
Shoegaze Tunes, Tracks & Mixes

Showing tracks that mention shoegaze. Use the advanced search to find others.

Tracks (6)
26th Aug 2024 20:24 - 3 weeks ago

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : shoegaze rock/indie song ...
17th Jan 2024 04:29 - 8 months ago

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : roast my first attempt at shoegaze

tags duster my bloody valentine ekkstacy
17th Apr 2019 04:25 - 5 years ago

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
19th Feb 2016 22:44 - 8 years ago
Tags :

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : Still working the kinks out. Im going for that garage sound. Any criticism is welcome!
21st Feb 2015 12:00 - 9 years ago
Tags :

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : Im new here and just thought i would get some feedback on this. Ive been working on this for a while and have finally got a sound im happy with.Everything is raw except the midi pimp leads at the end. Dont mind the drums, some parts are way out of wack. But i tracked them just to get the idea down. Im going to re-track them in a couple of days. Any criticism is appreciated!
27th Dec 2008 22:18 - 15 years ago

Search Rating : 16.62

Description : A porngroove intro to a cd thing that I marked as hardcore cuz their was no porngroove or shoegaze, but its not like I know the difference anywayz. I just threw a brick through glass on this one and then outlined the jagged edges still dangling from the frame with the red lipstick. I don't know make your own sense of it. Thats what musac is anywhayz, raheight?
Thank you for the loops as always everyone from luperman. you're all truly a bless to the ing. peace ya'll

Oh, and if you found this track satanic, I'm sorry. it's not. Don't play it backwards and expect to hear grumpy eel and stumped walrus talking.
Tracks (6)