only took about 2 hours to write, record, and get a decent mix. Enjoy! Updated: I added some slight echo to the electric guitar and widened the stereo fields of the acoustic rhythm and leads.
Description : guitar on right run thru my friends mesa rec 25. It has an absolutely gorgeous tone. The guitar playing D, C #, B is run thru guitar rig 6. The the pushed back guitar on the left is also run thru the mesa. My UNC chapel-hill decision letter is coming out tomorrow and I'm super stressed. Whipped out my guitar and recorded some stuff. Hope you like it.
Description : Miguel Flores, vocals. Jean-Maurice Humbert-Droz, lead guitars. Laurent Schwaar, guitars. Roland Sumi, bass. Richard Pizzorno, Hammond. Laurent Wirz Drums. Loop from josephfunk (rhodes). Composed by Miguel Flores.
Description : Fresh out of the studio after 10 weeks of deliberating, planning, writing and performing.
This could be classed as Country Blues or Southern Rock...either way I think it may get your toes tapping. So grab your partner and jump on the dance floor with this one.
I am performing the following instruments...vocals, electric guitars, slide acoustic, bass, harmonica, organ. I wrote the following instrument parts in MIDI....drums, percussion, piano, horns. This was a beast to master but I think it turned out okay.
No loops used.
Description : UPDATE 26/01/2014: Improved loads of things in what is probably my greatest chillout alternative blues piece. Ambient, ethereal, groove-based delta slide blues. Contemplative and melodic. Multiple, layered , sometimes shimmering resonator guitar parts with solid, warm synth bass, an ethereal bed of pads (which are actually guitars) and second electronic drumkit to contrast the acoustic kits. I thought this was perfect a few years ago but it wasn't (and still isn't). Now has clearer drums and lots of small awkward bits of guitar have been trimmed. Quite a minimalistic and short piece for me - I don't just keep bringing in new instruments, as I usually do. This should really chill you out...
john spencer blues explosion is spinning in my head right now ....
this is perfect ....
peace, rei