Description : is my 3rd song and it is a 2 part song. This is a Blues tune and about as 'blues' as you can get! The 1st part is a slow 78 bpm with Acoustic guitar tuned to an open 'E' using a slide. Also, using an acoustic bass and drums. Part of this is from a loop CD, as I am playing the bass and drum parts too.
The guitar is fingerpicked so you'll even hear the strings slap against the neck now and then. :-)
The 2nd part starts about 3 seconds after the 1st is done, and it features a Fender Strat tuned to an open "C' using a slide as well, and the guitar has a 'crunchy' sound at 93 bpm. I am playing bass and drums on this also, and with the help of a loop CD. I used effects such as compressors, limiters and reverb in both songs.
Took me month working on this, so now I am off to work on something else. Hope you like them,
This blues track was uploaded by Randall822. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (22)
If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.
So you found another of my few Blues songs. Glad you liked this one. Blues isn't my favorite type of music, thus I have only made a few of them. But am happy you enjoyed it.
Ry Cooder? This song reminds me a lot of him and his style. Very nice job on this, I love all types of music, and you do great job with every genre you touch. Simply amazing!!!!
Thanks for your review of at least 5 of my tunes thus far. I appreciate all your comments and will answer each one a little later. I am working a lot of hours now and and don't have much time to review others tunes at this moment....but I don't worry.
I will be making another modern country tune(s) with my Telecaster as soon as work slows down.
I guess if you read my profile and saw my Gallery, then you probably seen the guitars I use and my home studio setup.
Bye for now and I am glad you enjoyed my other tunes as well. I strive for quality in my playing and/or assembling of loops of instruments I don't play or own.
I'm trying to pick up a slide again and learn how to use the damn thing! Apparently just buying more of them doesn't work. This is great playing, I love the amazing quality you have hear, and how clean your playing is. There is something that I find funny about the second part. I don't know what it is buy I like it.
Sweet job
Looks like your making the rounds of my tunes. Great...I am sure most of them will be quite different than you have heard before as I try not to copy anyone.
I am glad you enjoyed the Blues 101 tune. That was the 1st blues tune I made. The second and third ones are a lot different yet.
Not sure what your hearing in the second part of 101. It is in a 'C' tuning as whereas the first part was in "E" tuning.
I used my Strat on that one with a combo of slide, picking and overdubbing to fill it out more.
I'd love to give you more reviews of your songs, but you only have 1 up and I reviewed that one already. When are you gonna make more?? I like your music really.
Thanks for your kind review. I do Country, Blues and Rock as I like all 3 genre. Probably would be better if I stuck to one, but I grew up in the 60-70's era and I like all that music.
nice track man. i love blues, were guitar people. blues is gonna come back strong in the up coming generations.... muddy waters is one of my fav... champagne and reefer, check that one out if you haven't already
Hello there,
Thanks for reviewing one of my Blues tracks. Yeah, I know what you mean...Blues will never die...just like rock-n-roll won't. I will review some of your songs as well and listen to the Muddy Waters one you mentioned.
Thanks again,
I tend to hate blues (yup im more of a jazz type), but its only because I work in a blues pub, its kinda gets on my nerves constantly hearing it over and over, same bands showing :/
-anyways, i quite liked this, the fender part is far better than the acoustic part it has a more in your face blues appeal.
Hello there,
Thanks for listening and reviewing my tune. I know exactly what you mean about hearing the same over and over.
In this song I tried to show both instrument sides....acoustic and electric. Glad you liked one of them. :-)
I love slide!!! It is the best sound in the world!! And to think some old boy in the deep south just happened to slide a beer bottle along a guitar string one day! And hey presto!! AWSOME!!!
Hello djsalkizar,
Thanks for listening and reviewing my Blues song.
'Slide' is fairly easy actually. You can tune your guitar to an open tuning like "E" or "G" which is the same as a normal Dobro and 5 string Banjo tuning, and when you strum across, you have a full chord without actually having to 'fret' the instrument.
Sounds cool. It is easier if you have 2 guitars tuned to normal and an extra one to fool around with. You can use slide in a normal "E" tuning, but you get a different sound.
Hi there Mos'reQuest~,
Hey....thanks so much for listening/reviewing my song 'Blues 101'. I appreciate the review and will later today listen to some of your tunes as well and give you feedback.
Thanks for the review. If you haven't already, take a listen to the Blues song I uploaded yesterday called 3 Part Blues. You may like that as well.
Thanks for your reviewing my Altern-Rock song as well. More to come.
Hello there Art,
Thanks for the review. I certainly appreciate it.
Glad you like both parts. Since the individual songs were so short, I felt that I needed to do I made the tune into 2 songs with totally different sytles. Sometimes your mind goes blank after starting a song. :-)
In my next Blues song, I have put in a Fender Strat again, doing some cool harmonics. Again it will be a 2 part song only because I couldn't get the 1st part out of my head and it is short.
Features mostly Dobro sound/slide as lead.
I'll check some of your songs here and give a review.
Wow, beutiful, This is the real deal. I love this type of bluse.
Only problem is they were to short could of just kept on listening. There are some geniuses here and you're one of them.
Hi there blairrock957,
Thanks so much for reviewing my tracks. I appreciate the nice comments. I agree the songs are a little short. However, It is hard making a instrumental unless you add in a lot of different instruments or a song will get boring pretty fast.
However, I'll try and make my next songs a little longer. :-)
I am just getting back into making music again after nearly over 20 year of hanging it up....because of rotating shiftwork.
Thanks again for the review.
Thank god for featured tracks my man! this was faved in 16 seconds the fasted fav yet! I have to throw some blues harp into this in the studio! Dude I swear I have been so busy I have lost touch with the nucleous of the heart of music itself (the blues)
man this has my heart pounding, ok maybe it's the captain and cokes but this was the shit! begging for a collab, a bluesy number like this to throw some harp into would be soooooo cool!
Hi Johnny,
Thanks for the nice review. So it took 16 seconds to put this song in as a Fav eh? hee hee
Feel free to download it and add to it with a Harmonica or whatever.
The problem on this site is, a lot of songs and loops get uploaded everyday, and if you don't sign onto here only once or twice a week as I do, a person is likely to miss anothers good tune or loop unless you go way back in time.
So far I have only posted 3 songs on here and will have another Blues one up in a week or so. Just trying to add more Dobro/slide parts.
Takes me awhile to do a song as I pay attention to all the little details before I release a song. (volume, effects, mix, etc). If I am sending out a song with my name on it, I hope most people will like it because of the songs content, originality, and mix.
With todays amazing software out there available and quality loops, etc., there is no reason to put out a 'bad song'.
Perhaps we could do a collab on something in the near future if you'd like.
Hi Randy,
I promised to review your song and also delete my wrong review.
I think this song is great. Both parts have that original blues touch that many so called bluesplayers don't have. This could be made in the Delta. I also like the choice of instruments. If you like I invite you to slide on one of my songs. It would be great if someone from the States and me from Holland could do something together. What do you think?
Hello meestege,
I appreciate your review, but apparently your reviewing a different song than mine. My song is totally an instrumental and I don't sing at all, nor play a clarinet. Thanks anyways. :-)
I love this vibe. I wish I could play with this kind of authenticity. Mine always comes out sounding more rocky. Rock solid and immediate favorite and download...thanks, Six
Hi ya Six.....
Thanks for the review. Basically I get the sound in my head and then search for a drum set that will match it. If I can't find one, then I make up my own drums. A cool place to get live acoustic sounding drums is at: They also have free samples to download...including heavy double bass (kick) drums kits for rock music.
My next song will be partly a more familiar 12 bar Blues shuffle type beat.
Thanks again,
Yeah!!!!.....when you get sick of the blues your sick of life!....great feel with the added bonus of great chops!.......this tune has a great live feel.....sometimes it's an elusive ingredient,it works superbly with the blues....diggin' this one!....cheers planet
Hi Planet,
Thanks for the nice review. I just woke up to check my mail, and your message was the first I seen. I liked the live feel as well as I left eveything in...including string buzz noise, etc.
Thanks again,
Hi Magician,
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it very much. I'll be doing some more Blues and Country songs soon. I'll get to review some of your
song(s) and others that gave me a review as well, very soon.
Brilliant track, awesome playing and sound. Wonderful arrangement and mix. I've just got into slide and open tuning and I will one day hopefully be as good as you. New fan!! Cheers Slap...
Hello there Slap!!!!
Thank you for reviewing my song. I appreciate it very if a majority of people didn't like it, or the sound, then I'd obviously need to change something.
Getting it to sound good is my main goal after getting the tracks laid down. It's wonderful to have all the tools they have these days available so you can do a song justice.
I am not that good at slide really, but I try. Just go real slow and do a half dozen notes at a time until you have it down so it feels natural.
Then go another 6 notes or so. Once you can get a half a dozen notes down good, record them on a track, and then keep adding to it and edit as you need.
Pretty soon, you'll have a whole tune done!
I mean this song took me a whole month to do that way.
Good luck with your playing and learning,
awesome playing!!!!!!
you really have a lot of feeling for the strings ...
and a very very good timing, that's one of the most important things ....
great work, immense talent!!
Hello REI.
Thanks for reviewing my latest song! Hopefully I'll get better doing songs on the computer as most people seem to be doing it that way these days.
A lot of editing of commercial songs is all done on computers.
As far as timing, yeah, my earlier songs of 5-6 years ago, I had timing issues. I started using a click track, or metronone, and that straightened it all out for me.
nice, i love the authenticity of it. i have an uncle who is all into making this kinda music basically the same way u do, or sometimes with a band, so it kinda reminds of somethin he would play. good stuff.
Hi Profita. Thanks for reviewing my latest song. I used to play in a country-rock band about 25 years ago. I started working shift work so couldn't play in a band anymore. So I gave music up.
But now I have decided to get back into it. So stay tuned. Not sure you'll like all the types of music I'll try, but I'll do another Blues tune of a different style, down the road.
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Guitars: Peter Schninkel, Ben Perl
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Description : Of all the classic Monster tales the Wolfman is definitely one of the saddest. Cursed, and destined to live as both man and monster. During the day he sits alone with his guitar, a prisoner of lonely existence, crying his heart out through his music. Then at night, the beast emerges, and in the dark under a full moon, he cry's as he rips the hearts out of his victims! Such is the life of a cursed bluesman!
Description : This is a tune dedicated to my friend, Nancy, who followed me to the clubs I played at for years, and is still following me with my studio work. Why do I dedicate this to her? Onnacounta cause she's soooooo naughty! She never liked violins, but loved her sax! Here's to you, Nancy. Anyway, this is a little blues track with some nice guitar and sex...oh, sorry, I mean sax.
Description : A sultry, seductive, and fairly short acoustic blues number. It is an instrumental and only took about 2 hours to write, record, and get a decent mix. Enjoy! Updated: I added some slight echo to the electric guitar and widened the stereo fields of the acoustic rhythm and leads.
Description : guitar on right run thru my friends mesa rec 25. It has an absolutely gorgeous tone. The guitar playing D, C #, B is run thru guitar rig 6. The the pushed back guitar on the left is also run thru the mesa. My UNC chapel-hill decision letter is coming out tomorrow and I'm super stressed. Whipped out my guitar and recorded some stuff. Hope you like it.
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This could be classed as Country Blues or Southern Rock...either way I think it may get your toes tapping. So grab your partner and jump on the dance floor with this one.
I am performing the following instruments...vocals, electric guitars, slide acoustic, bass, harmonica, organ. I wrote the following instrument parts in MIDI....drums, percussion, piano, horns. This was a beast to master but I think it turned out okay.
No loops used.
Description : UPDATE 26/01/2014: Improved loads of things in what is probably my greatest chillout alternative blues piece. Ambient, ethereal, groove-based delta slide blues. Contemplative and melodic. Multiple, layered , sometimes shimmering resonator guitar parts with solid, warm synth bass, an ethereal bed of pads (which are actually guitars) and second electronic drumkit to contrast the acoustic kits. I thought this was perfect a few years ago but it wasn't (and still isn't). Now has clearer drums and lots of small awkward bits of guitar have been trimmed. Quite a minimalistic and short piece for me - I don't just keep bringing in new instruments, as I usually do. This should really chill you out...
So you found another of my few Blues songs. Glad you liked this one. Blues isn't my favorite type of music, thus I have only made a few of them. But am happy you enjoyed it.
Thanks for your review of at least 5 of my tunes thus far. I appreciate all your comments and will answer each one a little later. I am working a lot of hours now and and don't have much time to review others tunes at this moment....but I don't worry.
I will be making another modern country tune(s) with my Telecaster as soon as work slows down.
I guess if you read my profile and saw my Gallery, then you probably seen the guitars I use and my home studio setup.
Bye for now and I am glad you enjoyed my other tunes as well. I strive for quality in my playing and/or assembling of loops of instruments I don't play or own.
Thanks again,
Sweet job
Looks like your making the rounds of my tunes. Great...I am sure most of them will be quite different than you have heard before as I try not to copy anyone.
I am glad you enjoyed the Blues 101 tune. That was the 1st blues tune I made. The second and third ones are a lot different yet.
Not sure what your hearing in the second part of 101. It is in a 'C' tuning as whereas the first part was in "E" tuning.
I used my Strat on that one with a combo of slide, picking and overdubbing to fill it out more.
I'd love to give you more reviews of your songs, but you only have 1 up and I reviewed that one already. When are you gonna make more?? I like your music really.
Anyways, thanks for the nice review,
Thanks for your kind review. I do Country, Blues and Rock as I like all 3 genre. Probably would be better if I stuck to one, but I grew up in the 60-70's era and I like all that music.
Thanks again,
Thank you for reviewing one of my Blues tracks.
I appreciate the comment and will certainly check out one of your tunes in a bit.
respect to you for playing all your instruments.
I appreciate your review and comments. I'll check out one of your tunes tonight.
Thanks again,
Thanks for reviewing one of my Blues tracks. Yeah, I know what you mean...Blues will never die...just like rock-n-roll won't. I will review some of your songs as well and listen to the Muddy Waters one you mentioned.
Thanks again,
-anyways, i quite liked this, the fender part is far better than the acoustic part it has a more in your face blues appeal.
Thanks for listening and reviewing my tune. I know exactly what you mean about hearing the same over and over.
In this song I tried to show both instrument sides....acoustic and electric. Glad you liked one of them. :-)
Thanks for listening and reviewing my Blues song.
'Slide' is fairly easy actually. You can tune your guitar to an open tuning like "E" or "G" which is the same as a normal Dobro and 5 string Banjo tuning, and when you strum across, you have a full chord without actually having to 'fret' the instrument.
Sounds cool. It is easier if you have 2 guitars tuned to normal and an extra one to fool around with. You can use slide in a normal "E" tuning, but you get a different sound.
Mos' ReQuest~
Hey....thanks so much for listening/reviewing my song 'Blues 101'. I appreciate the review and will later today listen to some of your tunes as well and give you feedback.
Thanks for the review. If you haven't already, take a listen to the Blues song I uploaded yesterday called 3 Part Blues. You may like that as well.
Thanks for your reviewing my Altern-Rock song as well. More to come.
Thanks for the review. I certainly appreciate it.
Glad you like both parts. Since the individual songs were so short, I felt that I needed to do I made the tune into 2 songs with totally different sytles. Sometimes your mind goes blank after starting a song. :-)
In my next Blues song, I have put in a Fender Strat again, doing some cool harmonics. Again it will be a 2 part song only because I couldn't get the 1st part out of my head and it is short.
Features mostly Dobro sound/slide as lead.
I'll check some of your songs here and give a review.
Only problem is they were to short could of just kept on listening. There are some geniuses here and you're one of them.
Thanks so much for reviewing my tracks. I appreciate the nice comments. I agree the songs are a little short. However, It is hard making a instrumental unless you add in a lot of different instruments or a song will get boring pretty fast.
However, I'll try and make my next songs a little longer. :-)
I am just getting back into making music again after nearly over 20 year of hanging it up....because of rotating shiftwork.
Thanks again for the review.
man this has my heart pounding, ok maybe it's the captain and cokes but this was the shit! begging for a collab, a bluesy number like this to throw some harp into would be soooooo cool!
Hat's off my man,
Johnny Gadget
Thanks for the nice review. So it took 16 seconds to put this song in as a Fav eh? hee hee
Feel free to download it and add to it with a Harmonica or whatever.
The problem on this site is, a lot of songs and loops get uploaded everyday, and if you don't sign onto here only once or twice a week as I do, a person is likely to miss anothers good tune or loop unless you go way back in time.
So far I have only posted 3 songs on here and will have another Blues one up in a week or so. Just trying to add more Dobro/slide parts.
Takes me awhile to do a song as I pay attention to all the little details before I release a song. (volume, effects, mix, etc). If I am sending out a song with my name on it, I hope most people will like it because of the songs content, originality, and mix.
With todays amazing software out there available and quality loops, etc., there is no reason to put out a 'bad song'.
Perhaps we could do a collab on something in the near future if you'd like.
Thanks for the review. When my next Blues song comes out, you might want to consider buying a case of beer!
Thanks again,
I promised to review your song and also delete my wrong review.
I think this song is great. Both parts have that original blues touch that many so called bluesplayers don't have. This could be made in the Delta. I also like the choice of instruments. If you like I invite you to slide on one of my songs. It would be great if someone from the States and me from Holland could do something together. What do you think?
I appreciate your review, but apparently your reviewing a different song than mine. My song is totally an instrumental and I don't sing at all, nor play a clarinet. Thanks anyways. :-)
Thanks for the review. Basically I get the sound in my head and then search for a drum set that will match it. If I can't find one, then I make up my own drums. A cool place to get live acoustic sounding drums is at: They also have free samples to download...including heavy double bass (kick) drums kits for rock music.
My next song will be partly a more familiar 12 bar Blues shuffle type beat.
Thanks again,
Thanks for the nice review. I just woke up to check my mail, and your message was the first I seen. I liked the live feel as well as I left eveything in...including string buzz noise, etc.
Thanks again,
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it very much. I'll be doing some more Blues and Country songs soon. I'll get to review some of your
song(s) and others that gave me a review as well, very soon.
Thank you for reviewing my song. I appreciate it very if a majority of people didn't like it, or the sound, then I'd obviously need to change something.
Getting it to sound good is my main goal after getting the tracks laid down. It's wonderful to have all the tools they have these days available so you can do a song justice.
I am not that good at slide really, but I try. Just go real slow and do a half dozen notes at a time until you have it down so it feels natural.
Then go another 6 notes or so. Once you can get a half a dozen notes down good, record them on a track, and then keep adding to it and edit as you need.
Pretty soon, you'll have a whole tune done!
I mean this song took me a whole month to do that way.
Good luck with your playing and learning,
you really have a lot of feeling for the strings ...
and a very very good timing, that's one of the most important things ....
great work, immense talent!!
deep respect, rei
Thanks for reviewing my latest song! Hopefully I'll get better doing songs on the computer as most people seem to be doing it that way these days.
A lot of editing of commercial songs is all done on computers.
As far as timing, yeah, my earlier songs of 5-6 years ago, I had timing issues. I started using a click track, or metronone, and that straightened it all out for me.
But now I have decided to get back into it. So stay tuned. Not sure you'll like all the types of music I'll try, but I'll do another Blues tune of a different style, down the road.