
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks 1 - 25 of 35
27th Dec 2020 07:04 - 4 years ago
Description : Hello all...It's been a minute since I've uploaded to this WONDERFUL music community. Welcome to all the newcomers.

I would like to introduce my husband Robert who is the very gifted guitarist in this track which in our opinion describes what our world is going through at this time. Hope you enjoy.
28th Jun 2015 23:40 - 9 years ago
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Description : Here is something a little different from me in my vocal delivery. This song was inspired by an incident which happened to a person who is very dear to me. This is an dedication to her and her new found strength.

Again featuring one of my favorite guitarists, AllenV. Please take time to check out his gift at:

Thank you Crucethus, Clindsay, and Jamid for your engineering suggestions. This version contains your suggestions.
5th Apr 2015 18:42 - 9 years ago
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Description : This is truly a message for today...Agape Love, unconditional love is something we all have within, but must be willing to share it.

Would like to give a shout-out to those whose loops made this track possible:

Organ & Piano: Dusthill

Percussion: JDOT2006 -

Guitar Solo: GuitarJock

Please go and check out more of their talent.

God Bless
29th Mar 2015 08:07 - 10 years ago
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Description : This is a collaboration between myself, The Lord, and a life long friend, Desiree Jolly.
17th Mar 2015 23:31 - 10 years ago
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Description : The title tells it all. Again featuring one of my favorite guitarists, AllenV. Please take time to check out his gift at:
2nd Feb 2015 07:40 - 10 years ago
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Description : I did a vocal remix on this track and am now uploading it again. This is a very powerful message and I needed to deliver it as such.

Of course the great Allen V is telling the story through his anointed talent. Please go and experience more of his gift here:
25th Nov 2014 16:44 - 10 years ago
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Description : To get have to dETOXIFY.
20th Nov 2014 17:40 - 10 years ago
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Description : This is just something that's fun, light, and different for me. Let me know if you can feel yourself there at the
18th Sep 2014 06:19 - 10 years ago
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Description : The affects of the multiple Super Moons in 2014. This has been a challenging year, but through Him, I'm strong...I'm strong!!

Guitar solo by veteran "Looper" AllenV. Please take a moment to hear more of his talent:
9th Apr 2013 04:58 - 11 years ago
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Description : This song envelopes what my father, Ike Turner. portrayed in his book of the same title, "Takin' Back My Name". I wrote this in his loving memory.

Guitar solo by veteran "Looper" AllenV. Please take a moment to hear more of his talent:
24th Feb 2013 19:43 - 12 years ago
Description : This track describes the love our Lord has for us, from His perspective and depicts the type of love we should have for one other.

My our Lord bless you through this song.

I would also like to give a shout-out to those whose loops assisted in making this track possible:

00531700 - harp solo - Loopfreak
206886 - guitar - Cannot find the member on looperman
0284916 - synth guitar = Lionel422
111346 - strings - Planetjazzbass
110102 - Atmosphere - Raya
0500098 - orchestral drums Shortbusmusic
0674881 - hip hop strings - SceptikDeejay
0159051 - Minor2go

Thank you all so much for making your talent available.
1st Nov 2012 15:28 - 12 years ago
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Description : This my tribute to bring awareness to the plight of our "Homeless" population.

Again, I would like to give great homage to the guitar mastery of AllenV on this track. Please take time to visit more of his talent at:
23rd Sep 2012 22:05 - 12 years ago
Description : I would like to thank Planetjazzbass and
MINOR2GO for their contribution to this track. They are such a vast talents and am so glad they make their talent available for use. Check out more of their vibe at

Planetjazzbass - Mr Blister

MINOR2GO - Pow Right In The Kisser -
22nd Aug 2012 05:26 - 12 years ago
Description : I would like to thank AllenV for the mastery he added to this track with his lead guitar and ShortMusicBus for the inspirational guitar tracks.

Please take time to hear more of their work at:



Thanx for listening
19th Aug 2012 22:00 - 12 years ago
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Description : This track is personal. Had to set things into perspective. Dave, aka 'PlanetJazzBass', added his flavor to the mix with an extraordinary outro lead. Thanx Dave. You are fabulous!!

Please check out more of his vide at:
25th Jun 2012 05:51 - 12 years ago
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Description : Don't let the title fool you. To God be the glory!!

The flaming guitar in this track is none other than the very talented Looper,"AllenV". His signature "fire" is very apparent in this track. Thank you Allen for your contribution.
Please check out more of Allen's talent:
19th May 2012 03:40 - 12 years ago
Description : Hope you enjoy.
3rd Jan 2012 16:01 - 13 years ago
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Description : En Kadhal Solla is a song from the Indian movie "Paiya" (2009).

The son of a friend of mine needed a Karaoke version of this song for a family gathering. She asked if I could remix this for her son. So I added some percussion (conga, kick drum, maracas, hand-claps, etc.).

Link to the original song:

Hope you enjoy.
6th Dec 2011 18:37 - 13 years ago
Description : The Father.....
16th Nov 2011 23:33 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is an instrumental featuring one of my favorite guitarists, AllenV. This track showcases Allen's "larger than life" talent. He is phenomenal on this!!

Please check out more of his "magic" at:
18th Jul 2011 02:23 - 13 years ago
Description : This song is a tribute to a remarkable woman by the name of "Elizabeth". She is 86 years old and is still "paying it forward" to others with her time, wisdom, and grace.

Her niece "Birdie" graciously asked me to compose the tribute and here it is.

I could not have done it without the talent of the following Looperman mem's loops:

Celtic Sax Solo - SlapJohnson:

Celtic harp - ShortBusMusic:

Celtic flute - Mhyst:

Please check out their space and hear more of their wonderful talent.

God Bless.
11th Jul 2011 01:09 - 13 years ago
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Description : Here is a beautiful colab between myself, SpellJammer, and Allen V. It has been a wonderful 10 days working with these two very talented musicians.

Here are the contributions to this track: I contributed vocals, lyrics and some production to SpellJammers already well orchestrated track. Allen V added his "fire" to the mix with his well placed guitar licks and lead.

Here is where you can check out my two very talented friends other works:


Allen V:

Thank you for listening and hope you enjoy.
11th Jun 2011 20:16 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is a colab between myself and my daughter Heather. She is very talented and wanted to create a "dance" track. So, I introduced her to the very talented "Looperman Family".

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did creating it!
30th Apr 2011 21:24 - 13 years ago
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Description : This track features my kitty "Fluffy". She is part Egypian Mau and very vocal. Being she is so vocal, I decided to build a track around her statements. In some instances, you can even hear her say "I Love You".

I had a blast composing this track and I hope you get a kick out of it too.
21st Apr 2011 19:01 - 13 years ago
Description : The Father......

I had a lot of fun with the vocals on this one...track by track:-)
Tracks 1 - 25 of 35