
Tunes, Tracks, Beats & Mixes

Tracks (5)
4th Nov 2012 12:29 - 12 years ago
Description : New 'houserock'-mix combining rockguitar, houserythms and a classic theme. This track owes a lot to Looperman-member Chris Neal who produced the Silhouette-melody you can hear in the beginning. This is the Leitmotiv for the whole track, giving it a 'floating feeling' (I hope). Also I introduced some Phil Collins-like drumbreaks that are essentially rockbased and don't belong in house - if your are a purist - but I used them anyway because I love the 'delayed pleasure'-effect it achieves.
7th Oct 2012 08:57 - 12 years ago
Description : Featuring fragments from Marinella Mastrosimone singing Ophelia's Song on the album Mice to Meet You! by Musetta. The voice-samples are from CC Mixter. There was also a fragment used from Looperman-member PlanetJazzBass' excellent, moody piece The Death Of Gagarin. The whole point of this mix was to combine deep house/melodic trance with rockguitar, an unusual combination. The idea to try this emerged when the rockband (Bastardi Di Blues) I play in did a gig at the Solar Dance Festival in Holland last summer. During soundcheck a housebeat was played on the PA system and the drummer and I played some loose licks with the beat that were picked up by members in the audience (they started dancing). Eventually this emerged as a new idea: rockhouse. This is the first mix in that subgenre.
16th Sep 2012 12:58 - 12 years ago
Description : Continuous chill-flow with a bolero-like build-up that was originally inspired by an ambient-track called Libra that was released in the nineties by an artist called Dfuse. I was and still am a very fond of that track that gains it's hypnotic strengt from a 'ripple-effect' based on an endless loop. I placed this idea in a new context using middle-eastern and African voices voices and exotic strings combined with rock-guitar in a loose Hendrix-style, hoping to create a 'Fifty Shades Of Grey meets Scheherazade'-atmosphere. The poemfragments are by Pablo Neruda, spoken by KR Silkenwood. 'Please Hurt Me' was recorded and mixed in the summer of 2012.
18th Aug 2012 09:44 - 12 years ago
Description : Three different soundscapes welded together for a documentary movie Leon Vlems made in the summer of 2012 for a DVD that will be part of a book dedicated to the restoration of the St. Martinus church in Cuijk (The Netherlands)
8th Jul 2012 14:22 - 12 years ago
Description : This track was inspired by Jimi Hendrix' song 'Rainy Day, Dream Away' from the album Electric Ladyland. Towards the end of his life Hendrix was wandering in a more jazz-orientated direction. My tribute is a fantasy: jazzlicks combined with Hendrix-style wah-guitar. I am very grateful to Looperman-member Aereas whose loop 'Jazz Groove'was the basis for this track.
Tracks (5)