Agreed, on the clipping. It makes your voice recording unusable. If you can, maybe go back and reduce the volume of both your lead vocal and adlibs/harmonies BEFORE mixing them together (if that's how you did it). You might be able to rescue it that way.
Great voice. Pro tip: next time, try recording in a room with more carpet and soft furnishings. Or even try recording inside a car, with the windows rolled up. If you don't know what I'm getting at then you'll need to google the words 'acoustic treatment recording space'. Alternatively, you could consider 'downgrading' to a dynamic mic, which would be much more forgiving as they don't pick up every little sound in the room.
I thought I understood this at the basic level, but after reading about it, I saw some of the things I did wrong. I also had the gain on my mic all the way up. I'll check into a different mic type, but it may have to wait a bit. Thank you for the advice. :)
Very good voice, that deserves a better sounding recording setup. Google 'usb condenser mic'. Or ask for advice in the forums here. Shouldn't cost you any more than $50.
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