Hola, estoy utilizando tu acapella actualmente, el proyecto aun no sale, me gustaría saber si tengo tu autorización y si me podrías compartir la letra real de ello. De ante mano, Gracias.
Hi Styxyz, I can't believe you have a golden throat, and few of us know there's this talent between us، I'm very happy to have voices that deserve recognition and work on them for weeks, my tools are very simple and because of the circumstances that's all I can offer and I'm really ashamed, I hope you like it.
I really loved it man, you did such a nice job with that vocal, don't be ashamed about it, that was a very good one !!
I don't know what a 'golden throat' is but I'll be uploading more of these, stay in touch man !
hi Styxyz,, i could not think what else could be done ,,,and that a solid vox man ,,youve even taken the time to edit it so its in sync not some random singing
this might not be very good but cheers for uoloading so us wanna be producers like me have something good to work with
on In My Head by Styxyz
Au plaisir (Qasus)
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on What You Feel by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
I don't know what a 'golden throat' is but I'll be uploading more of these, stay in touch man !
on Fever by Styxyz
I'll put more vocals in thé future, probably some rap ( but in french )
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on What You Feel by Styxyz
this might not be very good but cheers for uoloading so us wanna be producers like me have something good to work with
on Fever by Styxyz
on What You Feel by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
on Fever by Styxyz
im trying to get this track ina record label and i was just wondering?
on Fever by Styxyz
Thank U!!! :)
Keep doing music bro !