hey man, I'm glad you liked my mix. I would like to know if you would agree to me publishing it on streaming platforms. I think it would be a good idea. Thank you for your feedback and do not hesitate to contact me and give me the information I need for sharing the rights if the project interests you. I would eventually like to do other songs with you because I really like your voice and your flow and I think we can make very good collaborations
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
Made a whole song with this
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
Check out the remix: https://soundcloud.com/petr-ebela-676199898/remix-bxllistic-will-big-racks-prodhasf-big-racks-remix-breakbeat
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
One of my last 5 uploads
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill
hey man, I'm glad you liked my mix. I would like to know if you would agree to me publishing it on streaming platforms. I think it would be a good idea. Thank you for your feedback and do not hesitate to contact me and give me the information I need for sharing the rights if the project interests you. I would eventually like to do other songs with you because I really like your voice and your flow and I think we can make very good collaborations
on Bxllistic Will - Big Racks by BxllisticWill
on Bxllistic Will - Been a Breeze by BxllisticWill