8th Mar 2011 21:54 - 13 years ago
Description : So sum of you may remember my "Me Scratching on Turntables" from before. This one I made so that the scratches produce it's own song, sorta a chorus and verses. As with the first one, I threw in some quick vox fills from battle-scratch albums I have to add sum flavor.
I Used Torq on external mode, which has timecoded records for turntables. You can play digital audio threw analog needles on turntables...

Here's how I did it:

1. I made some separate beats, layered them.
2. I recorded sum sine waves
3. I scratched them using Torq. I used pitch up and down on the turntables and the tago switch, (line/phono switch which works as a quick cut off and on) for specific sounds like the choruses. Sometimes the turntables would be off, (not power just platter) which gives a unique sound as well. I also scratched at speeds of 33rpm, 45rpm, and 78rpm- giving unique sounds of course. I also scratched with the fader on the mixer; both fast cut and loose cut speeds.
4. Once I was satisfied with what I had done,like making harmonies with different pitches, I simply layered them and panned each one at different angles.

It was fun to do. I hadn't planned on producing anything. In fact I was only practicing for a song with simmerdown. Poor guy, He's been waiting patiently!

So.. hope you enjoy it and feedback welcomed.

Comments (8)

If you have time take a listen and give djquickrick some feedback.

Spivkurl 24th Nov 2015 16:53 - 9 years ago
Hey, I'm so glad you stopped by my page so I could return the favor and find this one! Super cool! It's so good, I can totally forgive that it is virtual/digital turntables! The mildly aggressive tempo of this sounds great! Neat bass/synth sections! Dig it! Fave!
CyberSon 14th Jun 2011 15:32 - 13 years ago
Gotta agree with Salook, you really don't know what's around the corner on this site!

I think this track is awesome man and I like the way you've created the unique sounds and the vocals are wicked. Great beat, would have liked it to kick my head in, but that's just me being greedy, it certainly isn't a criticism!

Fantastic work my friend, definite Fave.
djquickrick replied Unknown
:) thanks man. The recording for here had to be 160 kpbs, so that may make a diff. But it's cool you liked it. thanks for the RnV!
TheInfamousPat 21st May 2011 10:09 - 13 years ago
Damn man thats some trippy skills, this is dope man, ill fav this.
djquickrick replied Unknown
lol thanks man
BrokenScythe 16th Apr 2011 01:13 - 13 years ago
Wow this is freaking madness! So twisted 0.0
The vox is freaking AWESOME, the bass is AWESOME, the crazy "@# scratches are AWESOME
The beat glues the whole thing together. This is just brilliant man. Its pure raw pumped up track.
Great work brother!
djquickrick replied Unknown
Thank you Thank you. I am so glad you got so much enjoyment from listening to it. That makes my day! :)peace
Salook 17th Mar 2011 00:38 - 13 years ago
back for more wrecking....this is brilliant man, this is why you gotta love looperman, don't know what treat lays behind that play states of Consciousness ;) keep it up. cheers.
djquickrick replied Unknown
Wut up Salook! lol glad u checked this one out. That was real cool what you said man. Thanks much. sorry 4 the delay..:)I'll be swinging around your tracks to c what new stuff u may have up soon..
alividlife 15th Mar 2011 05:31 - 13 years ago
Ah your description makes it seem much more impressive now that I can correlate the idea and the action lol

Still Definitely would like some Ommmmphff on the drums
I definitely respect this tho.. that's freaking cool.
djquickrick replied Unknown
Thanks again man. lol I have actually started to try and redo some of it. I already have a few versions and this one up is actually not my favorite mix. It's hard to get the real sounds I want right now, (lack of monitors, what else!!) but will send you a better version if i finish that project. i mean when i finish haha. Thanks tho for reading the description. I know it's alot, and i should try to summarize. It definitely has a place as a unique track here as far as I have seen. That I like. :)
JohnBoutilier 9th Mar 2011 02:08 - 13 years ago
Yes. Now that was entertaining. Love the piece. A definite fav.

djquickrick replied Unknown
Thanks John. Glad it was entertaining for you. It means a lot for it to be a fav!

alividlife 9th Mar 2011 01:58 - 13 years ago
Yeah this is awesome!

lol, I love the vocals...
I definitely wanted that breakbeat to really punish my ears, but that's just a personal preference.

Definitely agree with Simmerdown.
This is cool!
djquickrick replied Unknown
Thanks Avidlife. That means a lot coming from you. I know what you mean about the drums. I'll still work on it to see if I can do any better and I'll update it if I have any luck. I appreciate your taking the time to listen and review!

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2nd May 2017 22:14 - 7 years ago

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Description : here it is a quickly done mix for this demo//mash up electro clash sort of // with breakbeat // crunchy soundz and FX.
Now this track needs collaborationS !
like a punchy vox and some keyboard skills.
I may add some funky guitar at the very end ??
If some space still avaible in the mix...
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