2nd Feb 2011 14:34 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : SpellJammer has once again provided me with some great keys,percussion and inspiration.We mixed it up and I tried to add some jazz influenced guitar to his melody.I used my Telecaster as always.
I finally got the new bridge saddles and pickup issues under control...I think i'll take it to the professionals next time and just concentrate on making music!
Thanks for listening and let me know what you think...I do appreciate it and enjoy working with SpellJammer and sharing it with all of you.
I have to add that SpellJammer did every thing except the guitars,which I layered about 6 to 8 guitar tracks into his awesome production.
Thanks again Looperfriends.
UPDATE:Slap Johnson has been kind enough to add his awesome Sax! I hope you enjoy and please visit Slap's page!
Oh,I tried to just update this track but had problems doing so.I appreciate the reviews that were left before but I couldn't get around deleting and uploading :)


Comments (28)

If you have time take a listen and give AllenV some feedback.

midiman007 18th May 2015 17:52 - 9 years ago
Hi Allen glad to hear some nice smooth jazz from you.
Glad you got your Axe fixed also.
I hate when mine is broken also.

Tune is outstanding from you guys. Really nice guitar playing.
Spivkurl 15th May 2015 21:14 - 9 years ago
This is another masterful production from you Allen, and it includes some of the loop's original masters! It came up as a suggestion on a recent thread I started, and I'm so glad! Super groovy, and reminiscent of a different time. Love it! Hope you are well!
AllenV replied 16th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you my friend!
I appreciate the production comment and I must say that all the contributors produced there own tracks and I just added guitar parts after the fact but I was the last in line to mix us all together so for that I thank you!
It started with Spelljammer and I added layers of guitar and Slap made me remix the whole song..Yea,like he made me lol!!
I've seen a lot of interesting posts about production,mastering and mixing on the Loop...I haven't chimed into the discussion because I don't know any response but I will tell you that your comment "reminiscent of a different time"is so true.
I took the tracks they sent me,added my own and mixed it,their own EQ...that was that,if it sounded good then I thought it was and posted it and let the Looper community tell me if I should make any changes but I appreciate that everyone who has commented has approved.
A lot has changed in a few years,a lot for the better.
I'ts funny to think that 5 years can sound "dated" but it's true and I love all the new computer production,I'll figure it out one day lol!
You Know Spiv, I know my tracks may sound"old school".....But it's because I Am lol!

Thanks again for your review,
crucethus 3rd Apr 2015 20:01 - 9 years ago
love this, the chord structures are off the chart on this one, fav'd and downloaded. beautiful piece of music.
AllenV replied 17th May 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey Cru!
Thanks for the comment,I had some great artists contributing to this track.
This is one of those tracks that you get so wrapped up in playing and mixing that you truly don't appreciate and enjoy until way after the song is finished,it was such a pleasure to play on this one.
It was so easy to add guitar to but I remember hours of mixing,even all night and still questioning myself.I mixed and played through cheap headphones and when I heard it through a big system for the first time I thought it was all wrong but it was finished so I let it be but now the more my ear changes with slightly better phones my perception is a little better and comments like yours confirms it and I appreciate your review so much.
Hey,did I mention that all guitar parts were played guitar through a cheap Zoom FX pedal and all parts were mixed through a Tascam 8,even the sax was sent dry and I added only the built in reverb in the recorder..I only used my old windowsxp computer to convert the wave to mp3 with Audacity...primitive but it worked.Like I said before,it helps a lot when all the collaborators do their part,they knew they could only depend on me for guitar and ears lol!

Thanks again for your comment.
FreeRadical 29th Feb 2012 21:15 - 13 years ago
Evening Mr V. Thought i'd stop by and see how things are with you. Hopefully things have picked up a bit for ya since we last spoke?
Anyway, I had to home in on this one. Some of the best talents on the site all jamming together could mean nothing but a track and a half.
The vibe reminds me a little of Kenny G, very mellow and superbly blended together with all the right ingredients.
It sounds like a full live take. was it?
AllenV replied 4th Mar 2012 - 13 years ago
Hey Mr Rad...and you are!
I'm glad it sounds like a full take cause'it definitely wasn't.
This collab with Spell and Slap was the hardest thing(but most rewarding)to put together.Spell and I had it completed and uploaded when Slap decided to join us so of course we wanted and were honored to have him be part of this.
My problem is that I'm no producer and haven't the skills or equipment to do everyone justice...I just know what they send will be be ready to go, but I am the last one to layer in my guitar and call it final so my ear is all I have.
When Slap sent several sax parts that he made for the track(he sent me a demo first)I had to match them with the demo to get that feel as though we were all in the same room and played it all together.
So actually it was many parts.Spell had the melody complete with keys,percussion,bass and all the special musical additions.He sent it to me and I layered many guitar parts over his track and when Slap sent his parts.
It took me a while to do it but I'm pleased that it came out so well...and of course that you liked it!

Thanks for reviewing my friend and yes,things are slowly getting better!

Baggettcindy 8th Aug 2011 03:46 - 13 years ago
Nice track! It seems more jazzy to me, so I added to my "jazz folder"
AllenV replied Unknown
Hello my new friend!
I agree and wish there were a "Smooth Jazz" option on the genres,I'm always torn between the two on here and my co-collaborators seem to agree that a new genre option would be great.
The problem with the jazz is that we were worried about the jazz purists that might not hear it as such.

I should start a forum topic about it...and it sounds like you know the difference : )

Thanks so much for your comment!
K19 2nd Jul 2011 18:45 - 13 years ago
dang dis is ill man...takes me to another planet lol
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you K19!
I had a great time playing with these guys.

I'll visit you soon.
Nosleeves 29th Jun 2011 19:45 - 13 years ago
Man talk about colborations here,u guys sure know how to create some smooth jazz magic together.

awesome work
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you DJ,now if I could just slip"Mad As Hell" in there somewhere we would have an even better song ;)

Thanks my friend,it's been quite a ride hasn't it?..A year now I think.

Thank you for all your support through this life changing time.

sigmamanone 28th Jun 2011 13:44 - 13 years ago
Nice laidback track! Great sax and guitar!
AllenV replied Unknown
Thanks my collaborators deserve the credit,I just hang around good musicians and it pays off!
Really,I am pleased that you commented...and even more that you liked it : )

Twanna1 27th Jun 2011 21:35 - 13 years ago
Beautiful!!! What a great addition to my day.

AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Twanna,I appreciate those words as I am a fan of yours and need to visit you more often!

Thanks again so very much...Oh,Spell and Slap appreciates it also : )

digitalSKYY 4th Jun 2011 03:16 - 13 years ago
Wow, stunning!!

Your very talented!
Very good...

Kenny Lee
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Kenny,Spell and Slap brought it to life...i'm pleased to be part of it!

HustlerbyNature 22nd Feb 2011 04:37 - 14 years ago
wow that is beautiful music... everything flows together well.. nice collab!!
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you my friend,What can I say about these guys that I haven't already.Dylan creates the lush landscape which is the foundation and inspiration for all my guitar parts,then there is Slap and his great feel of this music.We didn't expect Slap to join in and now I can't imagine it any other way.I'm a lucky guitarist to play with the both of them!

Thanks again for commenting!
DJShemZee 7th Feb 2011 12:51 - 14 years ago
amazing track.beautiful guitar parts.
AllenV replied Unknown
Thanks DJ...I owe all inspiration to my collaborators!

Lazynick 6th Feb 2011 18:57 - 14 years ago
Wow real rnb....great this one..
AllenV replied Unknown
Hey Lazynick,Thanks!I gotta give most of the credit to my collaborators and friends!

I am glad you liked it and commented.
JohnBoutilier 5th Feb 2011 01:44 - 14 years ago
Wow is definitely the word. This is very beautiful. A far cry from the punk metal style I had in mind for Racket. Great musicianship all the way around.

Faved and downloaded

AllenV replied Unknown
Thanks John!I do have a soft mellow side but I also like to make a Racket every once and awhile.

Thanks again and talk to you soon.
ShortBusMusic 4th Feb 2011 18:30 - 14 years ago
Wow, what a collection of talent. Here we have three of my favorite musicians all assembled for one terrific track. Allen, your guitar work reminds me of George Benson on this one. Slap is exceptional as always, and Dylan is, well, amazing.

Not enough superlatives for this track. You guys need to hit the road....I'll drive :)

AllenV replied Unknown
Haha!We'll find another driver, so why not join the band!how cool would that be,all of us on one stage.
You know that's the only thing I miss after these collabs,is wondering "what if"...I can see it in my mind and have the dream that one day one of us wins the big multi million jackpot and brings us all together live.I would be in heaven and wouldn't think twice!
George Benson...hmm..I'll take it!He was the first smooth jazz guitarist I ever listened to,it's very nice to be in the same review as him :)

Thanks Bear,
matthew8755 3rd Feb 2011 18:54 - 14 years ago
Wow. This is so smooth. Listening to this on a breezy summer day would be crazy man!
If your talents weren't enough, Slap's sax was so satisfying words can not describe. WOW. Now I want to go learn sax :P.

You did a great job anyway creating this track!
AllenV replied Unknown
Matthew,Thanks!I tried to play sax once myself...only once!
So I stuck to the guitar,that's what we talk about all the time.This site has allowed so many of us to share what we do and the Spell,Slap combo is hard to beat,that's why I'm so happy to play a part in these collabs.

Thanks again!
VickyDan 3rd Feb 2011 17:36 - 14 years ago
The set is very consistent musically, and the touch of genius you had is to add the sax magic "Slap" .... Excellent.

AllenV replied Unknown
Hey VickyD,you know it was Slap that chose to add his Sax..and of course we were elated...and we are so proud to have him on this track,no genius here except Mr Slap!
Thank you so much for the comments and for checkin' us out!

Jkingz 3rd Feb 2011 17:31 - 14 years ago
Man, i love the mix on this track, really, really splendid. good job. nice sax, and great backing melody, downloaded esp for night time driving :D good job my man
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Jkingz..This really was a collaboration in every way,I could not have done this without these guys!

Thanks again,
Vicen 3rd Feb 2011 07:32 - 14 years ago
It was wonderful before, but with the sax Slap ... What Shall I tell you? My wish that ye three more collaborations together. My most hearty applause, my friend.

Better than my English.
AllenV replied Unknown
Gracias por tu comentario!

Is that right?
Mosaic 3rd Feb 2011 06:15 - 14 years ago
G'day Allen

Another magical piece, such a chilled laid back track, again Slap is brilliant on the Sax, like the intro, then into the track, nice guitar and beat my friend, this is one to sit back n have a drink and let the music take you on a journey,Fav'd my friend...very good work Allen, another great collab..Peace dude...Estefano...
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Estefano!SpellJammer, Slap and I seem to have this common smooth jazz thing going on that blends together so well.With or without me this would be a great track but I am very proud to be part of it!
Thanks for your review my friend,
theHumps 2nd Feb 2011 22:03 - 14 years ago
I didn't think it could be improved but Slap added his magic touch and wow! What a great collab, you guys are fantastic!

AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Wayne,Slap does make all the difference.
I guess it's in part that the style SpellJammer and I are doing lends it's self to the Sax so well,and that Slap is just sooo very awesome!

BrianMaiden407 2nd Feb 2011 21:41 - 14 years ago
Just a great RnB Jazz track here, nice smooth guitar with a really sweet and romantic melody! just real nice! very impressed with the way you handle this great style of music!nice clear recording and love the old record effect in the into! keepem coming!!

Brian ;)
AllenV replied Unknown
Thanks BM!The fx and all but guitar and sax are from SpellJammer,he's great!
You know I was just talking to my Son about how this was not my original choice for live music,which is all I did until I joined this site.I always played in top40 rock bands so I loved this but rarely played with this caliber of musicians needed to create this stuff live.So this is a very appreciated experience!

Thanks again Brian,
MStokes 2nd Feb 2011 19:23 - 14 years ago
Well, i gotta echo IWE - you guys really have nailed this - a rich mix - very soulful, jazzy, and i hope i'm not the only one who finds a great off-the-wall sense of humor and playfulness in this as well - really rewarding music- hat's off, gents
AllenV replied Unknown
Hey Mike,Thank you for the comments!I'm so glad you heard the fun in this was very fun to play on SpellJammers track and when Slap joined in the fun level jumped up quite a bit!

I'll be talkin' to you soon :)
ImproveWithError 2nd Feb 2011 18:32 - 14 years ago
Allen you guys nailed this, what a great mix. Everything really works and flows together. Good job as always!!!!
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you IWE!I just try to surround myself with great artists and yourself!

SLAPJOHNSON 2nd Feb 2011 18:26 - 14 years ago
Hi Allen, it's a great privilege to play on such a rich and well woven tapestry. This song is testament to the reason why this site exists. We all live on different continents but are as one through music... Awesome job guys..

Cheers, Slap...
AllenV replied Unknown
Hey Slap!Thank you and...thank brought this thing to life.I echo what you mean about this site,I would never have been able to play out all my musical dreams with all these wonderful producers and musicians if not here.I know we all try to make songs that are both enjoyable and have a certain quality,but it's the collaboration for me that makes it all possible.

Anytime my friend!
kerry 2nd Feb 2011 15:19 - 14 years ago
i really like the song allen it has a good feel to it
kerry :)
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you Kerry!I'm glad you enjoyed this,these guys are great musicians.I'm proud to be a part.

philippic 2nd Feb 2011 15:02 - 14 years ago
This is fantastic!
It doesn't actually even need anything more.
It's a press play and sit back track :D
AllenV replied Unknown
Wow,Thanks philippic!I'm so fortunate to have friends like these here on the loop,they do what they do so well!
I'm very pleased you like it and commented.

joell 2nd Feb 2011 14:51 - 14 years ago
very nice :) melodic
AllenV replied Unknown
Thank you joell,these guys are a joy to play with!

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29th Jan 2025 01:49 - 1 month ago
Tags :
Description : Slow ballad improvisation using Ibanez Artcore guitar tc electronics pedal wireless pickups ballad track champion 100 amp tascam 8 recorder laptop and Imagination
26th Oct 2021 13:17 - 3 years ago
Description : I wanted to do a track that’s snappy, jazzy, and smooth. Enjoy

3rd Sep 2019 00:37 - 5 years ago
Description : Every instrument is performed and recorder live. Piano, double bass, drums.

Instruments Used:
-"WELTMEISTER" upright piano (MADE IN GERMANY in 1938)
-"KAY" upright bass (MADE IN GERMANY somwhere in 1950th)
-TAMA Imperial Star + Pearl OMAR HAKIM snare + Various Ziljian cymbals.

I just put together some old ideas to see if it will work. Some vocals and brass, or guitars is clearly needed. Let me know what you think about it. Tnx
13th Apr 2024 03:32 - 10 months ago
Description : 4/12/2024

BPM 135

LOOP BY R4reSh1t

rage beats , dark synths , vintage rage, jazz rage , spooky beats , dark type beat , ken carson , playboi carti , opium , die litt type beat , lil tecca , intro type beats , autumn , yeat , kan kan , jace , d savage , rich amiri, kodak black type beat
17th Feb 2014 08:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Do not freak out just because this is jazz! There's also blues, rock, funk and a little hip hop in it to break up the deep, chillout jazz sections - gets particularly rocking then funky at the end. Main bassline (the track's foundation) is recycled leftover slide resonator guitar parts detuned one octave to make a slide bass sound. Also features: piano, violin, hammered dulcimer, organ, ethereal pad guitar, bass guitar, jazz/blues/rock electric guitar and multiple programmed acoustic drumkits. This was difficult to make at times as I thought I needed more leads parts eg from sax or trumpet. But I'm happyish with the end result. I expect very little interest in this as it's both jazz and long jazz. But it's also an unusual type of genre-mixing jazz. So, leave your thoughts, good or bad, if you like...
20th Dec 2024 10:09 - 2 months ago
Description : I think it's a late evening song to accompany you for a single drink.
Jazzy in most of the aspects. It is made single handedly so please consider it an experimentation for the thrill of making music.
Hope you will like it.
25th Jul 2017 18:26 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track made me just stop working on it and listen to it for enjoyment.
Smooth Mellow funky Jazz. Uses: 0111003-djrumplestiltskin-swung-funk-drum-beat, 0087009-mrroads442-guitar-line, 0072485-michiel555-mellow-funk, 0058934-ferryterry-90-bpm-soprano-sax. Is this Funk or Jazz?
11th Mar 2014 09:15 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops from and several loops from Looperman artists (listed below). I "made a promise" that my next track will be use a lot of jazzy loops - well, i done with this track, for the great sadness of jazz lovers or experts i think - i fear they will never forgive me. :) While my ISP launches my internet out of the Earth system for a long time, i had to face the fact that i dont have too much downloaded jazz loops on my computer, so i think no wonder that this one is sounds like if i smoke some marihuana while making it. But hey, who cares, i like the result - it reminds me the (maybe only) really funny episode of "Breaking Bad", where Pinkman uses some heroin and flyes up with an idiotic smile on his face - that chapter is priceless. :D
I dont think this one needs a vocal, but ofcourse you can use it if you want, and as always, just write and i will give any support as i can. Any feedback welcomed too as always. Enjoy! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

STEVEJAZ : 1118799-0068664 (The Jazz Vehicle), 1118799-0068713 (A Lydian Chords 1),
TUMBLEWEED : 0498019-0068255 (G Sharp Acoustic Rhythm), 0498014-0068257 (120 A Tele Rhythm),
JOEFUNKTASTIC : 0630386-0055418 (MrF - Great Scott - Set 1 - Piano 120 A), 06300386-0054520 (MrF - South Bronx Ghetto Piano 92C),
DANKE : 0671112-0066558 (Heaven Calls), 0671112-0067503 (Reggae Sax),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005229 (Rei Smile03 D 120), 0039029 (Rei - Plain3 D 100),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-00000076 (Chilla Do Do Vox Fx),
DJFREDVAL: 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2)
19th Dec 2019 16:53 - 5 years ago
Description : Made with love from...


120 BPM
22nd Jul 2017 15:53 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Cover by Bleep - Electro Jazz - 95 bpm
Can follow me too on soundcloud:
25th Jul 2019 18:04 - 5 years ago
Description : ableton live and getting on the keyboard for a change
8th Jul 2020 00:07 - 4 years ago
Description : I created a hip hop groove in Logic and decided to duel some Saxophones. I am playing the Baritone sax on the left pan and the Tenor Sax on the right pan.
I added some bells like a boxing match bell to give it a fight drama feel. The hip hop track itself is dope to me. The duel is cool too. Who won?
1st Jun 2017 15:13 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Complex drumbeat / Strange ambiance / a bit of jazz / a bit of Hip hop / a bit of sample / Needs vocal !!
5th Feb 2025 18:32 - 3 weeks ago
Description : Something different, no strat but my J6 jazz box and flatwound strings. Hope you'll enjoy it.
28th Nov 2018 17:19 - 6 years ago
Description : Relaxing jazz drum and bass needs Guitar