
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks (23)
23rd Feb 2022 17:56 - 2 years ago
Description : Thanks to all for the comments and listens on my last tune Funktastic Appreciated. Here is a new looping tune that's just loops I have been working on for a while. After watching the movie Muscle Shoals (A must watch) the brass and rhythm sections are off the hook. Thus my latest tune On the Wildside which features a brass section and the Wildside being the synthesizer solos which were a challenge to get together. So come on and lets take a trip On The Wildside. Fila
25th Jan 2022 21:07 - 2 years ago
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Description : This is Filaofsoul for those who remember me It's been a while. As I approach 72 thought I would see if I could get the groove back again. Came up with this looping tune that I would like to SALUTE to one of my good buddies here on Looperman JoeFuntastic Can not get in touch with him but if you happen to communicate with him tell him Filaofsoul is back. With that said here is my new Tune for Joe called Funktastic Hope everybody has a Funktastic Day
4th May 2016 16:50 - 8 years ago
Description : This is my first production in a couple of years good to be back on Looperman. This is a smooth jazz, chill, thinking song that features acoustic piano as the backbone and I have constructed 3 synthesizer riff and solos to reflex the Thinking aspect. So if you have had a bad or a great day take 3:43 seconds to relax, reflect and when someone ask what you are doing say "Just Thinking"
11th Sep 2013 01:59 - 11 years ago
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Description : Funky mellow jazz looping tune I put together after a friend of mine told me he had been laid off. Used driving Drum Beat(the grandma)who never gives up- the Bass (grandpa)who adds some advice one in a while and the other instruments reflect a family's pain in discussing what just happened. Hope you enjoy the tune and that no has to experience being Laid Off.
20th Sep 2012 17:56 - 12 years ago
Description : This is a new looping tune that I have just finished that features synths and acoustic pianos along with some Funky Percussion!! Got the name from a side of a building that had a sign on it in red - DANGER-High Voltage thus the name. Listen closely at the beginning you might hear a couple of high voltage spikes! So be careful because AHEAD- DANGER! High Voltage! Hope you enjoy! Filaofsoul
24th May 2012 16:18 - 12 years ago
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Description : New Jazz tune that features a mellow background accompanied with Sax and Flute. Could fall in the smooth jazz category! Having lived in Bangkok, Thailand for a few years, come along with me as I give you a tour of the streets Below Bangkok. Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy!!
1st Dec 2011 14:10 - 12 years ago
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Description : Been a while but here is a new looping tune (Funky Mama)that I have been working on for a while. Features a Funky Bass and intro Clavinet along with some jazzy B3 Rhodes Riffs. Could fall in the Funk or Jazz Genre not sure which one anyway if you happen to see Funky Mama tell her Filaofsoul said Hello!! LOL Hope you enjoy! Filaofsoul
18th May 2011 17:31 - 13 years ago
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Description : Here is a New Looping tune I just completed. Built this tune based on a Rhodes Organ Rotor Riff that had the Ole Western Feel to it. Used a Rhodes Wurly Loop as my main hook heard throughout along with Tenor Sax, Guitars and a tight Drum Track. I remember the Ole School days when every dance had a song to go along with it -i.e The Twist, Cha Cha Cha, The Jerk - Mabye someone can come up with one and we can call it the TomaHawk. Lol Enjoy! And thanks for listening. Filaofsoul
13th Apr 2011 17:33 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is a new looping tune that I just completd that Features a Sweet (Alto Sax) Spicy (Tenor Sax) and Hot (Rhodes Organ).. Could fall in the Jazz/Blues Swing Genre! This should fit perfect with my other tune (Barbeque) even though this one is " Sweet Spicy & HOT!! Hope you enjoy and get them dancing shoes on!! LOL Fila
21st Mar 2011 15:15 - 13 years ago
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Description : Has been awhile but have just completed this short snappy Funky Latin Fusion tune! Got a couple of Funky Breaks and Congo Drums. So get ready to groove because "Here We GO"
22nd Dec 2009 14:27 - 14 years ago
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Description : This is a Light Funky Jazzy Looper tune that I have been working on for a while. Got a Funky Bass and a Light Jazzy Electric Piano! Got the name from a visit to Atlantic City where everyone was "High Rollin" To all the "High Rollers out there have a great Holiday season and Hope you enjoy. Fila
7th Oct 2009 16:28 - 14 years ago
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Description : While relaxing in the backyard started working on this tune while smoking some Ribs and Chicken nice and slow! Used a ole school electronic instrument called a CLAVINET as my main instrument. Threw on some Apple Wood (Bass-Drums-and Hooks) and came up with this tune. So lay lay back and enjoy the Barbeque!!!
3rd Jun 2009 15:52 - 15 years ago
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Description : Back to looping- Got the Party Shoes on and back with a little Synth/Vox and Guitar with this lively tune I will put in the House Genre. Enjoy Filaofsoul
19th May 2009 18:29 - 15 years ago
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Description : This a remix of the song Still On the Front Porch with Harmonica loops provided by Slap Johnson here on on looperman. Me Wille and T-Bone looked up and here comes Randall882 to joined in with his boys providing Drums Bass and a Nasty Blues Gittar. We was kicking some wood that evening! A big thanks to Randall882 for taking this down home Blues number to the next level!
7th Apr 2009 16:49 - 15 years ago
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Description : This is my entry into the Barry Morgan Competition Challenge. I used Woodwind loops to keep it light with 1 brass loop for a little punch with some special effects at the end. This definitely was a challenge. I put this in its orginal blues genre but could fall into the Smooth Jazz Genre. Hope all enjoy and thanks for the challenge - Bear!!
27th Mar 2009 16:18 - 15 years ago
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Description : Me and Willie are on the front porch waiting for T-Bone----Hey here he comes-- looks like he got a Harmonica in his pocket!! Big Thanks to SLAPJOHNSON for the Harmonica loops from here on Looperman!! By the way them ladies is still cooking so we
"Still On-The Front Porch"
Enjoy Fila
10th Mar 2009 15:23 - 15 years ago
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Description : Back to looping --with a Funky Bass - Touch of Latin Percussion- Spoonful of Organ and a Pinch of Memphis Horns - came up with little tune! hard to put in the proper Genre cause could be Chill/Dance but I choose Funk because of the Funky Bass at the start! Hope you enjoy!! Filaofsoul
20th Feb 2009 16:23 - 15 years ago
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Description : Cleaning out some old cassettes found this one half done. Dusted off the old old Casio and had some one sing this one! Did the ole school writing - 2 verses' - Hook- 1 Verse end it approach. Drums kinda lame but I just used the ones built in. No Loops in this one! Put the keyboard away because 3 white keys missing - lol Now we can find out what the ladies are talking about when they meet !Hope you enjoy!
17th Feb 2009 18:33 - 15 years ago
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Description : This is a fun -Funky James Brown- Drum Beat -song I had put together. Put in a couple of funny lines about the only way I use to WRAP!! Unfortunely I had to do the Live Wrapping - Take me to the Bridge Good GAW!! lol Enjoy
30th Jan 2009 15:33 - 15 years ago
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Description : This is my first venture in the Jazz Genre- Being not much of a keyboard player I tried this with just loops to come up with a little jazz tune with the emphasis on the keys. Riding down the highway saw a sign 55 MPH thus the name. Hope you enjoy!! Fila
30th Jan 2009 00:02 - 15 years ago
Description : Thanks MrE/Sky Voltage-for your inspiration -This came from my cassette archives from long ago- converted to hard drive with a USB turntable added a loop and sound effects from a few films. Cant remember the lady that read the words but all ways stuck with me--Hope you enjoy!!
10th Jan 2009 18:19 - 15 years ago
Description : Not Sure what Genre- Started this as a quick Credit roll for the Kids school video credits. Messed with this for quite a while. While walking out of my office I saw the Poster in red letters FIRE-DRILL (instructions) added a couple of sound effects and Brass and came up with FIRE-DRILL Hope you enjoy!!
8th Jan 2009 13:35 - 15 years ago
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Description : My First upload--A Great Site- Got the ideal watching a ole movie- and came up with this 3 chord progression of Me Willie and T-bone sitting on the front porch dueling guitars while the ladies are in side cooking. With my fingers hitting 60yrs this year -did this number with just loops. Hope you enjoy as much as Me-Willie and T-Bone did.

Ahhhh!! I can smell that fried chicken coming thru the screen door as we sit here on "The Front Porch"
Tracks (23)