9th May 2008 00:41 - 16 years ago
Description : Something that I've managed to pluck out from my overcrowded mind. Usually there's so much going on up there that I don't know what to do first.

I'll leave it up to you to interpret the message in this piece ;) It's not that hard to figure out.

Used a midi keyboard, plus soundfonts, using Microsoft DirectMusic as my sequencer. Then mixed it using Cool Edit Pro. It was hell to play (still is), and my fingers were probably about to fall off, but it was worth it.

Everything, 100%, by me. No samples. Just me, my brain, and my hands.

Hope you like it poppets,
Ria Rosa

Comments (38)

If you have time take a listen and give Scriptique some feedback.

Vicen 3rd Jun 2010 17:03 - 14 years ago
Magic melody. With enormous energy. You've reminded Monsi Barson (Madness).
PikeNinja 18th Nov 2009 14:32 - 15 years ago
what amazing talent you have i felt glued to the keyboard like a rollercoaster ride not wanting it to end
codymeiser 13th Sep 2009 12:21 - 15 years ago
You are such a precise text book type player! I wish i could be like that. Anyways this song sounds like fun and you did extremely well. You have truely inspired me to be more creative. Mad props!
monstaflow 9th Aug 2009 20:34 - 15 years ago
=0 wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ! this is insaneeeeee i love the styleee, you got talent !!!! wowww speechless.
DextDee 23rd May 2009 08:56 - 15 years ago
wonderfull, that is all i can say, any further words are useless, for the hands speak for themselves. i can hear u breath into the mic afterwards, rest easy lady:)
lofthouse 26th Apr 2009 19:22 - 15 years ago
What a talent u r!My fingers nearly fell off just listening,How yours are still on ,is amazing!
Cool title,fits the track well and altogether,a good production.
It reminds me of those very old movies where there was no sound,just a piano playing.My gran was one of those pianists and I totally respect you for bringing this back.I hope the younger generation apreciate the enormous amount of talent it takes to do something like This!Absolutely awesome!
Scriptique replied Unknown
Wow thanks so much for the kind review!

And no kidding?! Your gran used to be a silent film pianist?! Dude, that's amazing! I really really respect and admire them, for their sheer talent and unbelievable dexterity.
JensTonic 15th Mar 2009 13:13 - 15 years ago
there's absolutely nothing i can say that hasn't been said...that said...your playing is so perfect... i'm lost as to what else to say..incredible...i'll be checking more of your songs as this is the first time i came your way on this site...congrats on a fantastic comp..
Scriptique replied Unknown
Lol thanks mate =)
FrenchKid18 12th Mar 2009 19:39 - 15 years ago
Gifted hands,sparkling brain.Your music definitely touches me.It's very original and personal and I really like your piano style.
Scriptique replied Unknown
Thanks Frenchkid, you're a pretty amazing musician yourself!
digitalenigma0 1st Jan 2009 04:38 - 16 years ago
I love this track & the style first one of yours ive listened to so far, your gonna set thoose midi ivorys on fire! love the can can swing of it at first then right into the dramatic silent film dual/stand off type atmosphere the modest drums in the background blend well, dont over crowd things and the follow with the military style mental picture im getting thats good as well, the end seems too remind me of old silent cartoons but it has a rejoycing victorious survivor type feel to it, but then the very end gives me the impression that our boy got smoked! Kinda cruel in a way to end a song like that! but hey, art imatates life and life dont always end well! mad piano/key skills on this one, i really appreciate the style/feel that seems far to overlooked in this moderen day and age!
Tiltedbeats 5th Dec 2008 08:08 - 16 years ago
you can move those fingers a hundred miles an hour =O
this is awesome, you are a treat on that piano!!!

id love to get some piano loops off you and maybe do a collab or something! what you think?

anyway, this is a great tunes
Scriptique replied Unknown
hey thanks! =)

I'd definitely love to do a collab but at the moment I'm interstate, where I don't have a keyboard =( I'm planning on buying one though, so I'll let you know asap once I acquire another second hand keyboard!
FlipBeats 9th Oct 2008 07:00 - 16 years ago
You wnt off on them keys!!!ummmm are you married!!??? jj
Sakura 25th Sep 2008 12:50 - 16 years ago
You are so talented! I love the very mystique sound of this entire composition! It's unlike anything I've ever heard, and it does sound like "it was hell to play." I am simply impressed by the song and by you, the artist Scriptique.

MoiSeis 18th Sep 2008 13:35 - 16 years ago
you are dirty dirty terrific. :D
Scriptique replied Unknown
hehe thanks! =) I might clean up the levels on this though and reupload the new version.

disciple2jah 15th Aug 2008 23:07 - 16 years ago
I think you play pretty awesome! I like the different feel to this... I really would like to mix this with some DnB...
Great job!
RonGallagher 15th Aug 2008 15:23 - 16 years ago
Born Charles Spencer Chaplin, Jr.
16 April 1889 (1889 -04-16)
Walworth, London, United Kingdom
Died 25 December 1977 (aged 88)
Vevey, Switzerland
Occupation Actor, Director

Much like an early Chaplin Sound Track.
Excellent work.
alividlife 5th Aug 2008 01:38 - 16 years ago

(Need donations?)
Scriptique replied Unknown
AcidParadox 2nd Aug 2008 20:00 - 16 years ago
yeah you piano skills are just cool!!! :P

When i was listening this song i was imaging like if i was at black white films which was Really Great.

Just a question what was that weird noises at the end.

They sound like a creepy monster jeje but they sound good
Scriptique replied Unknown
Hehe thanks, that's the image many of the Loopers think of as well! Which means good stuff, since it means I've successfully executed this song.

That sound at the end was supposed to be a heartbeat lol
skyrider 1st Aug 2008 07:59 - 16 years ago
outstanding.. this is just great.. you've got talent. playing and composition mik
DJ_JEZZA 5th Jul 2008 05:00 - 16 years ago
Love the finger work, dam, i shud do some more guitar work im starting to fall onto my synths too much! - doh! - Love it
blairrock957 4th Jul 2008 05:52 - 16 years ago
Sorry to double post. But I went to listen to some more of your music. And big disapointment. Only 2 songs. I've heard both. Lets get some more music posted. Your fans are waiting.
Scriptique replied Unknown
Thanks again for the kind review. I'm working on a number of material right now... the thing is I'm quite... shall we say a very harsh critic of my own works...

Just remember: Patience is a virtue hehehe ;)
blairrock957 4th Jul 2008 05:41 - 16 years ago
Definately a silent movie sound to it. I see why you said it killed your fingers. I look forward to hearing what you put out when you have a mini home studio. Another excellent piece.
Seroksaty 30th Jun 2008 15:20 - 16 years ago
Mokeone 29th Jun 2008 20:20 - 16 years ago
Wow. What is there left to say? I'd gladly be the 'Chaplin' like character in your next movie. As long as You play & I don't have to speak. Mokeone
Scriptique replied Unknown
Wow then you must be flexible like Chaplin!
Hehehe! Thanks mokeone!

-Ria Rosa
BernieRunns 25th Jun 2008 10:11 - 16 years ago
this reminds me of a silent movie soundtrack, i love that style piano. good work.
Squidwelder 24th Jun 2008 06:16 - 16 years ago
NOOOOO!!! Why is it so short! Man, that's a really great piece. the piano work is astounding! I could never get my fingers to agree to that. This has turned out to be a wonderful piece. Bravo!
Scriptique replied Unknown
Hehe sorry!!!

lol thanks for the review =)

TraXnCtrl 30th May 2008 18:19 - 16 years ago
keep up the good work sargeant G........was this inspired at all by the recent ANZAC day publicity?......"rapid fire" piano was made with courage and salute to you
Scriptique replied Unknown
lol thanks. No not at all. I composed this ages ago and was actually initially titled "Infestation". It originally had knives sharpening and unknown things being sliced up in the background (and it would have conjured quite a different image to what you're hearing now)

But after sampling with the snazzy guns, I decided that the WWI theme suited it better. I then changed the tempo, cut up sections and added new ones, en voila, a pest infestation turned into an infestation of a different kind!
phasturbo 21st May 2008 16:44 - 16 years ago
Your piano skills are evident. I can see the 'Doughboys' in their WWI outfits and plate style metal helmets and woolen trenchcoats. Nice job!
DaMann 20th May 2008 21:09 - 16 years ago
That is some incredible piano! I think it would be best for a slapstick comedy that involved some idiots robbing a bank =D! Just my opinion.
Scriptique replied Unknown
Ooh that's a cool way of envisioning a scene for this! lol thanks!
ReignStorms 20th May 2008 15:35 - 16 years ago
You have a great talent. I love the use of your piano. My husband overheard your song and said it sounded great and asked me to give you a good review. I look forward to the day that I can break free of pre-recorded loops and make my own music like you have. God willing I will have a mini studio some day ;)
Scriptique replied Unknown
Wow thanks! And tell your husband thanks too! =)
Oh god a mini studio... *drools* I would love one too.
Jaron25 16th May 2008 16:37 - 16 years ago
Piano is of thee hook...Can i sample the intro???
Soulfull 15th May 2008 14:43 - 16 years ago
Original, excellent. Nothing more to say.
Scriptique replied Unknown
Thanks mate!
JohnBoutilier 15th May 2008 09:07 - 16 years ago
This a timeless piece of pure joy. I love it. I am disappointed though. There's no more of your tracks to listen to :-(

Please take a listen to some of mine. I don't have the talent you do, but I try.

All The Best
Scriptique replied Unknown
Ohhh I'm so sorry. I have loads of tracks, but I've written "Rerecord" on every single one of them, whether it be the piano, or the vox, or the whole damn thing. I'm never really quite happy with my music. $%*#!

But thanks for you kind words! =)
Fresco 10th May 2008 18:46 - 16 years ago
The Piano is great. It's the first I've heard from you, mainly because its your first song uploaded to Looperman lol,. I like it. I agree with Johnny's creative mind as well lol.
Scriptique replied Unknown
Ooh thanks! Glad you liked it. And thanks for the review =)
sammmm 10th May 2008 17:29 - 16 years ago
Omg i can see exatley what johnny was saying
down to the comedy of the soldiers running into each other..and for some reason theres a car

can't wait to hear more of your work
Scriptique replied Unknown
Lol car? I'm glad you got the slapstick feel of it as well!
rei4real 10th May 2008 06:38 - 16 years ago
what a fun to listen to .......!!!!!!!
this is genius ....
I can see Buster Keaton or Charlie Chaplin right before me ....
perfect job, both playing and mixing ...
I really enjoyed this track, puts a bright smile into my face, thx a lot ...

peace, rei
Scriptique replied Unknown
Wow Keaton or Chaplin eh? Glad you enjoyed it!
Planetjazzbass 9th May 2008 15:04 - 16 years ago
Hey welcome to the Loop MsG.....At last someone who shares my passion for Vivaldi...I can see this is going to be a fantastic journey with your music!...Johnny's spot on about this piece evoking old WW1 footage..except this is spiced with wit and humour....very enjoyable...cheers great to have another ozzy here
Scriptique replied Unknown
Well gimme five! To me, Vivaldi's THE rock star of the classical world.
And yes, your interpretation is exactly what I wanted to say.

Thanks for the review!

-Ria Rosa
johnnygadget 9th May 2008 07:15 - 16 years ago
April 26th/4/1918

32507/9th Batt York & Lancs Regt
C Company
12 Platoon L.G.S.

Dear Kate
Just a line to let you know that I am going on alright and that I am in good health. I had a letter from Ilkeston telling me about dad, I was very sorry to hear it but it as been wonderful how he as kept up. The weather here as been very changeable just lately plenty of rain but we have had it hot now and again. We can get plenty to eat were we are just now, such as fruit and eggs. The scenery is also very pretty. did you get over to Ilkeston, if you did, how long did you stop. I have had a letter from Jack and he told me that Mr Thomas's eldest son had been killed in Palestine that is the second son he has lost it is very hard lines and I was sorry to hear it. They were both officers. one was in the West Riding's Batt. There is only one son left but he is only about 17 1/2 years.
I have put a letter for you in Ethels envelope I hope you get it alright, let me know if you get it. Write every week if you can, it does not matter if it is only just a line or two.

With Best Love

Nice Touch with this one ! it reminded me of a black and white montage of war footage, whilst the music plays in an 8mm stuttered visiual old film type scenario............
"A moment of silence for ALL the lost soldiers
lost and killed in battle since the beginning of
time"....................................Johnny Gadget
Scriptique replied Unknown
From William's bloggish letters from almost a century ago! =) Thanks

-Ria Rosa
helven 9th May 2008 04:24 - 16 years ago
lve the piano it reminded me of a scary horror movie includeing some sort of kill child clown...

nice job

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5th Aug 2014 00:39 - 10 years ago
Description : too sad to explain,
also on
20th Oct 2014 13:54 - 10 years ago
Description : Short piano piece composed by me. I made this in about 30 mins using Nexus2. I hope you'll enjoy it and tell me what you think :) You can use it in your Youtube videos, but please paste link here so I can see it too. :)
25th May 2017 10:36 - 7 years ago
Description : Hi, I just had to try and do my own type of music tribute to the sad and unfortunate events in Manchester the other night

I start the song off with a type of music box to represent like a young child and then i go into a violin strings to try and set the sadness and then after a while i used some soft drum and clicks to represent time ticking and then with just the piano and then in the middle of the track it picks up pace a bit and i decided on this because to represent the strength of the people that will stand strong and i once again also put the music box in with this and my reason was to be strong for the rest of the children and then i finsh up with the piano again and the ending on the drum to remember the lives sadly lost and a type of silence if it were

i really feel so sadened by this event and it trully has me in bits

may we all come together and forever be strong and stand up to these horrible people who think they can destroy us and our children and families and loved ones

God Bless you all and stay safe and be strong
23rd Jul 2020 20:29 - 4 years ago
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18th Sep 2024 12:04 - 5 months ago
Description : This is my first try at doing a waltz after hearing Andre Rieu
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13th Feb 2021 16:07 - 4 years ago
Description : A selfmade Piano & Guitar Track. Let me know what you think :)

!!"If you want to use this melody please tag my Instagram account or my name "Ashina_Beats" and let me hear or see what you make with it :)"!!
19th Jun 2016 12:49 - 8 years ago
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30th Oct 2019 13:24 - 5 years ago
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