Great vocals and sweet production of the original tune! Wish I would have heard this earlier ; p Anyway, here is a somewhat heavier version of your song. Hope you like it : )
yo, decided to change the name as it seemed more appropriate for the pic I used ; p WOuld like to do some collabs with you if you are down with it. My email is Thanks!
Yo, nice vocal track : ) I put something together around it for you. Its a rough mix and I need to tweak some of the guitar a bit/write a better solo but you will get the point.
okie dokie i saw you have send me some messages through my email iw ill check them out. my mailbox is pretty full with messages from the loopercommunity lol hahaha
Hey Frisco, that sounds awesome! And anything we could work on in the future would be great too as I love your singer's voice and talent. I just love writing music and am always on the lookout for good singers : ) I will send you an email. Best, xSupermordx
i get messages almost daily from producers who wants to work with my singers hehehe. it costed me years Getting the right team for our band sync diversity. But like i said before right now we are not interested doing projects outside Sync Diversity (unless someone is coming with a very generous offer:) ) I have plans setting up a vocal company and selling vocal royalty free packs. a friend of mine "her name is chelsea davis" is doing that too. just google platinum hitfactory. You can always mention my name to her maybe you can get a discount!
Yo! Thanks! No plans for the actually needs mastered ; P You can do what ever with it though. Thats too bad about the collab though, I have a ton of music you would sound great in!(be happy to write tunes for you as well) Anyway, congrats on being busy though and I wish you continued success!
ive just checked some tracks and instrumentals from your soundcloud. i really like them. i think we should stay connected and maybe we could work on things in the future. my singer has just heard your mix with her vocals and liked it too. your style is unique. about your mix i would be really interested in that. Besides our band we have our own recordlabel and could release it with you as main artist and we as featuring artist. would be nice if you could send me your track and discuss it further my email regards Friso, Producer Sync Diversity
Hope you don't mind I took some of your vocals on this track and threw them into a song I have been looking for something good for ; ) I do this as a hobby and write hundreds of songs.Really like your voice and style and would love to work with you!
hey there mate! ive just listened really cool track with our vocals. really cool approach on it. Do you have any plans with your mix? unfortunately about collaborating we dont really have time for other projects as we are allready fully booked with our own Sync Diversity Project. This is also one of the reasons we are posting our acapella's here finding good remixes or people who are interested featuring our vocals in their track. Again great mix
Really liked your track. I cut it up and added it to a song I wrote along time ago that I have been looking for the right vocals for...and this was it! ; p Will share shortly...
on Stepa K - Shadow Acapella by paaschefredrik
Keys In Tokyo:
on Keys In Tokyo Vocal Stems 128 Bpm E Major by paaschefredrik
on Dance With You by Plokmju
Anyway, hope you dig it!
on I Like How You Do It by ltax
on I Like How You Do It by ltax
on Weed Music by ThaSuspect
Here is my mix, hope ya like it!
on Military Zone by FarishaMusic
on Kamoflage - Rather Be with You acapella by Kamoflage
on Dale Dale by gigivanity
on Take A Look by AudioJamboree
on Volume by HEMANIFEZT
on Take A Look by AudioJamboree
on Krismas Lamba by ThaSuspect
on SCR Lets Talk ACAPELLA by SteelCityRed
on Killin My Vibe 86BPM by rockymutto
on Killin My Vibe 86BPM by rockymutto
on I Do Love you by novaspace
on I Do Love you by novaspace
on I Do Love you by novaspace
on I Do Love you by novaspace
on I Do Love you by novaspace
on One Day at a Time FX by novaspace
on One Day at a Time FX by novaspace
on One Day at a Time FX by novaspace
on All U Need is love by Mrshammi