Man this is really solid, great collab. I apologize for my delay in response, have been in a transition period. But I love what you did with it, will have new pellas up soon would love to work with you again
Your words drew me in right away. RoyaleJelly is well known around here for making wonderful musical settings out of spoken word like this. This art of yours is some of my favorite to listen to because it's very emotional, convicting, and every word is emphasized for those who say it and those who listen.
You already know: Matthew 24:12 "because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold." Yep, even those who claim they are Christ followers. Many will say "Lord, Lord" at the end and not be heard because they continued in sin (Matthew 7:21-23). It is sin not to love, because God is love...
...Your spoken word says this perfectly with lines like:
"You are a sanctuary...built to give shelter to the hopeless and help to the helpless"
"You are a whore...your legs spread wide but your womb is empty."
"Jesus died to provide a better life for those that use the sanctuary to become wealthy."
"If God is love, how come secular organizations raise the most money to benefit?"
"Beggars decorate the exterior"
"God is love, not religion."
This was delivered very honestly, very upfront, but also in love. And some will not hear the love, because they feel conviction. Conviction isn't to condemn us, but to save us from condemnation in hell. I am convicted. And I am glad.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful work for the kingdom. I hope someone makes a beautiful musical setting to this!
Thank you so much for your wonderful words. I am glad that this poem touched you. I am sorry for my delayed response, was in the process of moving and hadn't been on here in some time.
I am very honored that you were moved in such a way, and I am happy that my delivery was true to my words. I am simply the instrument, the words are what matter. This piece is very personal to my heart as I struggle everyday seeing a church that has come so far from what it was intended to be. But in love and light we move forward, in constant prayer that God will open the eyes of those who are blind.
Thanks man,
this track is nice, definitely very different than I would have expected. I like how it builds from the traditional coffee shop drums to something completely futuristic.
Thanks for taking the time to mix this, hopefully you'll work with some of my future acapellas
This is a very special body of work. Better than most would expect especially on a "free" site. I'm going to make a run a putting some instrumentation to this. My style is definitely different than most of the people on here, so hopefully I can do your wonderful work justice. Anyway, I will let you know when it is ready to post. Again, thanks for posting and congratulations on an amazing pella.
I agree with what everone else said, especially the dude that said, "Finally real spoken word, and not some 30 second thang someone thought of while sitting on the crapper!", I thought that comment was so funny, I had to repeat it, cause anything I came up with would sound boring in comparison! Great job!
Hey dude i used your acapella 'Defy Gravity' and its too big for here so I posted it on Soundcloud, love to see if ya dig or not and having a crack at your second spoken word upload... Best by far on this site! cheers mate Robb
Breath-taking bro and i hope my compositiondoes your words justice... Im uploading it now so when you get this look me up wHITEpONY it will be under my uploads and love to hear what u think.... cheers muchly
Finally someone doing real spoken word and not just reading some 30 second poem that they thought of while sitting on the toilet. Thank you, Thank you.
on Sacred Heart by Writenow921
(sorry i couldn't edit my previous comment)
on Sacred Heart by Writenow921
Superb work! As JJWeekz already said, it drew me in aswell!
This is what I came up with. I quite changed your voice but I hope you appericiate it.
on Sacred Heart by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
i've just uploaded a version of this here on Looperman and also one on Soundcloud...
on Sacred Heart by Writenow921
You already know: Matthew 24:12 "because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold." Yep, even those who claim they are Christ followers. Many will say "Lord, Lord" at the end and not be heard because they continued in sin (Matthew 7:21-23). It is sin not to love, because God is love...
...Your spoken word says this perfectly with lines like:
"You are a sanctuary...built to give shelter to the hopeless and help to the helpless"
"You are a whore...your legs spread wide but your womb is empty."
"Jesus died to provide a better life for those that use the sanctuary to become wealthy."
"If God is love, how come secular organizations raise the most money to benefit?"
"Beggars decorate the exterior"
"God is love, not religion."
This was delivered very honestly, very upfront, but also in love. And some will not hear the love, because they feel conviction. Conviction isn't to condemn us, but to save us from condemnation in hell. I am convicted. And I am glad.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful work for the kingdom. I hope someone makes a beautiful musical setting to this!
I am very honored that you were moved in such a way, and I am happy that my delivery was true to my words. I am simply the instrument, the words are what matter. This piece is very personal to my heart as I struggle everyday seeing a church that has come so far from what it was intended to be. But in love and light we move forward, in constant prayer that God will open the eyes of those who are blind.
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
Here is a song with this beautiful acapella. :) Thank You!
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
You have enormous energy, drive and emotion.
Thanks for sharing.
this track is nice, definitely very different than I would have expected. I like how it builds from the traditional coffee shop drums to something completely futuristic.
Thanks for taking the time to mix this, hopefully you'll work with some of my future acapellas
on Bury Me Alive by Writenow921
on Defy Gravity by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Defy Gravity by Writenow921
on Defy Gravity by Writenow921
on Defy Gravity by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Defy Gravity by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921