
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks (14)
1st Feb 2011 16:04 - 14 years ago
Description : So, I started messing around with this the other day, and I have no idea how to classify it, or what to name it, hence the title is the date I began working on this. I just liked the way it felt and flowed. Any help in naming it would be awesome, I am seriously lacking for a title. Classification pointers appreciated, as well. I has been a long hiatus from fellow Loopers, and I hope I can get some advice, as I haven;t been around much lately. Going to try and change that...
30th Sep 2009 20:45 - 15 years ago
Description : I have had this in the works for a while, and being as I finally got some free time due to a lay-off, I figured I would finish it. I basically wanted to get a song down that had the difference of societal views on sex and show them through various media clips. Some of them are classic. Some are funny. Some are offensive. Anyway, this is what I have on it so far. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance for any listens and comments.

27th Feb 2009 13:45 - 16 years ago
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Description : I have no idea how to categorize this, so I put it in chill out, then changed it to hip hop. I just put this together this morning, and I like the feel of it. All comments/critiques welcome. Thank you in advance for the listens and advice.
23rd Sep 2008 12:44 - 16 years ago
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Description : I felt like I needed to do this. There are just too many clips out there of him NOT to make a song. So here it is. I like the way it came out, a little bit funky, a little bit rock, and oh so G Dubyah. God bless this land.

Hope you enjoy.

20th Sep 2008 08:17 - 16 years ago
Description : This song started as a joke. I found this awesome sound clip of a guy talking about pimpin' and started to put music behind it. It has been about 3 different songs now, but I liked this one the best because it seemed to capture the guy's voice and overall attitude. I only wish I could remember where I got the vocals, or what movie it was from. Oh well. A good track to sit back and think about huge brimmed hats, nice, extremely furry suits, and torn, knee-high fishnets...

Let me know what you think, I am interested to see the responses.

Thanks for the listen and comments.

18th Sep 2008 10:35 - 16 years ago
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Description : This is what came out when I got my mind going on the Public Enemy contest. I can tell you, I spent a lot of time going through my old PE albums to try and nail both the mood of the lyrics, but keep it in a genre they might themselves do, with my own added Flava (that was a horrible joke). Give it a listen and let me know what you think. Massive props to rei4real for the awesome closing lick! Any and all comments appreciated.


2nd Sep 2008 13:31 - 16 years ago
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Description : I decided to try another of Grotesk's acapellas for the contest. I think it turned out pretty good, but it is a lot different than the previous one I did. This sound seemed to fit the sentiment and mood of the song more than my normal funk mood, so here it is. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think, good or bad. All comments are welcome (unless they are completely worthless, which hasn't happened to me yet).


10th Aug 2008 13:25 - 16 years ago
Description : I took Grotesk's "Disturbing Your Sleep" and added some funk and turntable action. I do think this may be my best work yet. I hope you all enjoy it, please let me know. Thanks.

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8th Aug 2008 13:46 - 16 years ago
Description : After New York, I wanted to try to make a full hip hop song, as I am a fan of early 80's hip hip/rap. Really, how can you go wron with turntables, hit sticks and a beatbox? This is what came out, but I think it kind of sounds like if a hip hop song somehow got stuck into a porn... Hmmmm.... New genre?
1st Aug 2008 08:29 - 16 years ago
Description : I wrote this with wanting to capture two completely different genres in one song, and somehow infuse the two at the end. It just happened to work that jazz and hip hop were the two that came to be, and given New York's rich history in both, I based this song on what it might be like if 1930's 52nd Street met the 1970's Bronx and they decided to collaborate. Keep in mind, I threw in some of my own flavor, but I think this may be what it might have sounded like. Now if I could only make a time machine to see if I was right... Please let me know what you think, I welcome all feedback. Thanks for listening.
30th Jul 2008 09:55 - 16 years ago
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Description : I had wanted to write something ambient, that I could listen to, and just think. I had been having trouble, however, because I couldn't come up with the sound that I wanted, being a dissonant, kind of melancholy sound. Well, some news came last night, and this is what came out, a little unsettled with a bit of unrest at the end, which fit what I was trying to capture at that moment perfectly. I hope this is enjoyable. All comments are welcome, and I can't wait to hear them. Thank you.
29th Jul 2008 13:15 - 16 years ago
Description : I got the idea for this after an extended conversation with an old roommate of mine from college who happens to live in Bilbao, Spain. His stories of the discotheques there are legendary, and this is what I thought he might go out and party to, so here it is. Any comments are welcome. Thank you.
29th Jul 2008 13:09 - 16 years ago
Description : My second venture of mixing, this came from my head at about 2.30 in the morning. The title reflects what was going through my head at the time, and the spaces that ran around, creating space. I hope that makes some sort of sense. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
29th Jul 2008 12:55 - 16 years ago
Description : This is the first track I wrote as test to see if I could make a decent electronic/techno track. Wanted this to sound kind of like Prodigy with a little twist and a lot of energy. May be a bit much in terms of tracks, but I like the break in the middle, thought it was a decent switch that still fit. Made this in Sony Acid version something or another. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
Tracks (14)