14th Feb 2011 05:39 - 14 years ago
Description : This track was produced by Lvino, but i did some minor tweaks here and there and well this is my version of it...but he still gets full production credit for it he did a real nice job coming up with the beat and putting Ferisha's vocals on there, i'm a bit more picky when it comes to my vocals....I think it's a nice club banger....I came out hard in the beginning gave it a cocky flow and the icing on the cake with the ending..all in all its something for anyone and everyone to jam to...listen to my word play you'll appreciate it more if you listen to the lyrics....Thanks for your time and a review will be greatly appreciated...(Update 2-16-2011: This track is now mastered)

Comments (11)

If you have time take a listen and give GEOram some feedback.

FarishaMusic 17th Jan 2013 07:16 - 12 years ago
wow hearing this track all this time later!? how did i never comment, anyways for what it's worth, it sounds awesome :)
GEOram replied 22nd Jan 2013 - 12 years ago
Thanks! Glad you liked it! Really liked how smooth and different this track came out as opposed to anything that I've ever done before.

I'm always down to collab on a track with you if you ever have any projects lined up...

I'm working on a demo for Steve Lobel, perhaps I can get another collab with you on the demo.
Gabz 28th Apr 2011 18:07 - 13 years ago
This is sick GEO! This is a very professional thing you got there!

The beat it's just insane, the way you drop it, =0

Very well done, the sample voice of Farisha it just fits dem well.
Good work to both, but especially to you GEO and loved the electric guitar!

Peace bro

GEOram replied Unknown
Thanks i'm glad you liked it...It was produced by Lvino I just mixed and mastered my own vocals into the track...I came in with a smooth delivery in the verse then just tied to rip it without tearing the track down...all in all i was very happy with the final piece....we are really trying to promote this track and hopefully have a music video done for it in about a month or so...
thanks for the review Gabz it is very much appreciated
Mosaic 12th Apr 2011 13:21 - 13 years ago
Hey Geo

Man this is extremely good piece, very professional sounding, have heard a few with Farisha's vocal, must say this one of the best I have heard, which is a real credit to you my friend, excellent beat, nice guitar work, works well within the piece, is that you on the male vocal?? if so sounds good too, everything about this piece is spot on, massive fav...Peace n much Respect mate...Estefano...
GEOram replied Unknown
Yeah when they introduced th etrack to me i automatically felt like i could rip it to shreads! The tracks was produced by Lvino, so credit go him! i just produced my vocals on it :)..i had just started to use Adobe Audition 3 so i figure i might as well start mastering my vocals on tracks with it, still getting familiar with it though..Yup that is me on the male vocals, i hope everyone becomes familiar with my voice as i am planning on starting to take on this music full speed and launch a mixtape and some MusicVideos with my tracks, i just want to take my music as far as possible.....Thank you very much for the review...
BeternalProductions 11th Apr 2011 18:38 - 13 years ago
good ish as always mang! this has a unique feel to it and I like that. very catchy tune, great work with your vocals, keep doin what you do!
GEOram replied Unknown
thanks man, means "chingos" to me lol...yeah this track just had that different vibe to it...i'm still learning with the vocals but steadily progressing..
Alen9R 11th Apr 2011 00:59 - 13 years ago
Hey GEOman!

Daim bro,this is great track,I like how you used Farisha's pella,
your vocal is clean,this is always a good thing,I like the beat!
Very nice work bro!Keep up

Much respect

GEOram replied Unknown
Thanks, much appreciated; i cant take full credit Lvino produced the track i juts produced and mastered my vocals onto this track..but i was very pleased with the outcome..I think he made the beat perfectly has that twist on it with the guitar...
JohnBoutilier 9th Apr 2011 22:24 - 13 years ago
There's a word for tracks like this: Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GEOram replied Unknown
Man, thanks that really does mean a lot to me...Hoping to make a video to this track soon so i can start on promoting for the up coming mixtape plus i really need to start taking that next step for some exposure...
RegNoDE 25th Mar 2011 04:50 - 14 years ago
Great club impressed with the way u mastered ur music,i mean..u can make the sound professionally mastered..i which i can do tht..overall everythings perfect my friend..
GEOram replied Unknown
I cant front and take full credit on the full mastering for was originally produced by Lvino i just mastered and mixed my vocals into it and did the final mastering to the complete track with my vox on it...but the track did not have anything wrong with it i just needed to make sure my vox sounded at the same volume with the track and master it in that sense to where my vocals sound natural with the track and not too loud or too low and distorted, once again thank you for the review....
DJSchmeeJ 15th Feb 2011 12:26 - 14 years ago
I thought I had reviewed this one already cause it sounds familiar. Very nice production! The flow is tight and CLEAN! Jeez man...thank you so much for buying that freakin mic! I hate to hear some good spittin on here but the quality is sooooo bad! Then someone puts it on a track that has superb production and it just sucks the life out if the track! This is great Fam!
GEOram replied Unknown
Yeah i think the one you might have reviewed was Lvino's version of it..He did the production on it; on the original one...but i did the production of my vocals and mixing and mastering on my version, the one you just heard..I left my vocals with my natural sound, because i believe you get more feeling out the track this cutting or pitching or speeding up of vocals... if you compare both of them i think you will be able to hear the difference, plus i had a few other subtle changes and added an outro on my version as well..Yeah the flow is on point on this one i was just in the zone with this beat so it came real natural on it...The mic is a Sure PG42 it works real nice but u also have to know what compressor to use for each i already know what compressor and eq my vocals like for certain tracks so it just gets a bit easier every time, but i also learn something new everyday that helps me develop my capabilities so that's always a plus...But yeah i know what you mean about some of these tracks that are very good lyric wise but production, well lets just say it lacks quality..thanks for the review and sorry to have rambled for such along time...Hope to drop plenty more tracks within the coming weeks...
Phyruis 15th Feb 2011 08:26 - 14 years ago
firstly let me say I don't do hip hop... but I was impressed... which almost never happens when I listen to hip hop...but I think this is well produced...would have liked to have heard a little more on the bottom end but I guess thats because I'm a bass head..nice track...keep 'em coming brother
GEOram replied Unknown
Thanks for the review believe me your review is very important if not one of the most important mainly because you don't do Hip Hop and you were impressed...That tells me alot about the tracks direction right now...Original production was done by Lvino but since i am a bit pickey with my vocals i did my own version with. some subtle changes here and there mainly on the verse, plus i added an outro...thanks for the review...
ShortBusMusic 15th Feb 2011 04:41 - 14 years ago
Nicely done! Great vibe on this one, from start to finish this is an absolute winner. I liked the guitar riff....this one is definitely ready for prime time :)

GEOram replied Unknown
Yeah that guitar really sets it off it gives it a different identity since you dont hear it to much on any hip hop song...Thanks i really do appreciate the review...thinking about doing an MV to this's fitting the bill and its real catchy...
edwin1976 14th Feb 2011 13:24 - 14 years ago
yo man this is a real club banger!! Keep up the good work

GEOram replied Unknown
appreciate the review man, yeah i love the guitar rift on this it gives it that extra spice on the track...Got a whole bunch of other tracks in the making so keep an eye out for em...

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!!! USAGE !!!

Absolutely Any Use of my beats "Including leased beats" REQUIRE CREDIT IN THE TITLE (Prod. by AACKBEAT). There are NO Exceptions. Any Social Media use of my Beats require credit to me In the caption @AACKBEAT
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30th Mar 2017 00:25 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Sad emotional beat. enjoy
You can use this, for no commercial use.
10th Dec 2013 05:08 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Everything but the effects i played out. made for them hard spitters def would love to hear what someone with a flow does to this. me and my boy murdered this verbally as i made it enjoy!
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Tags :
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