Description : Edit: I completely spaced on crediting the rapper. I used therealIsh's acapella found here - - Really wanted to upload this to soundcloud also but Soundcloud is really isn't liking me right now. Watev. Hope the people here at Looperman can get some enjoyment out of it! :)
Also, I realise the mixing is less than stellar. I'd really love to hear any advice you guys have about my mixing. Especially in terrible speakers. I realize that my mixing and mastering isn't gonna reach that next level until I get good monitors or headphones, but the fact is I just can't afford that right now. So are there any tips you could give about mixing in a less than desired space.
Description : Not necessary, but if you use for rapping, singing, or remixing please give proper credit by sending me a link to the final product and mentioning "Strawberry Cosmos" in the description or title.
Would love to see a good rapper spit something over it.
Description : Would love to get some rap vocals on this if anyone's interested. Just please link to the final product. If you'd like to credit me, credit me as Orange Cosmos
Description : This track is a sorta homage to the song "Spanish Sahara" by the band Foals. And by extension, a homage to the game Life is Strange who's finale moved me tremendously.
Featuring drums by Alividlife. I wanted realistic sounding drums, and my skill set to create realistic sounding drums out of virtual is... well the skill isn't there. I also don't have a drum set myself. So thank you so much Alividlife. Also, I assumed it was "A Livid Life" or even "Alivid Life" but I didn't wanna take any chances.
Description : If used for remix or vocals hashtag #OrangeCosmosMusic or @Maxomunz when you share your project or contact me directly via email or on social medias. Enjoy!
Description : I used a sample for this instrumental by Jdmax. You can check out some more of his loops here
If used for remix or vocals hashtag #OrangeCosmosMusic when you share your project or contact me directly via email or on social medias. Enjoy!
Description : If you use this please drop a link to where it's at or alternatively put a link to your main music website so I can keep an eye out for it. No point other than I just wanna see what people do with my work. I'm narcissistic like that.
Description : I recently worked on a few projects in which I made the FLP available to download on Soundcloud and YouTube. This is the 2nd one out of 3. I thought that the Looperman community might have fun with it. As always show me your work because I would honestly love to hear it. Make the track better! Remix the track! Sing or rap over it! Put it over a video! Create a physical waveform made of wood carved by your own hands from this track and then set it on fire and urinate on it to show me how much you despise this track. I dunno man be creative. - The FLP: -- -- - What you can do with this track under the CC license: You may remix, recreate, or redistribute this instrumental for non-commercial uses only - (in other words, you can't make money off of the recreation, remix, or redistribution) - ONLY IF you credit me and provide a link back to the original work. - Also not necessary but I'd greatly appreciate, send me the links to YOUR work at -- -- or on social medias @Maxomunz. I'd love to see if my music inspired any further creation! ENJOY!
Description : I recently worked on a project in which I made the FLP available to download on Soundcloud and YouTube. I thought that the Looperman community might have fun with it. As always show me your work because I would honestly love to hear it. Make the track better! Remix the track! Sing or rap over it! Create a physical waveform made of wood carved by your own hands from this track and then set it on fire and urinate on it to show me how much you despise this track. I dunno man be creative.
- What you can do with this track under the CC license:
You may remix, recreate, or redistribute this instrumental for non-commercial uses only - (in other words, you can't make money off of the recreation, remix, or redistribution) - AS?LONG as you credit me and provide a link back to the original work.
- Also not necessary but I'd greatly appreciate, send me the links to YOUR work at -- -- or on social medias like. I'd love to see if my music inspired any further creation!
Description : Haven't uploaded to Looperman in awhile. Really wanna hear what you guys think. Really liking this one. Didn't really know what genre to put this in so I just put it in electronic.
Loops used:
KBR Prod:
Description : Ironically I started creating this at 2:00 am, I am now finished. It is currently 7:20 am, and I'm off to school. Decided I would upload this before I left. Make sure to put Ft. Bonnie Rabson on the title and give me credit in the description. Thankyou for the beautiful acapella Bonnie!
Description : Compositions created by Martin Minor, Minor2Go, who put his FLP (Fruity Loops Project) up so people could see how he creates his pieces.
He had one piano loop laid out on the piano roll so I got creative.
Thanks Martin for the .FLP!
Now free to Download! Send a link if you do anything with it. Please post more than a simple sentence if you download, and tell if you're going to use it.
Description : This is my first serious beat I made in FL studio....I made this when I was 13 yrs. old, and when I look back at it, it's actually pretty sick, especially for my first beat.This is not the first beat I actually made, but it is the first beat actually rendered out of FL......Please review and conment :) This is from back in the day when my name was Black Rose Productions ....
Description : Created this one on FL with a chill out loop from Short Bus Music.
Tracks (19)
The tunes tracks and mixes listed here are copyright and may not be used in your projects. Saying that though many members are happy to work with other artists or allow others to remix their tracks.
Most people upload tracks to looperman in order to get feedback from other artists. The best way to get feedback on your own tracks is to get involved and leave comments on other peoples tracks.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.