Hello Adam, your random verse feature will be used on this song for an album release next year. Your name will be listed as artist on this song so you can have all the rights for your lyrics. any question let me know, I have more beats you can sing to if you like.
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Hate Me So by AdamEast562
you appear @ 1:50
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Hate Me So by AdamEast562
on Verse with adlibs by AdamEast562
thanks for sharing, I like your style
on Hate Me So by AdamEast562
on Hate Me So by AdamEast562
on Grim Reaper by AdamEast562
on Yes I Do by AdamEast562
on Yes I Do by AdamEast562
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Random Verse by AdamEast562
on Random Verse by AdamEast562
Hello Adam, your random verse feature will be used on this song for an album release next year. Your name will be listed as artist on this song so you can have all the rights for your lyrics. any question let me know, I have more beats you can sing to if you like.
on Random Verse by AdamEast562
I just finished this track this morning , hope you enjoy it :)
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Yes I Do by AdamEast562
on Ramblings 0f A Madman by AdamEast562
this is the link
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Ramblings 0f A Madman by AdamEast562
on Another Verse by AdamEast562
on Ramblings 0f A Madman by AdamEast562
on Random Verse by AdamEast562
on Random Verse by AdamEast562