Description : Had a good time with this, was different for me. Heavy on lyrical depth. Written in poetry fashion, hence the repeat. Should easily match, since original beat was simplistic. Re-run of same track at end. First part is more correct.
Start of verse is the hook, the end of first verse is a quasi hook.
Written and recorded by: K-Rich aka K1clean
Description : Very fitting track for the times. Aggressive, strong word play.
I put the verse first, then put my intro at the end. The intro also has me doing the bassline I wanted on the original track, I wrote to this to.
Think heavy live drum set, guitar rift or bass (like how I did it in my intro at end). Was how original beat was, that never happened. But you do you.
Description : Poetic rap. Intro, verse, bridge and hook at end. Written by K-Rich aka K1clean.
Fit the right beat and I will re-record it to yours. Along with doing voice overs and ad-libs.
Description : Came out nice. Did a 100% Improv to a EDM type beat. This was the fruition of that session. Figured since I get mixed to EDM type beats a lot, why not just make vocals that actually match it. Willing to work with and write out actual work of labor with a good producer. Can hit me at with you work. To hear version I did to original beat here
Description : Heavy on poetic lyricism. Unaltered Pella. No voice overs. Check same title track where I recorded it on beat to see tempo.
Description : Been gun happy lately. Wanted to write, this came of it. The gun cock in the intro, is my actual AK variant.
Track has my voice overs already laced.
Need lyrics? Send a beat on over
Description : Written verse. Intro is me talking to myself. It fit in so i kept it on. I have voice overs for this as well. Let me listen to it, if you use it
Description : Another verse I wrote, to increase lyricism. Metaphors and similies, took a back seat. Bigger words and double/triple ryhme schemes took the lead.
Wrote it to increase vocab and ryhme schemes when I freestyle or write.
I like it never the less.
Drop me track if you use it
One cuss word used.
Description : Just one those versus I wrote to increase my lyricism. Don't have plans of using it as of now. Curious to hear it on a beat. If you use it send it on over
Only 1 cuss word on whole track. Three letter word for "butt" Is why I flagged it Adult Content.
Besides that its very clean, scientific type flow.
Description : Did 7 songs in last month. This was one off a collabo with my boy, on a song that we threw on the back burner.
Never really like the idea of someone else putting my vocal to beat. But I am curious what someone can do with it. Possibly something I can learn from.
100% Written no freestyle here.
88Bpm recorded. Email or contact link if you choose to use it, ty.
Acapellas (15)
These acapellas have been kindly uploaded by K1Clean. If you use any of these acapellas please leave your comments.
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