7th Mar 2011 15:09 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : Alright, first off I would like to thank Becca for the beautiful melody she created. She then had sent to me and I added the rest of the elements and arranged, mixed, mastered etc... Also thanks to Metabolic for the one shot drum hit. This is a dubstep/drumstep track. I created three different basses and used one pre-set. I also used Dblueglitch a lil as well. Please have a listen and make sure to check out Becca's profile as well. Any comments or crit welcomed and appreciated. Peace and enjoy

Edit- Had to remove from dload. Sorry...
Edit-Did some eqing and boosted all basses.

Comments (18)

If you have time take a listen and give BlumeChoon some feedback.

simmerdown 8th Aug 2011 15:59 - 13 years ago
back for more, love this one...

wait, that rap part is new?
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Anytime brother... We're glad ya love this one!!!
not sure about a rap part?? Must of heard a different one then commented on this one... I've done the same thing Thanks again for the love man.. Right back at ya bro!!!

FreeChickenDinnner 27th Jun 2011 22:10 - 13 years ago
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hhahah ya got that :) Just kidding thanks mang!!!

Daddy Blume:) hahahaha
StephenPotter 20th Apr 2011 18:31 - 13 years ago
The orchestral section in this one is even more amazing! The piano feels a little forced with the glitch effects on it, and I think it could work better if glitches "mix" knob was down a little more. The orchestral sounds blend really well with the wobble bass and drums though, and it sounds like it would fit perfectly in a zombie movie or game. Really nicely done Blume!


Ste :D
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Yup Becca knows her melodies. You know I had to do something with that piano. I couldn't just keep it'll check the glitch knob and try to level it out more. Really this could be in a movie or game? That's awesome!!! Thanks 4 fav'n it too man!!!

Sludgecity 18th Apr 2011 19:11 - 13 years ago
This is nice man, love the surrounding sounds but the wobbles i feel to be lacking in thickness, but great song never the less.
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Word I agree!!! Still learning on getting the right sub and what not. That's been my biggest struggle lately. Everybody who has heard this and commented say's the same.. So damnit I gotta fix it Appreciate it Sludge!!!

ALXSIX 24th Mar 2011 17:30 - 14 years ago
Dramatic! the strings and the piano make it for something for a movie or so. Awesome piano melody, even that dope wobble is dramatic!
Nice subtle glitches too, just what it needs. Great blending of sounds here, really well done, great work!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey what's up man? Glad you came by to check this track out. I really appreciate the kind review and nice words!! We got more in the works. THanks again man!!!

BeatsWorkin 10th Mar 2011 14:15 - 14 years ago
A good blend of melodies and wobble to create some dramatic dub.
Great work.
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey thanks man!!! We appreciate the listen and the review. Gonna check some of your work as well... Thanks again!!!

JohnBoutilier 9th Mar 2011 21:21 - 14 years ago
Wonderful collab. Great job you two. Will there be more B&B productions????

All The Best

BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey thanks for stopping in to have a listen. We appreciate that. Oh you know Yeah expect more B&B Productions coming to you soon in the near phuture. Thanks agin man!!!

Phyruis 9th Mar 2011 17:06 - 14 years ago
nice work guys... loving the wobbles ...melody.. very nice... I would have add some more texture to it to really add to the atmosphere of the track.. that vocal comes in quite late maybe something similar at the start of the track or some more sfx nothing too heavy maybe a twinkle of light bells might help..the basses sound like they needed work to begin with but I can't hear an issue now so... that must have been fixed..I would say though I would have liked to have heard that sub come out from under it shell of the other basses from time to time...having said that I did enjoy the track alot thanks for sharing...keep 'em coming
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey thanks brother. I love this track! But the more I listen to it. I don't like my wobbles as much. They seem kinda sloppy and a lil lazy to me. Something to improve on I guess... I'm gonna take you up on the advice and suggestions. I thought there was already a bit going on with Becca's melody but I see now where I could add in some secondary sounds. Sub bass has been a struggle for me lately. But I'll get it eventually. And I'll try to have the sub pop in some during the wobble sections. Brother appreciate the crit and I'll revise and repost this one soon...

yeshintae 8th Mar 2011 00:04 - 14 years ago
Ahhhh this is a TRUE STEPPAH!

luv tha composition on tha stringz really
keeps tha pace for tha entire track...
tha first verse with tha piano chops was
ILL AS FARK! then tha progression when tha
wobble come in is intense!

a lot of thought in tha arrangement too and when
tha drums switched up I was like DAAAAAAYUMMMM!

man tha wobble progression is INSANE THOUGH


Much Respect from LA
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Yesh what up man? Yeah, gotta give it up to Becca for that sweet melody!! I just built up around it and tried to keep things interesting. We are happy that you liked our lil collab creation. Thanks a lot man. Appreciate the review and the love! Oh and for fav'n it too!!!

Cybertooth 7th Mar 2011 22:40 - 14 years ago
id say something.....

but im speechless.....


something like that
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Wow! Reactions like this from you Cybertooth is a huge compliment. It's you guy's that keep me inspired with your great music and ideas! Man I really appreciate the listen bro!

brutish 7th Mar 2011 19:30 - 14 years ago
loving this track, great prodution guys and i think the bass is just right not to over bearing, loving the little breaks sounds perfect, this track has really glitchie spooky feel and the flow is good too, def a fav from me, very very good work guys.
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Awesome!!! Glad ya like it man! And I appreciate you stoppin by to have a listen! I def gotta check ur list out too. Thanks 4 fav'n it as well!

AllenV 7th Mar 2011 18:28 - 14 years ago
I don't know how you both do this stuff but it sure sounds good!
This site has exposed me to so much more than I would've sought out myself and I have learned a lot from it.

Very good!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey Allen! I feel ya man. I couldn't agree more. Since I've joined this site I have learned so much and progressed in my music endeavors. Thanks 4 stopping by man! Gotta come hear your new works!

subSpace 7th Mar 2011 17:44 - 14 years ago
ok were do i start i love all the things going on in this track the intro is well put together i like the piano patterns playing in the background then we come to the wobbles. these need to be a bit more bass'y my subs just did not feel the bass wobbles you need to turn them up more and maybe add some extra bass onto them but the track is solid i like it keep them coming bro
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Ok I beefed up the basses a bit more and did some eqing as you and a few others have mentioned needed to be done. I'm glad ya diggin our track man! You and so many here are a huge inspiration to me. Your music and words of encouragement help to keep the ball rollin. I appreciate it man!!!
Big ups and respect bro!

djquickrick 7th Mar 2011 17:43 - 14 years ago
Great sounds guys. I liked the incorporation of the old school beat sampled in there too, (it's driving me nuts what song it was from ). Anywhooo you guys make a nice team. She did great with those strings and you did a nice job working around it. :)
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey man! We appreciate the listen and review. Yeah that sample has been used quite a lot back in the day. Mainly find it in old DnB jungle tracks also Squarepusher has used it quite a bit.
Thanks for stopping by to have listen!!!

CrashTheSystem 7th Mar 2011 17:01 - 14 years ago
I'm not trying to be egotistical but very rarely do I hear a song that reminds me of something I would make,

So many different elements together in such a masterpiece.

When I saw this was Blume AND Becca, I could not have clicked the play button any faster.

The wobbles are absolutely fantastic, great quality and hit real hard. The piano is amazing as well, adds such a great effect. I love at 1:50 when the wobbles stop and all that beautiful strings work kicks in with whatever that sound is that repeats in the background. Then it kinda turns into a trance track for a second and I was impressed.

The vocal sample was then great, this whole song is like if Hans Zimmer came to Bassnecter and was like, "Lets make a song" and Bassnecter said "Alright I'll invite Trent Reznor."

Haha fav'd for sure, and I usually don't do collab's but I'm in the same boat as Weazel, I think we should collab sometime. I don't have the materials but I've been wanting to make something with some dubstep in it. Lol -Gabe

Peace Love Jesus!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Wow!!! I don't even know what to say? I'am lost for words. You don't understand how much this means to me. I really appreciate the great review man. One of the best one's yet!!! I can send you some stems to work with if you like? Thanks you for fav'n it too!!! Def a big props to Becca for the melody. If it wasn't for her. This track would've never been made. Respect bro!!!

Rosh 7th Mar 2011 16:25 - 14 years ago
Love it! So many aspects to one dubstep song! Its great how its almost unrepetitive as well, great job done on this one! Definitely one to be proud of!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Wow!! Thanks a lot man. I love to fuse genre's and styles together. I like to keep things interesting and moving. I appreciate the kind words man. Yes I am proud of it. I'll swing by ur list and see what new ones you got hiding out. Thanks again!!!

WeazelBeats 7th Mar 2011 15:54 - 14 years ago
You already knew I love this bro :)
The combination of modern and orchestral sounds is superb!
Defenitly an instant fav blume!

We should collab sometime btw...
A wobbling electro beat is awesome!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Awesome!!! I'm happy you like this one weazy man!
Yeah it's been awhile since I've worked with an orchestrated sound. Props to Becca 4 sho. I'm down brother. Hit me up or send me some stems of some ideas you got. We'll make it happen. I'm down for trying something new! Thanks again man and thanks 4 the fav!!!

Spivkurl 7th Mar 2011 15:45 - 14 years ago
This is great! I love the glitchiness of it! The bass is really solid too! Kudos to Becca for those melodies! Is that a voice in the beats? Sounds cool whatever it is! Awesome gated strings too! The mix sounds great! Love this song! Faved for sure!
BlumeChoon replied Unknown
Hey Spiv! Yes indeed Big ups to Becca for that melody. Yeah I used an old DnB break that has that lil vox sample. I'm glad you love this one. I think I do Definitely a fun track to create. Always more to come! Thanks again man. Also thanks 4 the fav... You know I appreciate that.


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19th Sep 2024 17:44 - 6 months ago
Description : Faking! - (Prod. BCI)

My first full song (10+ hrs of work) I've made in years.
I blended in a lot of Splice samples but the idea is completely original.

I know it isn't everyone's favorite genre of music but it's definitely mine

Any feedback is much appreciated

Free use for anything - Credit me @ BCI
8th May 2015 02:05 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : If you're looking for Skrillex and his cronies, you've come to the wrong place. It's not that kind of dubstep. This track opens with a nod to my fellow Vault Dwellers and Wanderers of the Wastes, and transitions into a deep, dark celebration of the Horror movie genre. Some of you will get it. Some of you won't. Either way, I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for listening. Take care. V.
22nd Feb 2015 14:35 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Update //** Quality has been adjusted from 160kbps to 192kbps. Hope this helps :) **// Hey guys, today I bring you my first remix track and my second real attempt at dubstep. This track is a remix of my buddy's, Golden track. You can check out the original here : and his soundcloud here : This is the short version aka the demo version. I plan on making a longer version later. As always your comments and tips are very welcome. Thanks for stopping by, and take care!
11th Nov 2020 22:44 - 4 years ago
Description : Full title: A Dark and Spooky Goodbye Punch in the Stomach from a Buffalo

Created on GarageBand using loops from this site.
21st Mar 2014 15:29 - 11 years ago
Description : First track here
10th Oct 2018 04:23 - 6 years ago
Description : Hope you enjoy! I used some loops from Looperman but the bass drop is all mine.
30th Apr 2019 12:13 - 5 years ago
Description : This is my first ever track, it's a Dubstep where I have place the banger acapella by iGDTrap. Hope you guys have fun listening!

Update has been made base on your Critics.
Have fun listening, Im out.
3rd Sep 2019 21:25 - 5 years ago
Description : This is an old project I made back in 2015. The voice you hear is Richard Trager from the game "Outlast".So, I present to you: Dr. Trager By ProPAIN. If the Site Director or whatever is willing to approve me uploading loops, then I will see about uploading the Bass Drop by itself for you to be creative with. Thank you for listening!
5th Sep 2012 21:44 - 12 years ago
Description : This is my new single! It's a little different style than I'd normally go for (deeper and darker), but I really liked the instrumental, which is my HakaN96, and just HAD to do something.

Let me know what you think of it! My mixing/mastering skills arent the best. I put the song under the Dubstep genre (because of the instrumental) but with all the singing i'm not sure if it's more popish or not. What do you think?

If you enjoyed the song please like my Facebook page! I would love to hear from you!
1st Apr 2020 20:03 - 4 years ago
Description : Hard, gritty, screech dubstep.
This is in a set, you can find the Drum loop, the Build Up loop and the Bass loop on my profile.
I'm looking for a Riddim producer to help me make the last song in my EP.
13th Oct 2014 14:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : I updated the song because I modified the bass to make the track more clean. The growl bass is gone
16th Oct 2019 21:30 - 5 years ago
Description : Dubstep track i've made
13th Jun 2020 18:07 - 4 years ago
Description : yep, I made another one. I've been working a lot on my music lately, coming out with new songs in a day or 2 of making them. I took a snip of a minecraft youtuber's video because I got inspiration of another song, with.. the same snippet. I kind of copied the idea, but I didn't add too many vocals. Please, tell me if the mixing is right because something seems off. This is actually my first 6 minute song, idk if I did everything correctly layout-wise. (btw title won't let me put apostrophes)
2nd Feb 2017 03:32 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : this was made for a video called cyberpunk 2077. I went with dubstep instead of my usual cinematic orchestral. It conveyed the mood better. check out the video. and let me know what you think. subscribe to my channel I'll doing more videos. love to hear with vocals.
4th May 2019 22:16 - 5 years ago
Description : This is my first time making Riddim. It's 150 bpm and in F. I hope this could be something that will catch peoples attention and put a smile on there face, Heck maybe some headbanging as well. Please enjoy. :)