GotCheeve acapellas
GotCheeve has uploaded 2 acapellas but they have been archived
9th Feb 2010 05:02 - 15 years ago
9th Feb 2010 05:02 - 15 years ago
Description : These are really personal lyrics. This was basically an exercise in therapy. But, I like it, hope you guys can use it for something. Kinda dark but whatever :) Um, I'm pretty sure it's 90 bpm... I'm not positive, this is just an estimate... I didn't make the beat in which I recorded the lyrics to so I don't know the bpm.
25th Jul 2009 23:51 - 15 years ago
25th Jul 2009 23:51 - 15 years ago
Description : apocalyptic chikin. never uploaded an acapella before, but someone could use this maybe and make a really cool song. i don't know what to do with it so far but we'll see. remix this track!
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