Description : These are some lyrics and vocals I did for a collaboration with The_Ebola_Projekt. Empty Summer Nights is one of his instrumental tracks. Though I love all of his music, for some reason I just felt compelled to write lyrics for this one. The lyrics are
I went a bit more heavy on the vocoder filter for this one, as it was ment to be more traditional industrial then it actually turned out. It builds up to aggressive vocals toward the end, where the filters make more sense, but I sustained them threw all three segments just for the mood of it.
Description : Here is a vocal track for my song titled 'The Merciless'. I spent too much time on the music (making me sick of listening to it) and I didn't like the way the chorus sounded with my music, so I left out the chorus vocals. Hopefully you will find some use for these.
The chorus I wrote was:
"Faster we're falling threw the dark
will nobody ease our fear
no time for goodbye
and hope we find mercy here"
This is definitely one of the cleanest acapella I have posted. I limited the amount of effects that I used, and I finally learned how to clean out most of the ambient noise.
This song is a little more metaphorical then I usually write (faint references to things like "Flight of Icarus" and such), but the lyrics follow the same kind of message I generally rant about (our quest for freedom vs. the powers of control and manipulation).
Description : Here is my vocal track from A Plague on You. It is a song I wrote regarding my views on methods of control used by the "haves" to keep the "have nots" in line. I hope someone will have use for it. I would love to hear what you come up with.
Description : This is the vocal track from what is my most aggressive sounding song yet. It is kind of an "Anti-Powers that be" song. I only did a couple of takes, and my recording equipment and environment aren't very good. I hope you can find some use for the vocals. I would love to hear what you come up with.
Description : Here is the vocal track to my song "Delicious Waffles Yum". It is a song I made in just one day, goofing around. My mic and recording studio (bathroom closet) aren't the greatest. I hope you enjoy it none the less. I would love to hear what you do with it.
Description : This is one verse I did for a remix contest for a Rivers Cuomo song called My Brain is Working Overtime.
It is just the one verse, and isn't very melodic, but one of you might find it interesting and want to make use of it.
Description : These are vocals I did for a track that I decided I didn't like the way the music sounded. The lyrics are a bit odd, I know. I wrote them thinking about failed (sometimes just weird) romantic relationships I was in when I was young. Especially as a teenager, it seemed that every new girlfriend was the last person on earth, and I remember the relationships often ending badly, which of course seemed to be the end of all hope for the future (briefly anyway). I know there are some pitchy parts. Sorry, I am still very new at singing. I hope any of you can find some use for it. I would love to hear it if you do.
Description : This is the vocal track from my song The Sum of a Body. I know I went a little heavy on the filters, but I wasn't very comfortable singing at the time. Sorry that I didn't save a clean version of the vocals. I hope you are still able to make some use of them. The title is meant to mean the hypothetical value put on a human life, which in our society is literally a dollar amount often times.
Acapellas (8)
These acapellas have been kindly uploaded by RayKoefoed. If you use any of these acapellas please leave your comments.
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