Description : The ability to transform base metals into the noble metals probably gold, well nice idea anyway.If you can use please credit me in the track title.
Description : Birds get blamed for many things, Greek mythology gives a positive spin, although recently a bird carrying a lit cigarette to its nest has been blamed for starting a fire in a building in south London, its not always good news for the birds.
If you use this vocal please credit me for the acapella in the title of your track.
Description : So by the time it has has been passed along to, a few people, some extra bits get added, it turns into the greatest load of Bullshit that you've ever heard but this ain't tittle tattle. If you can use it please just credit me.
Description : Real life civil servants have finally been banned from using the jargon that has kept the comedy writers from Yes Minister to the Thick Of It in gags for years. Officials have been issued with an online style guide that tells them, for the first time, what unacceptable Whitehallese is.
Description : A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute, I think this worked out at 115.If you use it please just credit me.
Description : Having just had a whole lot of unsolicited telephone sales calls interrupting what I was doing I did this. Feel free to experiment, just credit me if you use it,I will be interested to hear what you come up with, thanks.
These acapellas have been kindly uploaded by raymond2wilson. If you use any of these acapellas please leave your comments.
Please check the description of each acapella to see exactly how they may be used. If you have any questions about these files, please contact raymond2wilson.
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